3 weeks old - hasn't pooped in 18 hours

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by lbrooks, Sep 30, 2007.

  1. lbrooks

    lbrooks Well-Known Member

    My little twin has not pooped once since 3 a.m. She did have a very major poopy diaper yesterday but that's it. I'm worried it means she isn't getting enough to eat. She has had 6 wet diapers.

    Any thoughts? I'll call the doc tomorrow if she doesn't have a poopy.
  2. betseeee

    betseeee Well-Known Member

    I'm assuming you're breastfeeding, otherwise you'd know for sure how much she was getting to eat. Breastfed babies don't necessarily poop every day. Mine went as many as 5-6 once they got a bit older. I'm not 100% sure about a 3-week-old, but if she's having that many wet diapers, I would say she's doing just fine.
  3. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Yes, breastfed babies don't necessarly poop every day. You can go as long as a week without getting too concerned. Once it happens though, be prepared for a blowout!! Sounds like everything is fine! :) Sounds like with 6 wet diapers, she is getting enough to eat!!
  4. lbrooks

    lbrooks Well-Known Member

    Thank you, yes, they are breastfed. I always heard/read that you need to count diapers to know they are getting enough. That's helpful to know they don't poop everyday.
  5. betseeee

    betseeee Well-Known Member

    Believe it or not, most peds don't get concerned about a BF baby not pooping until around 10 days. At which point, you'd best have that baby in a fresh diaper, sitting on something waterproof, or you'll be very sorry when it comes!
  6. AshleyLD

    AshleyLD Well-Known Member

    When DS was a week old he didnt poop for 48 hours.. My Dr said that some babies just dont poop that often...
  7. Shasta

    Shasta Well-Known Member

    I called my Dr. about this on Sat. and she said you can out the themamitor (sp?) in the recum, move it around and that stimukates the bowels. :huh:
  8. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Probably nothing to worry about. The docs will make you wait till about a week has gone by before they'll tell you she's constipated!! Good luck!! If you get desperate, you can always take her temp. That solves it instantly (to be used VERY VERY VERY Sparingly!)
  9. Zabeta

    Zabeta Well-Known Member

    My guy was the same starting around 2 weeks...he'd go as much as 48 hours without a dirty diaper and the ped said not to worry. The lactation consultant WAS worried, but we weighed him and weighed him and he was gaining fine (yes, even after he eventually pooped!). :p
  10. TFine

    TFine Well-Known Member

    Neither of mine pooped very often in the beginning. Our Pedi said it was fine as long as they were not straining or in pain. :)
  11. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    Exclusively breastfed babies don't get constipated. They do often begin to skip days as their systems mature. Mine pooped every 2-3 days from about 2 months until they started solids. Totally normal. Some babies go a week or longer. As long as the poop is a normal consistency when it does happen and the baby doesn't seem uncomfortable, it's nothing to worry about.
  12. Fay

    Fay Well-Known Member

    as long as there are plenty of wets, i wouldn't worry. like others said, bf babies don't always poop everyday. after the first week or two, Ethan pooped on a fairly regular once every 7-10 days schedule. and when that 7th-10th day came around...whoa nelly! it was a biggin!

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