3yo & gymnastics/dance class

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by girlsxtwo, Jul 16, 2007.

  1. girlsxtwo

    girlsxtwo Well-Known Member

    I would like to hear from anyone who has taken their twins to a gymnastics or dance class around the age of 3. I'm considering it for the twins, but not sure if it's too early or not.
  2. My DD has been in dance class since 2. She absolutely loves it and I plan to put her back in it in the fall. We have a dance group that comes to her preschool 1x a week for classes though.
  3. RachelJoy

    RachelJoy Well-Known Member

    We did a "gymnastics" class in the spring, starting when the twins were around 26 months. The instructor would set up obstacles courses that included things like walking over a balance beam, jumping on and over things, crawling through tunnels, etc. Some stations would have them do somersaults (with our help) or jumping on the big trampoline (with the instructor).

    It's been great, both for getting out of the house and having a new place to run around, and for working on skills like balance and jumping. Our class often turns into a free-for-all, as all the kids were under the age of 3 and weren't great a following directions and sticking with the plan, but I bet that by 3 they'll do even better.

    You could ask if you could do a trial class or go observe a class to get a sense of whether it is appropriate for you kids.

  4. 4jsinPA

    4jsinPA Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    All of my kids have done gymnastics.
    My oldest Josie started in mommy and me at 22mos. She has kept in it and LOVES it. She is now 7 and competes as a level 5 and is actually going to a national gymnastics competition in CO, so we feel like we live at the gymnastics center as she does it 12 hours a week.
    My oldest ds did mommy and me then the 3 yr old class...he LOVED it and it teaches them so much about jumping, balance and following instructions...
    The twins took mommy and me in the spring....NOT a whole ball of fun for me but they loved it...it was way too much work for me to chase them both around.

    Good luck!
  5. jamey

    jamey Well-Known Member

    My girls are almost 3, and we have our first class tonight! Wish us luck! They are really excited, so I hope they do well..
  6. HeyThere

    HeyThere Well-Known Member

    All of my nieces started at 2 and learned alot about balance, coordination, etc... They loved it too!
  7. 2 Munchkins

    2 Munchkins Well-Known Member

    I&I both took tap/ballet at age 3 1/2, and they had fun. At 4 Isidra continued tap/ballet, while Isabel tried out gymnastics, it worked out well for both of them, and the recital was a lot of fun. This fall, Isidra wants to do gym and Isabel tap/ballet, which we are trying to talk her out of, b/c it is just not her forte. LOL.
  8. MichelleS

    MichelleS Well-Known Member

    My girls started dance at 3 years 10 months. They are in a class that combines basic dance and gymnastics. They both love it. The first couple of weeks were hard for Kelly as she wanted me to come into the room with her. However, it really opened her up. They'll start their second year in September.
  9. Sandsam

    Sandsam Well-Known Member

    My girls attended weekly Open Gym at a gymnastics studio last year. Under my supervision, they could run around, climb on select equipment, bounce on the trampoline, etc. They LOVED it.

    So this fall, at age 3yr 3mo, they will be enrolled in the 3 year old gymnastics class.

    I think 3 years is the perfect age to start gymnastics or dance. Just keep the focus on fun and following directions.
  10. Amanda

    Amanda Well-Known Member

    we JUST started a gymnatics class for the boys last week!
    I was VERY apprehensive but it's been great!
  11. j_and_j_twins

    j_and_j_twins Well-Known Member

    I think it really depends on your children. We started ballet with them both at 3years old. Jorja loved it, jessica sat at the side for the 1st class, next 2 classes she refused to even go in. So jorja continued. So January Jessica decides she wants to do gymnastics, we take her and nope she won't even stay in the room haha..

    So this September Jorja will be going back to ballet and Jessica wants to go to gymnastics AGAIN!! Wish me luck

    Just try them and see how it goes

  12. jamey

    jamey Well-Known Member

    Well, our first class went really well! I think it helps that my 9yo is a gymnast, and they've been to so many meets & recitals there. They know what kind of fun things they have, so I have a hard time keeping them off the equip when we are just there to pick DD up!

    They were so excited, and they had a good time. Claire would wait patiently for her turn, but as soon as the teacher turned her back on Cate - she was OFF & running to something else. It was really funny to watch, but I'm sure the teacher wasn't as amused.
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