3 months update!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by cohlee, Jan 18, 2008.

  1. cohlee

    cohlee Well-Known Member

    Today my girls are 3 months old!! (seems to be a lot of 3mo bdays this week!) Unfortunately this day/week has not been good to us!

    We had a doc appt on Wed to get their weights checked because they've been very pukey again lately! There was almost no puking for about 3 wks so I just figured they needed their dosage adjusted.

    Sofia 11 lbs 10 oz
    Maia 9 lbs 12.5 oz

    Not enough weight gain to warrant an increase in their dosage. AND they have a little thrush on their tongues!! ugh (and of course I feel like worst-mommy ever for not noticing it, I thought it was puke cause its so little)

    Maia has been a terrible (worse than normal!) sleeper these past few days. They were both sleeping from 7-7 and only getting up at 2-2:30ish to feed. These past few nights she has been up every 2-3 hrs like she's a newborn again! She has been super difficult going down too, like as soon as her weight shifts onto the mattress her eyes shoot open and she's SCREAMING! Not sure whats going on there...

    Sofia on the othrr hand slept from 7:30-4:30 last night!! But getting her down has also been very difficult, normally she sucks to fall asleep (nurses to sleep) but because I have to put that stuff in their mouths she cant nurse to sleep so she roots around for EVER before finally falling asleep!

    So I dressed them in the cutest outfits EVER this morning because I am going to attempt doing errands alone with the girls for the first time today and good thing I took pics immediately because Maia shat through hers already!!

    The cutest outfits

    Another good thing that happened this week was on Sunday, the girls *found* each other! They have been cooing and smiling at each nonstop for days now! And they hold hands ALOT too! I have been bumped as the girls' favorite person! If their sister is around I am chopped liver!! ;)



    Wish me luck on getting out of here for a little while today!! :)
  2. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Awwwww...love the pics! The one of their hands is priceless! My boys are 3 months old today too....I am waiting for them to notice each other though. I hope it is soon!
  3. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    yayyyyyyyyyy!!!! congratulations on 3 months!!!! and they are so so so gorgeous!!!! sorry about the thrush... and sorry maia doesn't want to sleep... marina is kind of acting like. she wants to hang out with us at night, so she's the last to go to sleep, and the first to wake up to eat.
    after i read your blog that they found each other, i sat mine up to face each other, and they looked at eachother and kind of laughed, but got bored with each other VERY quickly. booo! they still try to eat each other's hands/head/arms/feet....etc. oh well.

    good luck with your errands! let us know how it goes!

    p.s. where did you get those shirts? they're so cute!
  4. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    OMG! The pictures are adorable! :wub: Good luck today with your outting. And :hug99: about the sleepless nights, they may just be going through a growth spurt and that's why they are getting up more often. I'm hoping that the pukeys stop and the sleeping begins. :love0028:
  5. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    LOve the pics!!!!
  6. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    They are adorable! :wub:
  7. nepolm

    nepolm Well-Known Member

    Yay for 3 months :banana:! I LOVE those outfits!! Your girls are so stinkin' cute :) How sweet that they are noticing each other and holding hands, mine are still oblivious to the other. Hope the sleep issues and thrush are resolved soon.
  8. cohlee

    cohlee Well-Known Member

    I did it!! I did it!! I went out and did a few errands ALL BY MYSELF!! :banana:
    I have gone to my mother's or father's a few times alone and I go out with the help of my sister so I was fairly confident that I COULD do it but I still feel like SUPERMOM!

    I got coffee (drivethru lol), went to Walmart to buy a couple more dr.brown bottles (since they both drank from it the other night), and stopped by Riteaid to get my rx.
    And the BEST PART.... Maia is STILL asleep in her carseat!!! My 30 minute napper has been asleep for almost 2 HOURS! :bow2:

    Oh, I got those outfits at Target. They are part of their V-day line, I just liked them cause they are red (my favorite color) and the jeans have little red (and pink and purple and white) hearts on them too so they will match a few things I have. They also have little red cotton pants with ruffles on the bum and I am seriously considering buying them in size 6 month too because I love red and cant always find red clothes.
  9. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(cohlee @ Jan 18 2008, 05:50 PM) [snapback]578827[/snapback]
    I did it!! I did it!! I went out and did a few errands ALL BY MYSELF!! :banana:
    I have gone to my mother's or father's a few times alone and I go out with the help of my sister so I was fairly confident that I COULD do it but I still feel like SUPERMOM!

    I got coffee (drivethru lol), went to Walmart to buy a couple more dr.brown bottles (since they both drank from it the other night), and stopped by Riteaid to get my rx.
    And the BEST PART.... Maia is STILL asleep in her carseat!!! My 30 minute napper has been asleep for almost 2 HOURS! :bow2:
    Oh, I got those outfits at Target. They are part of their V-day line, I just liked them cause they are red (my favorite color) and the jeans have little red (and pink and purple and white) hearts on them too so they will match a few things I have. They also have little red cotton pants with ruffles on the bum and I am seriously considering buying them in size 6 month too because I love red and cant always find red clothes.

    you're right. i have a hard time finding red stuff, too. my mom found red socks, so we have red socks, now we just need some red shirts! i have to check out target! and yaaay for going out! i need to get the courage to do that! and yay for them taking the bottle!!!
  10. monik

    monik Well-Known Member

    How cute! :p
  11. belinda07

    belinda07 Well-Known Member

    Those pics are so cute!! and congrats on getting out and about by yourself.
    My kids have a bit of thrush in their mouths too, its clearing up now but I just wanted to tell you it made mine pretty unsettled.
    Anyway, 3 months - YAY!!!
  12. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    oh my goodness! So cute!! I wish my girls would notice each other!
  13. avd1995

    avd1995 Well-Known Member

    The girls are adorable, love the holding hands picture! :itwins:
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