3 Yr check up today!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MTBx2, Jul 10, 2007.

  1. MTBx2

    MTBx2 Well-Known Member

    Well the girls had their three yr check up. Both are doing well, except Brooke has an infection in her leg from a mosquito bite she rubbed raw. He put her on an antibiotic for it, and said she certainly is liked by the bugs. Poor thing has bites all over, and we rarely go outside, and always use OFF. Reagan is doing good too. Both girls have been fighting a bout of diarrhea. He said it been going around and to do the usual stuff (bland diet, no juice, ect.) He gave me some great ideas about potty training, that I'm going to try out this weekend. I'll post those in the PT forum. :)

    Here are the stats:

    38 1/4 in tall
    33 lbs

    38 1/4 in tall
    32.5 lbs

    Both are right where they should be in their curve.

    Brooke got a tick bite last night, but he wasn't too worried about that. He did say the ticks are really bad this year and to make sure they wear spray, and hats, and still get checked if we've been outside. We're to watch her to make sure she doesn't get sick from the tick bite, but he didn't really seem worried about that. I'm pretty sure I got it off shortly after it bit her. He also looked at all her other various ailments and she was doing fine. Just needs some time to heal and get better. :)
  2. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    See, and you thought it wouldn't go well? Sounds like Brooke is getting the meds she needs to get better and both girls are doing great. Don't be soo hard on yourself Mommy!
  3. BellaRissa

    BellaRissa Well-Known Member

    I can relate about the mosquito bites - Marissa is highly sensitive to them - they make a big red knot on her skin. As soon as I see a bite, I always put Neosporin, Aveeno Benadryl, & a BandAid on it to discourage scratching. My girls just had their 3 year old check-up last week - they are tiny compared to your little ones - 26lbs 35" & 29 lbs 36". I can tell 3 is going to be a fun age - they are already saying such funy things! My potty training trick - M&Ms - anytime either girls used the potty, they both got them. They encouraged & reminded each other to go in the potty because they both got the reward. Good luck - it was much, much easier than I thought it was going to be. Happy Birthday to your girls!
  4. Gabe+2more

    Gabe+2more Well-Known Member

    Sounds like a great appt!!
  5. MTBx2

    MTBx2 Well-Known Member

    Thanks guys. :)
  6. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    What a great appointment! WTG girls! :banana: :banana:
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