33 weeks BOTH Twins Head Down! Any risks?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Jillianstwins, Nov 30, 2007.

  1. Jillianstwins

    Jillianstwins Well-Known Member

    Hi Ladies :)

    Okay, this weeks latest worry is that when I went to my peri appt on Monday my u/s showed that both babies are head down. (ouch and yes, walking is painful) Literally by the end of the day, my husband has to help me walk up to bed, my lower back and tail bone make me limp and I am SO slow! :angry:

    Did anyone finish up their third trimester with BOTH their babies head down and have any problems with their head shapes? Later, after birth, did anyone need a corrective DOC band helmet because of this inutero presentation? (my first dd was breech and tore her neck muscle in utero and had a skull deformity because of her dangerous breech presentation) So you can see why I am a nervous nelly about the twins.

    ALSO, did this type of presentation bring on delivery earlier? I know I am getting to a safe point in my third trimester, both babies are upwards of 5lbs right now and doing great. Just curious!

    Thanks for your input :) always appreciated! xojillian
  2. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    My baby A was low and in the pelvic bones very early and I was induced at 39 weeks so it didn't bring on early labor for me! His head was ear-first rather than straight on and that did cause his head shape to be quite different from his brother's initially. We didn't have any trouble at all telling them apart until they were 4 months old. Both boys (and B was transverse) ended up in helmets because of torticollis issues and while A had a worse case than B, I don't think his position in utero was to blame but that his torticollis was worse. FWIW, their daddy got them mixed up the other day so their little noggins are darned close these days.
  3. Jillianstwins

    Jillianstwins Well-Known Member

    Yes, we did pt and a DOC band for my daughter....so I am pretty familiar with what that whole situation entails. She had congenital torticollis and plagiocephaly, it was an ordeal to say the least and too long to go into now.

    It baffles me to think how these two 5 lb-er's are fitting head down! It is truly amazing growing two fraternal babies at once! :)

    Thanks for sharing your experience with me -jillian
  4. jasonsmommy

    jasonsmommy Well-Known Member

    Both my babies have been head down since 27 weeks.... and I am 36 weeks and 5 days with no signs of labor (luckily we are scheduled for a csection Monday)

    BUT neither of them have moved into my pelvic area, so that is why a section is a go ahead..
  5. HinSD

    HinSD Well-Known Member

    I think that's great that both are head down! Are you going to do a vaginal delivery? Neither my peri nor my OB said anything concerning about both being head down. They just said if they were head down, you can do vaginal delivery.
  6. Jillianstwins

    Jillianstwins Well-Known Member

    No, I will have a c/s as I have had two prior c/s's that I bounced back from quickly and recovered really well from. (I am NO hero and my motto is "leave it all alone down there"!) I don't think my third delivery should attempt a VBAC with twins. Ug. Heck no. Plus I am having a tubal ligation during my c/s. (sorry if I offend all you v-delivery gals, it's my only frame of reference to have c/s's)

    Back to the vertex/vertex presentation....from the Google searches I have been running this morning, I guess that is the most common twin birth presentation.

    It amazes me how the babies all fit in there! Truly amazing :)

    CROSSTWINS Well-Known Member

    Both of my girls were head down the whole 3rd trimester and their head shapes are just fine and I cared them to 38 weeks without any problems. Good luck.

  8. ladybutterflyrose

    ladybutterflyrose Well-Known Member


    Both head down and no problems at all. They were head down since 26 weeks and I went to 38.
  9. Rachel&Emily

    Rachel&Emily Well-Known Member

    Rachel was head down and smooshed in there for a LONG time...her head is certainly shaped differently than her sisters', but not bad enough for the band. She did have a mild case of torticollis that went away with some stretching and time.

  10. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My baby A has been heads down this whole time, and baby B heads up (I call them yin and yang). I havent heard of any reason why you should be concerned of both heads down-my doctor keeps telling me hopefully baby B flips sometime in the next 6 weeks so my odds of a vaginal delivery are better...it is what I want. I had a vaginal delivery with my daughter and I do have a small pelvis because she was kind of stuck for a while and had a Saturday Night Live cone head-it went away after a couple months. BTW if a c/s is in my future then that is fine too...whatever is best for these babies!
  11. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    mine were head down from 21 weeks on and neither have any head shape issues (DS was in my pelvis for weeks taking up all the room!)
  12. annlubbers

    annlubbers Well-Known Member

    Both my boys were head down from about 28 weeks on. Baby A (Noah) was in my pelvic area from the very beginning, as my DH called "the lock and load position". Baby B (Jonah) was right beside him fighting to be in the "lock and load position" the last few weeks of my pregnancy. I was induced at 38 weeks exactly but because they both were fighting for the number one spot I was never able to deliver naturally and ended up having a last minute c-section. My OB every time he checked me when I was in labor said he could feel both heads and neither would move to let the other one come first. Both heads of Noah and Jonah were ok, neither had a problem. They both just wanted to be baby number 1, we joke that they are both were already competing with each other.

    Hope this helps.
  13. Jillianstwins

    Jillianstwins Well-Known Member

    Thanks Ladies! Now if walking werent such a problem........I hit 33 weeks on Monday. My pregnancy has flown by it seems, but I am sure these last few weeks will DRAG on.

    Thank goodness the nursery is all set, hospital bag is packed. Just need to get those Christmas presents wrapped for my 4 and 3 year old and I will rest easier! :)
  14. AshleyLD

    AshleyLD Well-Known Member

    I had a 7 lb and a 5 lb baby head down and they are fine! I had them both vag at 38+3
  15. Twinnylou

    Twinnylou Well-Known Member

    Both of my babies were head down from the start. You can imagine the pressure on the pelvis i had! Mine came at 32.4 weeks but i think i overdid it with the walking the day before and that is the reason the came early. As for the squished head thing they were both fine! x
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