33+2 appt, both are breech...question

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by littletwinmom, Jan 19, 2007.

  1. littletwinmom

    littletwinmom Well-Known Member

    So I had my weekly appts yesterday, NST and BPP, everything went fine! Unfortunately, both are breech, or at least not vertex. It was hard to understand what positions the tech said they were in, to be honest. Anyways, given last weeks growth scan, they are at least 5 lbs now, and I too am wondering if there's any room for them to turn. I'm still not dilated at all, but I am stopping my P-17 shots, so we'll see if that affects anything... My OB said we may need to start thinking about a c-section date, but also, added it's still very possible I could have them this month. They won't stop labor at this point.

    Anyone have a crystal ball? What are the chances of going into labor anytime soon with breech babies, or does it make a difference?

    Jennifer [​IMG]
  2. littletwinmom

    littletwinmom Well-Known Member

    So I had my weekly appts yesterday, NST and BPP, everything went fine! Unfortunately, both are breech, or at least not vertex. It was hard to understand what positions the tech said they were in, to be honest. Anyways, given last weeks growth scan, they are at least 5 lbs now, and I too am wondering if there's any room for them to turn. I'm still not dilated at all, but I am stopping my P-17 shots, so we'll see if that affects anything... My OB said we may need to start thinking about a c-section date, but also, added it's still very possible I could have them this month. They won't stop labor at this point.

    Anyone have a crystal ball? What are the chances of going into labor anytime soon with breech babies, or does it make a difference?

    Jennifer [​IMG]
  3. 1girltwinboyz

    1girltwinboyz Well-Known Member

    Personally but I am no MD, I do not think the position of the babies makes any diff on going into labor. And weight estimates are just that a guess. They said my boys were 6.5 -7 lbs at 35 week u/s. I had them 5 days later and they were 5.5 and barely 6 lbs. I think you might have a few more weeks to go! I wish I had waited a week or so longer due to Z's jaundice and latch on problems re: nursing.

    HTH and GOOD LUCK@@@
  4. KrazyKat

    KrazyKat Well-Known Member

    I agree with PP. The weights are only estimates and you can go into labor breech, I did. I went for a NST I was in rocking hard labor and didn't even know it, they did an exam, and there was an elbow hanging out! I had a c-section three hours later. But from what I understand, they can turn at any point, and if you deliver the first one vag, they can turn the second one. But I think today, most Drs just go with the c-section. hang in there...
  5. cajuntwinmom

    cajuntwinmom Well-Known Member

    I agree with PP too. It really can all depend on how the tech measured and even a milimeter or so on the scan can make a difference. Mine were both supposed to be close to 6 and DD ended up being 4 lbs 12 oz. SO it's really a guess and they are usually guessing a little on the high side. From a NICU mom,I had them at 35 w 5 days even with the steroid shots for their lungs. They spent time in the NICU (1 day) then DD was in special care for 7 days even just as a grower and feeder, I hated leaving one there while the other got to go home. DS spent 3 days in Special Care You want to keep them cooking as long as possible, so relax, stay off your feet as much as possible and as miserable as you probably are know that each day counts.

    Now with that being said....I think it may be a little late for them to turn. They are getting short on room and I know that mine didn't move the last 5 weeks. DS was breech (baby A) and DD (baby B) was transverse. I think that's what it's called when they are laying across.
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