3 months and very clingy

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Heathermomof5, Nov 15, 2011.

  1. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    HELP!!! Easton is breastfed and will not take a bottle for anything he makes a face like I had given him a lemon! So that may be why but he will not let anyone but me hold him for more than 2 seconds. If he is with someone else he looks around for me. None of my other kids have ever been this way this early! Secretly I kinda like it for the most part BUT he won't let me lay him down for a nap - that is the part I don't like. I cannot get anything done! Even if he seems sound asleep when i him down - those little eyes pop open after just a couple of minutes and he screams. As long as he is on me he will sleep all day long. I have tried to let him cry but he will cry all day I think . He cries in the car unless dh drives and I sit in the back - and I mean he will cry all the way to where ever we are going 1 mile or 100. I would love nothing more than to be able to be right with him all the time but this can't be good for him! Any suggestions? Anyone BTDT? THANKS!!!!

    At bedtime for the night he is great - he lets me lay him down and sleeps very well in his bed it is just during the day that he won't let me lay him down.
  2. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    Could you wear him in a sling? Not 100% a solution I know, but at least you would have your hands free to do stuff. Or will he fall asleep in the stroller? You could go out for a walk (or just walk round the yard) until he's asleep and then bring the stroller into the house and put it in whichever room you're in. That way if he starts to stir you can quickly rock him again.
  3. twinkler

    twinkler Well-Known Member

    Liara is going through the same thing (although she is bottle fed on formula) - I put it down to her having the sniffles and then getting used to me holding her... sorry I don't have any answers for you as I'm still trying to figure it out myself.

    Sierra WILL NOT take a bottle (she is breastfed) - Aliah was the same... only my mum is able to get her to take the bottle and with me out of the house, that is what we did with Aliah back in the day... (plus ended up using a very cheap bottle which she took eventually)...

    :hug: I know what you are going through and I will wait to see your replies lol!
  4. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    One of my DDs was like that at 3 months. They both slept OK (for their age) in their bouncy seats at night, but Amy would not nap at 3 months unless she was lying on someone. (Preferably me, but she was fairly OK with other people too. Maybe that has something to do with being bottle-fed.)

    It was maddening, and I can't imagine dealing with it while taking care of older kids too, but it didn't last that long if I remember correctly. Maybe a few weeks? I agree with trying a sling or something. Or, have you tried having him sleep in a bouncy, swing, something other than lying flat? Can anyone else give him a bottle if you're not in sight? Good luck!
  5. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    That is why I wore Meara in the Bjorn a lot. She would scream and just needed that physical contact a lot. I would wear her and do stuff around the house, or carry Ana, or whatever. Thankfully she outgrew it once she discovered the big world to explore.
  6. Lougood

    Lougood Well-Known Member

    Cathryn was like that with the napping at 3 months, but she's gotten better. She still prefers to sleep ON me, but we compromise with the swing. If I try to lay her down in a crib/bed for nap, forget it. She does let other people hold her, but again, I think she wanted just me for a good while...how quickly we forget! :lol: I don't have any real advice, just hugs and I know what you're going through. They grow so fast though, so I've been soaking it all up while I can. :blush:
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