33 week peri/NST really good! :) (long sorry)

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by mooshie, Jan 10, 2007.

  1. mooshie

    mooshie Well-Known Member

    phew! I finally had a good apointment that wasn't so frustrating that it left me in tears. [​IMG]

    now that it's the beginning of the year I've switched peri offices because my insurance has changed, and now allows me to go to the hospital with the NICU which is what we (my OB and I) wanted anyway just in case. so I had an U/S which went well. the babies are 4lbs 3oz (32% if I remember right) and 4lbs 10oz (46% I believe), and all fluid looks good. then the peri came in and was reay nice! he said I was a poster child for monochorionic twin pregnancies. I thought that sounded funny since I feel so cruddy all the time, but still a nice thing to say anyway. then I asked him if he'd ever heard of accute TTTS occuring durring delivery (if anyone remembers my OB had never heard of it, and made me feel like I didn't know what I was talking about and was making it up). he said that he has heard of it, and that it can happen, but that a C-section is much safer for preventing this condition. he even said he'd mention that I'd done my homework in the message he'd be sending my OB. then he said he didn't think I should go much past 37 weeks! [​IMG] this made me want to kiss him! my OB wasn't willing to scheduel anything b-4 38 1/2 weeks, but I really wanted 37. so there! I got my way. he's gonna tell my OB not to let me go that long. [​IMG] hehe now we have to re-scheduel the C-section that was origonally schedueled for FEB 13th. it was just so nice to finally feel like I had someone on my side! he was also concerned with the things I was concerned with and treated them like they were real, and not just something I dreamed up.

    then I had a NST which went well, and had a brief consult with their DR who specializes in maternal heart conditions durring pregnancy. (and if anyone remembers my stupid ER trip where I passed out at the grocerie store and went to the hospital just to have them say "we don't know, here's your bill") well he has been the only Dr so far to not act like it's nothing. he was concerned that my blood pressure has been so low, and my pulse so high. he wants me to take notes on when I feel dizzy, or any other symptoms just to be cautious. though he did threaten to put me in the hospital if I had too many symptoms, so he ordered me to rest a LOT, and keep track of symptoms. kinda sad that it took this long, but I'm so glad to finally have a group of Drs providing the care I feel I need.

    so I can't wait till next week to see when my OB will re-scheduel my C-section for! [​IMG]

    anyway just wanted to share.
  2. mooshie

    mooshie Well-Known Member

    phew! I finally had a good apointment that wasn't so frustrating that it left me in tears. [​IMG]

    now that it's the beginning of the year I've switched peri offices because my insurance has changed, and now allows me to go to the hospital with the NICU which is what we (my OB and I) wanted anyway just in case. so I had an U/S which went well. the babies are 4lbs 3oz (32% if I remember right) and 4lbs 10oz (46% I believe), and all fluid looks good. then the peri came in and was reay nice! he said I was a poster child for monochorionic twin pregnancies. I thought that sounded funny since I feel so cruddy all the time, but still a nice thing to say anyway. then I asked him if he'd ever heard of accute TTTS occuring durring delivery (if anyone remembers my OB had never heard of it, and made me feel like I didn't know what I was talking about and was making it up). he said that he has heard of it, and that it can happen, but that a C-section is much safer for preventing this condition. he even said he'd mention that I'd done my homework in the message he'd be sending my OB. then he said he didn't think I should go much past 37 weeks! [​IMG] this made me want to kiss him! my OB wasn't willing to scheduel anything b-4 38 1/2 weeks, but I really wanted 37. so there! I got my way. he's gonna tell my OB not to let me go that long. [​IMG] hehe now we have to re-scheduel the C-section that was origonally schedueled for FEB 13th. it was just so nice to finally feel like I had someone on my side! he was also concerned with the things I was concerned with and treated them like they were real, and not just something I dreamed up.

    then I had a NST which went well, and had a brief consult with their DR who specializes in maternal heart conditions durring pregnancy. (and if anyone remembers my stupid ER trip where I passed out at the grocerie store and went to the hospital just to have them say "we don't know, here's your bill") well he has been the only Dr so far to not act like it's nothing. he was concerned that my blood pressure has been so low, and my pulse so high. he wants me to take notes on when I feel dizzy, or any other symptoms just to be cautious. though he did threaten to put me in the hospital if I had too many symptoms, so he ordered me to rest a LOT, and keep track of symptoms. kinda sad that it took this long, but I'm so glad to finally have a group of Drs providing the care I feel I need.

    so I can't wait till next week to see when my OB will re-scheduel my C-section for! [​IMG]

    anyway just wanted to share.
  3. kimber074

    kimber074 Well-Known Member

    what an awsome day for you. I'm so glad you get to go to a dr who is in tune with you. congrats on the change in c section date.
  4. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    There is nothing more reassuring than a great day with the docs! Your peri sounds wonderful! I am soo happy for you and your babies! Your weights sound wonderful. My Kayla was born at 4 pounds 8 ounces at 36 1/2 weeks!

    Thanks for the wonderful update, it truly is going to be a great new year for you!
  5. ReallyTiredMom

    ReallyTiredMom Well-Known Member

    I am so glad you had such a positive appointment with this new doc! Everything sounds like it is falling into place for you - and it won't be long before you are holding your two little ones! Keep us posted on when the new date is!
  6. mrsfussypants

    mrsfussypants Well-Known Member

    That's how you should have been treated all along! I'm so glad you had such a good appt!! And yea for finally getting that induction date moved up!

  7. Twinnylou

    Twinnylou Well-Known Member

    Thats brilliant news for you. Finally doctors who listen, now where can i find some of them?! x
  8. Raneysmama

    Raneysmama Well-Known Member

    Yay! So glad you had such a great appointment! I know exactly what you mean about doctors taking you seriously. Sometimes mine have not and it makes me feel pretty stupid, but things have changed. I was wondering...when you asked about Acute TTTS, is that why you're having a c-section? Just as a precaution? Or are their other factors involved? I'm just curious because I want to know if I should eventually bring these things up to my doctors.

    Glad everything's going so well for you!

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