31 weeks 2 cm diltated and 80% effaced

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by momof6, Oct 27, 2010.

  1. momof6

    momof6 Well-Known Member

    On Friday I went to my Ob and had a cervix of 1.2 according to u/s and about 2 according to Dr. manual exam but was not dilated at all. I on Monday I forgot to take my procardia (I have been on as a precaution but have never had consistant contractions) I did not have any contractions more than the occasional that are normal. So te next day I did not take it and same thing. I decided to take it as needed. I told my Dr this today and he was fine with it until he saw I was dilated. Then it was back in hosp and on procardia everyday. I feel so guilty that I caused this by not taking it for 2 days. Maybe I was having contractions i didn't know about that the procardia could have helped with. I am just beating myself up. I was on modified rest at home (although my Dr said bed rest does not prevent PTL) Now I am thinking I did too much. I was on the couch all day except to pee an I did walk up stairs for several meals. What if I did too much. My DH and OB say that is not the case but as a mom I feel so responsible for these babies and want them to be healthy. Anyway,,, Any success stories with early dilation and making it farther?
  2. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'm so sorry! Please take it easy and stop beating yourself up. Worrying about what you may have done will do absolutely no good now. Focus on what you can do today to help keep them in- worrying will only cause stress for your body and the babies. So no worries, just distraction, good nutritious food snd plenty of water. :youcandoit:

    edited for redundancy.
  3. christy.fisher

    christy.fisher Well-Known Member

    It's totally not your fault. Procardia can help and it may not... My doc told me that if my body really wanted to go into labor, Procardia wasn't going to stop it. It's something that they can give you that may help.

    I was 1 cm and 80% effaced at 30 weeks. I went into labor again at 36 weeks 4 days and had my babies. You do the best that you can resting and taking your meds. You're getting close. :) Just hang in there!
  4. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I was 3cm dilated at 31 weeks, I did make it to 36 weeks but religously followed my bed rest and mdication as prescribed...did it stop the PTL? I like to think so...
    Dont beat yourself up, not your fault at all. Just take it easy and get as much rest as you can!
  5. lizzbeech

    lizzbeech Guest

    Oh ya, I was 3cm dilated for 3 weeks and then ended up being induced!!!!! So you can totally do it!!! :D
  6. haleystar

    haleystar Well-Known Member

    I was also 2cm dialated and 80% effaced at the same time, 31 weeks. I made it, without changes, to my scheduled c-section at 35 weeks.

    I took Procardia 4x a day for many months but I don't think it would have prevented anything. I had to get the kiddos out asap due to pre-eclampsia.
  7. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    me! me! me! I was on bedrest from 29-34 weeks. She let me off at 34 weeks and at 37 weeks I got induced. I was 5cm dilated & 100% effaced. My blood pressure was getting high and I was a walking timebomb being that dilated and not in labor LOL
    Think happy thoughts! You can do it :)
  8. momof6

    momof6 Well-Known Member

    I got to come home today! YAY!! I am no more dilated and actually my cervix lengthened! I see my OB on Wed again after another growth u/s on Wed and we will take it one day at a time! I am doing NOTHING at home... couch or bed and bathroom. I will not even see my upstairs until the birth! I have to keep going for a few more weeks! I am just glad to be home!!

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