36 wks and 2 days later.......

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Danibell, Feb 24, 2009.

  1. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Friday night at 11:30 pm I thought my water broke, but it was a super slow trickle. I messed around for over an hour packing my bag, dh and I both showering and finally decided it either was my water or something bad was leaking, so we called MIL to come watch the kids and we headed to the ER.

    The hooked me to the monitor's, and did the test strip 3 times and couldn't tell for sure if it was my water or not. (I was sure it was by this point, even smelled like amniotic fluid does...my water broke with both my other kids, I knew what it smelled like). Called my dr in at 3:30, I was contracting more than I realized, varying from 1-8 minutes, some were hard and some weren't. He said "Let's have some babies".

    Saturday Feb 21st, 2009:
    5:32 am Liam Carl was born, 6 lbs 4 oz and 19 in long. He wasn't crying too much so they were trying to piss him off.
    5:33 am Rylee Ann was born, 7 lbs 2 oz and 20 in long. She wasn't crying much either but was pinking up great.

    They warned me ahead of time they'd probably take both babies to the newborn nursery to transition them, but Liam had to head to the NICU so Rylee got to come with me to recovery.

    Liam spent a few hours in the NICU on slight oxygen but was off by 7:30am. His sugar was a little low but was good by noon and he was brought to our room then. Rylee came straight with us.

    C/S went went well, the babies did/doing great, and we came home on monday. 2 days in the hospital was enough. Liam's nursing is a little slow so we were supplementing with formula but since my milk has come in, I have been a nursing machine today, trying to get his stamina built up (he falls alseep nursing), and his sucking strengthened. Rylee was nicknamed "The Hoover" cause she's a sucking machine!!

    We take them tomorrow for a quick check at their pedi, since we asked for early release from the hospital. I am still very sore, they left the staples in because I have so much excess skin from twins, that it's hanging over and creating a "moist" area where my incision is. He didnt think the steri strips would hold on long enough. So I go monday to have the staples removed.

    Well must go, rylee is a chunky monkey and I need to go sit in a better spot with her, I'll try to check in when I have a chance! How exciting we are all having our babies now!!!!!!!

    Rylee in transition room:
    Liam in nicu:
    Dad and Rylee:
    Mom and twins:
  2. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :Clap: Congrats Momma! They are adorable! Welcome Liam and Rylee to the world. :wub: :wub:
  3. lcovin

    lcovin Well-Known Member

    :woohoo: Congratulations! Those are some cuties you got there!
  4. boog9902

    boog9902 Well-Known Member

    Congrats momma they are beautiful !!!!!!
  5. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Congratulations! :Clap: They are adorable! :wub:
  6. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :wub: thanks I think they are adorable, but they tell me I'm biased! :p

    They were, however, HUGE for twins and I was told many many times they were big :D
  7. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    They are absolutely adorable!! :wub: Congratulations Momma! Welcome to the First Year!!
  8. watersurfers

    watersurfers Well-Known Member

    Congrats to you girl! Beautiful babies!!! :clapping:
  9. Jberman

    Jberman Well-Known Member

  10. oh-baby-baby

    oh-baby-baby Well-Known Member

    congrats!!! I thought that you'd wait around and go with me in June.... :rotflmbo:
  11. mom23sweetgirlies

    mom23sweetgirlies Well-Known Member

    Congratulations! Cute babies and great weights! :)
  12. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    Congrats on your little cuties!!! :wub: :wub:
  13. kaylies mama

    kaylies mama Well-Known Member

    OMG! Hun we did it!! :banana: Our babies are finally here. Our kids are only a day apart!!! :cool: how cool!! They look so precious! Congrats!! Im glad everything is and went well.
  14. scorpion509

    scorpion509 Well-Known Member

    they are so adorable!!! Wish you faster recovery.
  15. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member


    they are BEAUTIFUL!!!!! Great job momma!!!
  16. Little June Bug

    Little June Bug Well-Known Member

    wow!!!!!!!!! great news!!!! i hope you have a speedy recovery and babies continue to do well! :D
  17. Momof2wonders

    Momof2wonders Well-Known Member

    Congratulations!!!! :clapping: :clapping:
    They are just beautiful, glad to hear everyone is doing well :D
  18. Jenn79

    Jenn79 Well-Known Member

    :woohoo: :woohoo:
    Congrats on the birth of your babies! AWESOME weights.

    They are adorable and little Rylee does look like a chunky monkey...TOO CUTE!!! Thank you for sharing the adorable pictures.

    Take care and rest up when you can!!!
  19. jmcnett

    jmcnett Well-Known Member

    What beautiful babies! CONGRATULATIONS!!!
  20. Chicklet

    Chicklet Well-Known Member

    Congratulations! They are both so sweet! I"m glad everyone is doing well :wub:
  21. NicoleMarieLG

    NicoleMarieLG Well-Known Member

    Spectacular news :) How wonderful.. and such great sizes!

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