well we've had quite a growth... Abby is 37 in tall (45th percentile) and 25.4 lbs (10th percentile) but she's ALWAYS been a peanut! Ian is 40 in tall (90th percentile) and 30 lbs even (45th percentile) So Ian now has 3 inches and 5 lbs on his sister!! Ped is very impressed with their speech - thinks the autism risk at this point is very slim (I was worried for a while with Ian - some if his mannerisms were worrysome but I was a crazy mom)...he's also very impressed with Abby's potty training and said not to worry about Ian's lack thereof....
Sounds like a great appt. Amy! :yahoo: BTW, Emilie was only 26 lbs at her 3 year old appt. too, so you are not the only one with a little peanut!!
Amy, it sounds like they are doing wonderful!!! :woohoo: I'm so happy to hear that the doctor was impressed by them. :good:
WooHoo for good check ups!!! :banana: That reminds me...I need to call and schedule our 3yr check up. Wow where have the last 3 years gone!