3 kids driving me NUTS

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by JenniferBrz, May 8, 2009.

  1. JenniferBrz

    JenniferBrz Well-Known Member

    Hi Ladies,

    I need help!! I have 2 almost 3 year olds and one little guy that just turned 5 years old. I am at home with them as soon as I get home from work 3 ish. I almost always get up with themat night because my dh workds late. ( which is only fair). Lately around 7 ish they are running around screaming and going generally NUTS!!! I CANT wait to put them to bed. I amso sad to admit I can barely stand this anymore. Yes they run outside and get lots of exercise... are they over tired or should I take their nap away. I feel soooo bad I am not enjoying this at all. I am always yelling. They are sooooo loud. Moslty the 2 year old but when my 5 year old jumps in... I'm ready to jump over a cliff!!!

    any advice is appreciated!!!

  2. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    I don't have advice, but I wanted to tell you you are not alone. I'm right there and I only have 2 kids. :vava:
    I'm usually running back to work at the end of vacation.

    Oh, maybe I do have some advice--we do yoga kids, ABC or Silly to Calm when they are like that in the evenings. I do it with them is usually helps some.
  3. daniv

    daniv Well-Known Member

    It's my 3 yr old that drives me crazy. She does not mind. She thinks she knows what is best. She tells me I am wrong. She screams at me. DH says she is just like me and that is why it is so hard for me. She threw her toy phone from the back of the van the other day because I told her she couldn't have any gum. I scream, put her in time out, take toys away,spank, put her to bed early, etc.....But just as soon as I think I am at my whits end she will come up and hug me and tell me how much she loves me. The boys can't do much yet to really get in trouble or drive me crazy but I am not looking forward to the day that all three have me going nuts.

    Good luck and no you are not alone!
  4. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    I don't have 3...but you are NOT alone!! :hug: Can you start a wind down routine before bedtime? I have started shutting out all background noise/distractions for my two for 30 min. before bed and having quiet time reading books. If they don't sit quietly and read, off to bed they go.
  5. hilly

    hilly Well-Known Member

    Nope, you're not alone. Mine are driving me nuts too! LOL I have 2 2 year olds and a 5 year old too. They're insane together but at the same time, it's cool because they play really well together.
  6. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    mine start to "orbit"...they start running in circles screaming - and I know it is time for bed!
  7. mnellson

    mnellson Well-Known Member

    My twins are five and the baby is 17 months. They all get crazy at night, especially the twins. What has really helped us is a very strict night time routine. At first, I was very strict about it. Once it became "routine", I was ableto ease up a bit. But, if they start being TOTALLY crazy night after night, I go back to being strict about it. They really just need the structure during the evening. The are all tired and needy, which makes them silly/crabby/crazy all at once.

    The other thing I do to calm them down is an evening walk. They go in their pajamas and get all of their energy out.

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. hudsonfour

    hudsonfour Well-Known Member

    You are not alone. P and P will be 4 in less than 2 weeks and C is 2.5. Most days they don't nap. We really try to get them in bed by 7:30 because they need it. I often have a rough time in the evenings with all 3 if DH is working. I don't know about your kids, but mine really try to fight with each other over my attention in the evenings and it causes some really big tantrums. I just keep hoping that as the get a bit older it will get easier in the evenings.
  9. AVAS

    AVAS Well-Known Member

    No advice--just hugs. And don't feel badly for the way you feel--I think it's normal and I'm right there with ya!
  10. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    I'm right there withnyou. They used to go to bed around 10 and now they refuse to go to sleep. Every night it's like 11:30 before they go to bed
  11. LB

    LB Well-Known Member

    I feel like I could have written the subject of your post. I have so many days that I feel like I'm a horrible mommy b/c I am counting down the hours until bedtime or at least when my DH gets home so I can get some help. I have 2 2 yr olds and an 8 month old. I'm on maternity leave and feel like this is SOOOO much harder than going to work. I also feel like I'm yelling more often and I hate myself for it. Bedtime is usually pretty good..we have our nights where they just are overtired but most times we get a bath, read books, they get into bed we sing a couple of songs and they go to sleep without much of a problem. What drives me crazy is the asking for the same thing over and over (in stereo b/c there are 2 of them) or the meltdowns over the tiniest things. I have days where I wish we were past this stage and then other days where I don't want them to grow up as fast as they are. A friend of mine has triplets and twins and I tell myself it could be so much more difficult!
  12. sassafrakitty

    sassafrakitty Well-Known Member

    I am right there with you. My dh usually put the little ones (3 yr old twins and a 5 yr old) down to bed, but he recently got transferred out of state. So now it is left to me and they don't think much of it. lol. I think I will try the strict routine, I think that would work. Just have to be not so tired myself that I can do it. So what would it be? Jamas, teeth, story, song, prayer, bed?
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