3 months...how much formula?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by mommy1005, Feb 27, 2009.

  1. mommy1005

    mommy1005 Active Member

    For those of you with 3 month olds, how much do they eat per bottle and how many bottles per day? My DD weighs 12 lbs. and is gaining fine, so I guess I shouldn't worry but she just isn't much of a eater. She eats 6 bottles a day (including one in the night) and they can vary from 2 oz. to 5 oz., but usually 3 or 4. Most days she eats between 20-22 ounces I would say. I've read that they should eat 2.5 times their weight, which would be 30 oz, and we are no where close to that! I know I shouldn't force her to eat more, which is impossible anyway when she's decided she's done, but is that really enough? As long as she is gaining fine should I not worry about it?
  2. KKing

    KKing Well-Known Member

    Thats about where mine were at that age. They are 4.5 now and do 5-6 oz a bottle if Im lucky. My ped said you can't force them to eat more. As long as they are gaining I woul dsay your fine. You could try stretching the time in between bottles to see if they will eat more??

  3. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    My baby girl has 4 4oz bottles at daycare and then breastfeeds at home (3-4 times) so I'd guess she drinks anywhere from 22-26 oz a day. I haven't been concerned with it as my boys weren't drinking that much at this age and they were fine. I think you're fine especially since she's gaining weight.
  4. ladybutterflyrose

    ladybutterflyrose Well-Known Member

    Mine ate 3-4oz. bottles 7-8 times a day.
  5. piccologirl

    piccologirl Well-Known Member

    my guys are just about 4 months adjusted (i always go by adjusted age for this) and they've been doing an average of 22 oz per day since the 3 month mark. they're small but the doctor isn't concerned because they're continuing to grow at a steady pace.

    i've been told some babies are just small eaters. it's not automatically a concern as long as they grow and their diapers are wet.

    does your DD have reflux? that's the biggest limiting factor for us. they just don't want to fill their tummies because it pushes back on them so hard.
  6. mommy1005

    mommy1005 Active Member

    No, no reflux issues. I should add though that my 2 1/2 DS was the exact same way as a baby. I always worried that he wasn't eating enough. He is still pretty small for his age but healthy and active. Maybe I was just meant to have small children. I guess there is nothing wrong with that.
  7. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Yes, as long as she is gaining I would try not to worry. I think at 3 months old we were offering my girls 5 ounces, every 3 hours. They didn't always take 5 ounces, that's just how much we offered.
  8. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

    How many hours do they go between feeds?

    Mine ate every 4 hours (sometimes earlier if they asked for it) and had about 5-6oz five times a day. They had the dream feed at 11.30pm-ish (the fifth feed) and sttn to 7am. Mine were big for their age weight-wise.

    I agree with a PP, if they are gaining fine and not fussy then I wouldnt worry too much. GL!
  9. AngelKLP13

    AngelKLP13 Well-Known Member

    Mine eat 4oz every three hours ( 8 times a day )
  10. jordyn25

    jordyn25 Well-Known Member

    Mine will be 3 months on Wednesday-
    Madisyn weighs almost 14 lbs and Kingston almost 13.
    She eats more and is huge. She eats about 4 oz every 3 hours, sometimes she just BF's and I dont know how much she is getting. But sometimes she'll eat every 2 hours.
    At night they usually only eat every 6-8 hours-they usually only wake up once-maybe twice.
    He eats less, like 2 oz maybe 4, but usually not as much as her.
    As long as they are gaining weight and at a healthy weight its their call.
  11. hardinfamily08

    hardinfamily08 Well-Known Member

    My girls are eatting 5-6oz every 3 hours, sometimes 4. At night they sleep from midnight to about 5am, sometimes as late as 6;then they eat 2-3oz and sleep till 9. I have big eaters who wait long periods to eat, the first night they slept over 5 hours, I started to worry...lol I think as long as they are gaining weight and not having any issues I wouldn't worry....
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