32 days of potty training

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by nateandbrig, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    So for over a month I've been potty training twins... Shouldn't we all get a nobel prize for this?!?! Or at least a week vacation without kids!

    Jake -- is doing REALLY well! I had mentioned before that I had to put him in Pull Ups at night because he was pooping during the night and not caring. Well after one more poop in the pull up, he's been having dry pu's for well over 2 weeks. For the last 3 nights we've gone without them and he's done great! I'm also able to put him in underwear and he's doing awesome! He tells me when he has to go and prefers not to potty while we're out but can hold it and has had no accidents. My only "issue" with him (and one I really don't mind having) is that he LOVES stickers so he's trying to poop every time he goes to the potty for the sticker. We only give them for poops, since they were peeing every 5 minutes for a sticker :rolleyes:

    Aly on the other hand has been FUN! NOT!! So she was REALLY easy at first and was night trained RIGHT away! Well she's always been my "pebbles" kid and had some constipation issues. 2 weeks ago she went 4 days without going poop. We had planned on taking her to the doctor the next day and had given her 2 full days of just water and juice and fiber foods. We knew she had to go but cried all day because it was going to hurt :( It was awful. During nap time she finally HAD to go and went on the potty. I held her hand, wiped her tears away and she did good. The poop was really hard and she said it was hurting so I looked down and saw red. I put her on the floor and I can't put into words what I saw but it took every thing I had to not freak out. I gave her a book and told her to just lay there and I would be right back. I ran out of the room, called dh told him to get home NOW and then went back to check on her and it had gone back in. Turns out it was her rectal wall that she had pushed out. This happened again 3 times that night but the ped had told us what to do and it worked. So she's on miralax... It took 3 full days of adult max dosage for her to go again. It was not pretty but it didn't hurt and since then it's been up hill. She is now on a med dosage and is doing well. She hasn't had an accident that was her fault in well over 2 weeks. I'm so happy that is over with!!

    So all in all, I'm very happy!!! My little Ethan is driving me bonkers :crazy: He knows that when the twins say "potty" they get to get up out of bed... So he'll lay in his crib and cry potty for hours :gah: We've tried sitting him on the potty but he doesn't get that he has to go. He just sits on it and claps and says YAY, all done LOL.

    My biggest question is the stickers... Do they just lose interest in them at some point, or do I stop them at some point? They use it as a tactic to stay up later so I do limit them but it's still annoying... They probably go through 20 stickers a day easy.

    Thank you if you've read this far! And THANK YOU for all the awesome support and advice!! I have 10 pull ups left in a 24pack that I will save for Ethan if he needs them but not bad, just having to buy one package.
  2. NINI H

    NINI H Well-Known Member

    I would just change when they get the sticker to the end of the day. If you have been dry and clean ALL day, then they get to pick a sticker.
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  3. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    I love the idea but I just don't think mine would get it yet... But I'm willing to try it :)! Thanks!!
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    What I did to stop the rewards was when I thought the kids were going pretty good on the potty and not needing a reward anymore is to not offer them...I would give them if the kids asked but eventually it got to the point where I did not offer and they no longer asked. So I think it was a little bit of both, I stopped and they lost interest. Good luck! It sounds like Jake and Aly are doing great!
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  5. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    This is what we did too. Eventually the thrill of the sticker wore off. Great job PTing!!!
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  6. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    Thank you ladies!! I have stopped offering them but I keep them out so maybe I'll put them away and then hopefully it'll wear off. :)
  7. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    a little tip for not spending a gazillion on stickers is to use or cut up those *stupid* free address labels you get! anyway, mine were just thrilled to stick it to their paper!

    as for the thrill running off... well, we had to start their new thrill which is ice-cream for poops up again... anyway, do what you need to do to keep up the good work!
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