30 week update

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Kayla_Pray22, Aug 21, 2009.

  1. Kayla_Pray22

    Kayla_Pray22 Well-Known Member

    I had my 30 week appointment and the Dr is still saying that our boys are like the healthiest twins he has seen in a while. He said everything just seems perfect! One boy is 3lbs and the other is 3lbs 2oz. So they are still RIGHT together on their measurments, and they are measuring a week ahead of what I am.

    The boys WERE head first for the past month and now they are still close to being head first but they have slightly turned. I wish they would stay down there!!! I dont want a c section. I have been having lots of contractions(bh) but I am not dialating any yet, which is good.

    The only thing about this appointment is at the very end my Dr says. "We have you an appointment for 2 weeks, you SHOULD make it to that, but after that we will take it day by day. You will have your babies sometime within the next 4 weeks"

    So 4 weeks would put me delivering at 33 1/2 weeks. I know twinsa are born early a lot of times, but I was hoping to make it to like 36 or so.... My babies will be ok at 33 weeks right? Someone asked me if the Dr was going to give me medicine to make sure their organs were developed??? I have no idea.

    So if I go int labor right now at 30 weeks(or at 33 weeks) will they not try to stop labor at all????
  2. chicagomama

    chicagomama Well-Known Member

    I find that an odd response. I can see him saying you will go week to week in watching but when I had PTL at 32w6d I was admitted to L&D and administered medications to stop the contractions and then put on bed rest until 36 weeks, and some MD's said I should be on BR until 37weeks. 37 weeks is still full term, anything before that is premature. I have had many people say my babies will be "okay" if they come prior to 37 weeks, but do be aware that while the survival rate is excellent the possibilities of increased complications are much higher before making it to term. I might discuss that in more detail at your next appointment. You may be out of the woods for the higher rates of fatality, but you still don't want your babies spending weeks in the NICU!
  3. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    My doctor would not stop labor after 34 weeks. As far as the medicine, he was probably referring to steroid injections for their lungs. I got them at 33 weeks for PTL, but went on to deliver at 37 weeks. If you aren't dilating/aren't having any issues, I am not sure why he would mention the 4 week time frame? Keep them in there as long as possible!
  4. chellebelle

    chellebelle Well-Known Member

    Given that the babies seem so healthy and that you are not dilating that does seem odd of him to say. I would try not to worry maybe he was having an off day and forgot how far along you are LOL. Good luck!
  5. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    That is very odd that your doctor said that as you are showing no signs of PTL, plus NO ONE can say when you will deliver. :umm: I think doctors like to pretend they know (like mine, he was sure I was going to have them at 34 weeks for no reason other then twins) So I would not listen to him, think 36 or more weeks and make that your goal. :hug:

  6. Momof2wonders

    Momof2wonders Well-Known Member

    Well done on cooking those babies just right!![​IMG]

    As for the comments your doc made, i wouldn't think too much of it just yet, there is no reason for them to come out early if they are doing so well, i was the exact same and the doc kept saying they could come anytime, but i ended up having an induction at 37w3d[​IMG]
    Maybe he was just trying to prepare you for the fact that some twins can come early?
  7. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    My Dr's goal for me was 37 weeks, though she did say that if I went into labor after 34 weeks that she wouldn't stop it.
    I agree that it was a little odd of your Dr. to say the babies will arrive within 4 weeks, but as others have said, the Dr's sometimes 'talk big' like they know just when the babies will come :nea:

    Just keep doing what you are doing & staying healthy, hydrated & rested & hopefully you will make it to YOUR goal! :good:

    Hang in there!! :hug:
  8. fancybeltran

    fancybeltran Well-Known Member

    I think that the Dr. know what they are talking about and always try to prepare their patients for the unexpected. So you wont be too scared or excited or whatever.

    I think that you are reading alittle too much into his comment. You obviously trusted your Dr. enough to go to him to the end. Just talk to him and be honest and dont leave the office feeling like you dont understand.

    That is how I handle my Dr. now so that I dont have much stress at the end.
  9. watersurfers

    watersurfers Well-Known Member

    Mine were head down, slightly turned from about 30 weeks and we made it HEAD DOWN the whole way to 38 weeks. Think positive thoughts! I didn't want a C section either, and didn't have one! Yay! As for your doc's comment, trust me, you could go the distance. My daughter was born at 35 weeks, so my doc and I were convinced I wouldn't go to term with twins. Amazingly, he had to INDUCE me at 38 weeks and 2 days!
  10. talivstouwe

    talivstouwe Well-Known Member

    I agree that it is a strange comment. If you aren't dilating or in PTL, and your babies sound totally healthy - so I don't know why he would think you'd have them by 34 weeks. Sounds like you are doing an amazing job, mama!!

    My boys were born at 31 weeks 6 days, spent about 6 weeks in the NICU. They are 100% fine now but the NICU road is a tough one. I hope you prove your doc wrong!

    And, I hope those babies stay head down. :)
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