36 Hours Until babies Arrive

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Kaelan, Apr 18, 2009.

  1. Kaelan

    Kaelan Well-Known Member

    The boys will be delivered by c section Monday morning and im starting to freak out a bit. ive never been through a surgery and the thought of them shoving a needle in my spine and then cutting me open isnt very appealing.

    i feel like ive been pregnant forever, but these last few days have gone by sooooo slow. Noone thought i would make it this far, but the boys have just refused to come out on thier own. i havent even gone into labor yet. <_< 36 hours and it will all be over, and you can bet im counting down cause im so swollen it hurts to stand and when i walk my belly is hitting my legs. O.O i cant recall the last time i even saw my feet. i swear my DH and MIL are more excited about it than i am, but thats just because neither of them have had to go through this for nearly a year. i just want my body back at this point. lol

    38W0D mono/di boys
  2. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(indisbelief @ Apr 18 2009, 11:04 PM) [snapback]1279447[/snapback]
    The boys will be delivered by c section Monday morning and im starting to freak out a bit. ive never been through a surgery and the thought of them shoving a needle in my spine and then cutting me open isnt very appealing.

    i feel like ive been pregnant forever, but these last few days have gone by sooooo slow. Noone thought i would make it this far, but the boys have just refused to come out on thier own. i havent even gone into labor yet. <_< 36 hours and it will all be over, and you can bet im counting down cause im so swollen it hurts to stand and when i walk my belly is hitting my legs. O.O i cant recall the last time i even saw my feet. i swear my DH and MIL are more excited about it than i am, but thats just because neither of them have had to go through this for nearly a year. i just want my body back at this point. lol
    38W0D mono/di boys

    Good luck! I was in the same position. My guys were showing no signs of going anywhere, so I had a c-section. The needle for the spinal wasn't bad at all, and I'm afraid of needles. In fact, the IV needle was worse than the spinal needle.

    Just tune it all out, and try not to worry.

  3. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    I cried before my c-section because I was so scared. I was looking forward to having them until I got to the triage room. Then it hit me and I just go so scared. The needle for the spinal really wasn't that bad. There were a few nurses asking me lots of questions and that helped keep my mind off of it I guess.

    It will be okay though and soon you'll be holding those little babies!
  4. watersurfers

    watersurfers Well-Known Member

    Oh congrats!!! And good luck! Please post and let us know how it all worked out!!! Happy thoughts your way!
  5. HeidiSmith

    HeidiSmith Well-Known Member

    Good luck! I had a C-section with my first child. It wasn't as bad as everyone made it sound. Hang in there. Will be thinking of you.
  6. jvanmourik

    jvanmourik Well-Known Member

    Its almost over, you can do it! Good luck!
  7. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    It really isn't anywhere near as bad as your mind has made it out to be. The worst part of the spinal is the first shot to numb but it's not too bad and it's over quick. And once it kicks in you'll love that you can't feel a thing. It was the first time in months my hips didn't hurt! I didn't feel anything at all during the surgery. When they popped A out, I remember feeling like I'd never taken that deep a breath before in my life. Felt great! Overall, the experience wasn't nearly as bad as I'd anticipated and even recovery wasn't bad. You'll be okay and once you see your babies you won't care a bit what you went through to get them! :grouphug:
  8. babymOmmax2

    babymOmmax2 Well-Known Member

    :youcandoit: GL & let us know how it turns out!
  9. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    Good luck! Try to focus on something else and breath slowly, it will help you get through the pre-op. I agree with everyone else, it is all made better when you see those babies.
  10. nadana77

    nadana77 Well-Known Member

    Best of Luck to you :hug:
    I know it's hard not to worry and to be scared but, just think what the ending result will be two beautiful babies :)
    You will do Great!

  11. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    good luck! i am sure you will be just fine. just relax as best you can.
    im looking forward to hearing your birth story!! :D
  12. dowlinal

    dowlinal Well-Known Member

    With my first, I developed preclampsia and at my 37 week appointment my OB determined that I needed to deliver via c-section. That was a Monday and he let me have until Wed morning to get everything ready. Can I tell you that I sobbed for 36 hours straight and was so crazy that on Tuesday night I unpacked my hospital bag and declared that I wasn't going. I was such a disaster that, in between delivering a baby, my poor OB spent like an hour on the phone talking me into coming to the hospital the next day. :spy:

    Having said all that I swear that the actual c-section was not bad at all. The needle for the spinal hurts for like a second. I've now had two c-sections and all you feel is a prick and a little pressure. The drugs they give you are so good and act so quickly that before I could even process what was going on I felt no pain and all my anxiety disappeared. At one point with my first I asked when they were going to start the section and the nurse told me that they had already started and were about to pull the baby out.

    Since this is your first c-section, it really goes quickly and before you know it your babies are out and then nothing else in the world matters.
  13. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    Good Luck and Congratulations!! You have done a great job Momma!! I can't wait to read your birth story! :yahoo:
  14. sandygilpn

    sandygilpn Well-Known Member

    I ended up having an unscheduled c-section (we were trying for vaginal, but one of the babies had her own ideas about that!), and while I got pretty nervous, I agree with pp's that it wasn't too bad at all--it went really quickly. For me, the most disconcerting part was when I got all numb, they had me lay down flat on my back (which I hadn't done in months and months) and once I did that they tipped the table ever so slightly so the weight was off that nerve in my back (you know, the one they scare you about--"don't lay on your back!")--I didn't know they were going to do that (my dr. forgot to tell me) so I thought I was falling off the table. Pretty funny in retrospect--I grabbed the table with both hands and screamed out "Oh S**T!" which caused everyone in the operating room to laugh.

    :) Good luck--it will be the best once you see your little babies and you won't look back!
  15. pjs

    pjs Well-Known Member

    I don't have any c-section experience or advice to give. Just wanted to wish you the best of luck! I am jealous you get to deliver tomorrow. Great job keeping those babies cooking. Hope I can make it as long as you!
  16. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Congrats on cooking them for so long Momma! My twosome were the same way, they had no desire to come out of the womb. I had two surgeries prior to my CS so I was little nervous prior to it. The needle for the spinal burned for a couple of seconds but it worked fast. Within a minute I could feel nothing from the neck down. I did not even feel them take the babies out (the nurse told me that I would feel some pulling but she would let me know, I wouldn't have known a baby was out until she told me and I heard a cry).
    Congrats on your babies!!!
  17. faerieprncs

    faerieprncs Well-Known Member

    Can I just say that I can't believe how quickly time has gone by???? (Yet, it also seems to crawl too!)...I only say that because when I found out I was having twins at 12 weeks, you (Indisbelief) were the first person to reply to one of my posts...and you were "only" like 23 weeks along...and I remember thinking "Man, that seems like forever from now!" and here you are, about to have your babies!!! It makes me realize that in only 10 or so weeks, I'll be posting about the impending birth of my girls too! Anyway, kinda random, but had to tell you that of all the ladies on this forum, you've been the one that I've somehow tracked time with! :)

    Good luck, can't wait to hear your birth story!!!
  18. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Best of luck tomorrow!! :youcandoit: Can't wait to read the birth story!!
  19. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I have no experience to offer, but I just wanted to say good luck, and I know you and the babes will do great!
  20. forbiddendonut

    forbiddendonut Well-Known Member

    Good luck tomorrow! I'm sure everything will go great!
  21. DisneyMomma

    DisneyMomma Active Member

    Good Luck! It's perfectly natural to be nervous! I had a c/s with my first and was terrified but it really wasn't bad. It helps that DH will be there with you and can talk you thru the nerves. I highly recommend walking as soon as they let you- I am 100% sure that it was my long walks that helped speed my recovery. I had a friend who would only lay in bed after her c/s and her recovery was really tough on her. She litterally stayed in bed for 6 weeks!!

    Can't wait to hear your birth story!
  22. scorpion509

    scorpion509 Well-Known Member

    wow the time is really flighing when you look ast others but not for ourself :)
    about c-section - I had it with my first and was crying, but not because I was afraid of it. I was more angree that I am not normal women and cannto deliver the baby vaginally and I cannto feel the labor and etc.....
    my son was breach since 29 weeks
    about spinal this was so quick and don't hurt at all :) and I LOVE that WARM FEELing warm in your leg and when they told me try to lay down I just almost fell because leg didn't hear me anymore :) after that everything was fast :) the baby was out 10 min after surgery started :) they longest part after that :) it took them 45 min to sew me up

    believe me after you see the baby everything about you woudl be on the second plan and you will not pay much attention:)and it will be forgotten soon :)
  23. jranger05

    jranger05 Well-Known Member

    Good Luck with everything tomorrow! Im sure you know that you are in everyones thoughts and prayers :)
    Please let us know ASAP how everything went ... I can't wait to hear your birth story
  24. Marcyjoy

    Marcyjoy Active Member

    Let me just tell you that I was the most nervous/scared person ever about the C-section. I delivered at 38w4d and I was soooo uncomfortable from being pregnant. I couldn't wait to get them out - until my Csect date came and then I was scared out of my mind. You have to know, it's not NEARLY as bad as you think it will be!!! The spinal was nothing. And I'm a SEVERE needle phob. I pass out when I have blood drawn. I got queasy over the IV. The spinal was hardly felt. I loved the spinal like Scorpion. I loved the warm feeling. I found it comforting actually! I hadn't felt that good in ages! The pulling feeling people talk about was intense for me. NO pain. Just sensations. It was so cool to feel them pulling my babies out minus the pain. I know it's impossible not to be scared. You are normal and EVERYONE is scared. You are not alone, and when it's all over I guarantee you will say that it's not as bad as you thought it would be! Hang in there and God Bless!!!!!
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