35w 4d apt. (long, sorry)

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by mooshie, Jan 24, 2007.

  1. mooshie

    mooshie Well-Known Member

    well I had a NST and OB visit today. the NST went pretty well. baby A's heart rate was really high most of the time (up to 200), but it did calm down ok by the end. then I saw ANOTHER perinatologist (I'm tired of seeing a different Dr. every time). he was a dork! I don't think he looked at my chart very well. he basically just said, "well if you have a C-section at 37 weeks w/o an amnio there's no garuntee on how their lungs will be" and made me feel like a jerk for wanting to get this over with any time soon. so I was annoyed with him, he was quite insensitive.

    then I went to my OB, and he was at least nicer than the Peri. he told me AGAIN about the lung immaturity risks. so I'm just thinking "I know I know, I still want them OUT! but I think they'll be ok, and I'm prepared for the possibility of NICU time. it's always a possibility" but he was really nice at least. then he checked my cervix because I've been contracting every 4-7 minutes all day, and I was dialiated to 2cm. and really thinned out (he didn't give me a % though. oh and I'm measuring about 39cm. then he said if my water breaks then they'll of cores do the C-section. and sent me home.

    now he really was great, but what I'm wondering is this. if I'm contracting and dialiating wouldn't it make more sence to at least have me stick around another hour or so to check again to see if these contractions (which hurt BTW) are doing anything?

    so now I'm confused. he told me to go to L&D if I had contractions 5 mins apart. then today he basically made it sound like he wouldn't do anything unless my water broke. so do I wait for my water to break b-4 I do anything, or do I go to the hospital at some point if the contractions keep up? Dr.'s can be so inconsistant sometimes.

    anyway I guess my plan is that if they keep up until after DH gets home in about 3 hours to call L&D and see what they think. in the mean time I guess I'll just take a bath, and try to rest cuz I'm soooooo tired. I have not been sleeping well at all lately.

    thanks for "listening"
  2. mooshie

    mooshie Well-Known Member

    well I had a NST and OB visit today. the NST went pretty well. baby A's heart rate was really high most of the time (up to 200), but it did calm down ok by the end. then I saw ANOTHER perinatologist (I'm tired of seeing a different Dr. every time). he was a dork! I don't think he looked at my chart very well. he basically just said, "well if you have a C-section at 37 weeks w/o an amnio there's no garuntee on how their lungs will be" and made me feel like a jerk for wanting to get this over with any time soon. so I was annoyed with him, he was quite insensitive.

    then I went to my OB, and he was at least nicer than the Peri. he told me AGAIN about the lung immaturity risks. so I'm just thinking "I know I know, I still want them OUT! but I think they'll be ok, and I'm prepared for the possibility of NICU time. it's always a possibility" but he was really nice at least. then he checked my cervix because I've been contracting every 4-7 minutes all day, and I was dialiated to 2cm. and really thinned out (he didn't give me a % though. oh and I'm measuring about 39cm. then he said if my water breaks then they'll of cores do the C-section. and sent me home.

    now he really was great, but what I'm wondering is this. if I'm contracting and dialiating wouldn't it make more sence to at least have me stick around another hour or so to check again to see if these contractions (which hurt BTW) are doing anything?

    so now I'm confused. he told me to go to L&D if I had contractions 5 mins apart. then today he basically made it sound like he wouldn't do anything unless my water broke. so do I wait for my water to break b-4 I do anything, or do I go to the hospital at some point if the contractions keep up? Dr.'s can be so inconsistant sometimes.

    anyway I guess my plan is that if they keep up until after DH gets home in about 3 hours to call L&D and see what they think. in the mean time I guess I'll just take a bath, and try to rest cuz I'm soooooo tired. I have not been sleeping well at all lately.

    thanks for "listening"
  3. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    If your contractions keep coming at that rate I would go to L&D. My water never broke. My Dr. broke it for me almost 12 hours after I was admitted for delivery.
  4. kimber074

    kimber074 Well-Known Member

    if you're having contractions that regularly i would go in and get checked again...my dr had to break my water with my son, it did not want to go on its own
  5. All Boys

    All Boys Well-Known Member

    My water broke with the twins, but I was contracting painfully for almost 3 days with Gregory. Water had to be broken... I would go in. Follow your instincts. And it is better to be safe than sorry anyways. Labor can be stressful on babies too.
  6. mrsfussypants

    mrsfussypants Well-Known Member

    Well you've had quite a confusing day, haven't you? I agree with all the pp. You can be in labor without your water breaking, so I would just gauge your contractions and go in when you feel they're getting serious. You know your body way better than those guys do. Keep us updated!

  7. cajuntwinmom

    cajuntwinmom Well-Known Member

    I know you're ready for them to be out and you are prepared for NICU time, but there's nothing that can really prepare you. Although, I had my twins at 35w5d and they had 1 days of NICU and a couple days of Special Care Nursery for just extra monitoring. Neither needed any breathing help, but I had steroid shots at 32 weeks.

    Then again, I know someone from my twins class at the hospital who had their twins at 35w 6 days and neither had NICU time and went home with her. So nothing is for sure.

    I was soooo ready to get them out. I was swollen and miserable and had the worst backpain ever, but had I known that 2 more weeks would have had my babies going home with me and just a little more healthy... I would have dealt with the pain for 2 more weeks. Just hang in there and give them a little more time to mature.

    BTW, mine were 4 lb 12 oz and 5 lb 10 oz. Just needed some time to get their energy up and a day or so under the bili light. DD had a hard time staying awake for her 25 cc's....so she had to be gavaged for most of her first couple of days feedings.

    Keep em cooking!!!
  8. Laura in Alaska

    Laura in Alaska Well-Known Member

    I've been having regular ctx for two days. Went to my OB appt yesterday and she said as long as they aren't affecting my cervix that I should be fine. I was at 1cm when she checked and "very high" as she put it. So, she didn't seem concerned about me going into full-on labor on my own. Of course, when I went in for my NST I didn't have ANY contractions, so now everyone thinks I'm crazy! hehe Oh well... These girls are coming next week either way so I can hang in there.

    You and your babies are doing great! You can't ask for more than that!

  9. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    I know it is a long road but you really do want your babies to stay in just a little bit longer. I kept thinking I wanted them out and every week I went to the doc I hoped they would take me off my contraction stopping meds. When they didn't I was disappointed. They 'finally' did at 35 weeks, I delivered at 36. We did not have any NICU time but seeing how tiny they were I was soo guilt riden for even having thought that I wanted them out before that. Of course it is great we have such wonderful NICU's nowadays but I don't think we should be thinking it is ok to deliver because of these facilities. The NICU is a back up plan when things happen and it is better for the babies on the outside than inside, not a place we can use because we want to be done and because we think they will be ok. The docs are doing their job by explaing lung maturity each time you see them and it is beneficial to listen.

    I agree that water breaking is not the tell tale sign but do you have a bulging bag, is that why the water was mentioned? I did have a bulging bag and it was my water breaking that sent me to L&D to have my babies. If your water breaks then I would say head to the hospital, if the contractions increase in timing and severity then I would say time them accurately and call the doc.
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