30w1d admitted to hospital with lots of questions

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by missjoli, Sep 26, 2008.

  1. missjoli

    missjoli Active Member

    I went in for my regularly scheduled appt on Wednesday, and they checked my cervix and I had dialated to 3 and was 100% effaced. They also felt something, which turns out to be bulging membranes. I was immediately admitted to the L&D and put on a mag drip (YUCK)!!! Now it's Friday, and last night they moved me to ante partum and I'm on hospital bed rest. I'm no longer on the mag (which did it's job I guess), but I'm now on procardia to keep contractions at bay. Does anyone have any success stories with being in a similar situation and staying pregnant for several more weeks? Please advise. I'm really nervous and want them to keep cooking.
  2. amybizzell

    amybizzell Well-Known Member

    I am going thru the same thing right now, although I'm a few weeks ahead of you (34w 5d). I was admitted almost 2 weeks ago as I was dilated to almost 5 with bulging membranes. They stopped the contractions with mag (UGH!) and got my steroids in me, and at this point they will not stop the contractions if they come back (they haven't). I'm still dilated, but no longer have bulging membranes. So I just get to stay in the hospital until the babies come. I have asked to go home, but the drs are too worried about a prolapsed cord, so I'm not going anywhere without delivering babies. Its very frustrating to me not being able to see my kids except for a few minutes a day, not being with my husband, not sleeping in my bed, but I am trying to accept that this is the best thing for my twins, so I'm working hard on being patient.

    Good luck to you and feel free to contact me if you want to chat.
  3. Hello, I know you posted a while ago, but I hope this will still give you some comfort if you haven't delivered yet (and I sincerely hope you haven't. I was on hospital bedrest for alsmost 8 weeks. I was dialated to a 3 by 28 weeks and admitted to the hospital for the second time (the first had been for 4 days the previous week because I my cervix was so short and they had given me steroids to help my girls lungs develop). I was having mild contractions, but thankfully they went away and stayed away for the most part until I went into labor at 31w 5 d. They gave me indocin (I think that's what it was called anyway) because my blood pressure was too low for procardia. I was fine for a couple days and then ended up in labor again at 32 w 2 d. I was having contractions and was dialated to a 5. They put me on mag at that point and I agree - it was awful - but it did its job and thankfully after 24 hours they moved me back to my postpartum room where I was happy to stay for the next 3 weeks. I delivered at 35 w 1 d and my girls were 4lbs 15.3 oz and 4lbs 14.9 oz and 18.5 in long. I delivered Aug 28, 2008 and to my utter surprise and joy neither had to spend even an hour in the nicu. They came back to the room with me and then came home with us 2 days later. It was a miracle! My doctor just kept telling me to wait till 34 weeks and if I made it that far he'd get greedy and ask me to wait one more week. None of the other doctor's seemed to think I'd make it to even 34 weeks, but in the end I surprised them all. Just keep positive. I think that's the only thing that got me through it. Being in the hospital really stinks, but it's worth it for every day a baby stays in!

    P.S. they did give me one dose of procardia after the mag and since I was fine for almost 3 weeks I assume it did its job.

    Good luck and feel free to contact me if you want.
  4. missjoli

    missjoli Active Member

    Thanks so much for sharing your stories. My oven is still on, and I'll be 32 weeks tomorrow. Hospital bed rest sucks, but it is definitely worth it. I can't believe I've lasted, and now I hope to make it to at least 34 weeks.
  5. That's so great!! I am so glad to hear that you've gotton that far... Keep up the good work:)
  6. eechols22

    eechols22 New Member

    I am so happy you are still cooking those babies!!!

    I was admitted at 25 weeks for preterm labor and it stopped with brethen, I had my steroids and just laid there are prayed it would work. I went into labor again at 28 weeks and that's when I got the mag....seriously the worst 48 hours of my life. ugghhh! But it worked!

    I ended up delivering at 30 weeks because my water broke, totally NOT what I was expecting. My boys stayed for 8 weeks but are now healthy 15 month olds!

    Best of luck to you and keep resting. It is the best thing you can do for those babies!
  7. momof4boys2

    momof4boys2 Member

    QUOTE(jskemom @ Sep 26 2008, 10:35 AM) [snapback]998790[/snapback]
    I am going thru the same thing right now, although I'm a few weeks ahead of you (34w 5d). I was admitted almost 2 weeks ago as I was dilated to almost 5 with bulging membranes. They stopped the contractions with mag (UGH!) and got my steroids in me, and at this point they will not stop the contractions if they come back (they haven't). I'm still dilated, but no longer have bulging membranes. So I just get to stay in the hospital until the babies come. I have asked to go home, but the drs are too worried about a prolapsed cord, so I'm not going anywhere without delivering babies. Its very frustrating to me not being able to see my kids except for a few minutes a day, not being with my husband, not sleeping in my bed, but I am trying to accept that this is the best thing for my twins, so I'm working hard on being patient.

    Good luck to you and feel free to contact me if you want to chat.

    Hello everyone! I am 27 weeks and am on modified bed rest. I am reading stories of women who have twins to get an idea of what to expect in the upcoming months. I am noticing that many moms go into their normal dr appt and then are admitted with dialated cervixes. Can you guys share the symptoms ( I know its contractions but I was curious as to the frequency you had them and any cramping you may have had BEFORE the docs noticed you were dialated). I have had contractions on and off daily along with cramping in the pelvic area as well as the back pain assoiciated with cramps. I am curious to see if I should be worried that I may be dialating. I have a dr appt next Thursday and am worried that I may be effaced and dialated due to all of the action I have been experienceing. I dont call the L and D or the perinatologist because I dont have the "6" contractions or more in an hour.It just seems to come an go during the day in no pattern. They have been getting stronger on occasion, but the nurse says that is normal the bigger I get. Also the babies are more active which can trigger contractions for me. Any info would be helpful. I am so glad you guys are doing well and are past the critical stages!
  8. colleenh11

    colleenh11 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(micheled @ Oct 25 2008, 04:31 PM) [snapback]1041830[/snapback]
    Hello everyone! I am 27 weeks and am on modified bed rest. I am reading stories of women who have twins to get an idea of what to expect in the upcoming months. I am noticing that many moms go into their normal dr appt and then are admitted with dialated cervixes. Can you guys share the symptoms ( I know its contractions but I was curious as to the frequency you had them and any cramping you may have had BEFORE the docs noticed you were dialated). I have had contractions on and off daily along with cramping in the pelvic area as well as the back pain assoiciated with cramps. I am curious to see if I should be worried that I may be dialating. I have a dr appt next Thursday and am worried that I may be effaced and dialated due to all of the action I have been experienceing. I dont call the L and D or the perinatologist because I dont have the "6" contractions or more in an hour.It just seems to come an go during the day in no pattern. They have been getting stronger on occasion, but the nurse says that is normal the bigger I get. Also the babies are more active which can trigger contractions for me. Any info would be helpful. I am so glad you guys are doing well and are past the critical stages!

    It's pretty hard to say really what your cervix is doing without measuring it. I went in for a routine growth scan at 24 weeks and they discovered my cervix was already starting to shorten. I was put on bed rest and have hung on so far (I am 30w5d today). But I had no symptoms of anything unusual happening to my cervix, neither did I have contractions at the time. I would definitely get your contractions and cervix evaluated just in case, and if it's showing signs on shortening maybe they'll put you on bed rest and give you medications to control the contractions. GL!
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