3 hours at the PEDS

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by TFine, Feb 26, 2008.

  1. TFine

    TFine Well-Known Member

    I just need to VENT.

    I am so upset. Yesterday I took the kids to the PED to get the GI referral I wanted. I got there at 4:00. My appointments were at 4:10 and 4:30. They tell me to go sit and wait. Finally at 5:30 the kids get weighed. Thomas had lost 1/2 a pound and Elizabeth gained 2oz.

    Then I go in the room to wait for the PED. She comes in asks why I am there. I explain it to her. She says oh lets put them on Reglan. I said no, I want to see a GI before I do something that could potentially hurt my children. She says ok and start putting the referral in the computer. Then she gets a page and steps out. 10 minutes later she is back. Starts typing some more and gets paged again. This time she never comes back. After sitting in the room for 15 minutes with 2 screaming kids. (They were tired of being in the stroller) I go out and ask the nurse what is up. She says oh that Dr. went home. It is Urgent Care hours now. At this time I am rather mad. She keeps telling me they will page her and to go sit down. Finally after me going to sit down 3 times I insist they let me see another DR. She informs me Urgent Care has a $30 co=pay for each child. Now I am actually yelling. Finally another Dr. Comes over and does the referral for me.

    As I am leaving the rude nurse says to me "Next time you need to bring someone to help you so your kids can be controlled"! Now I am flat out pissed. I yelled at her bad. I could always take my kids to the PED just fine before. No one expects to spent 3 hours there and for the PED to go home in the middle of the appointment.

    I am still furious!

    Thanks for listening!

    Today we go to the PT it better be faster!
  2. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    :hug99: Was this your regular pedi? Did she just forget about you? I would call the office and complain and have them clarify their policies. I would have been super mad too.
  3. Boni

    Boni Well-Known Member

    I would have been so mad too.
  4. annelily2000

    annelily2000 Well-Known Member

    That is wrong. I would have been super mad too. I would have to change peds. Expecting babes to act like angels that whole time......please. They screwed up and did not want to admit it.
  5. TFine

    TFine Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Leighann @ Feb 26 2008, 08:49 AM) [snapback]640836[/snapback]
    :hug99: Was this your regular pedi? Did she just forget about you? I would call the office and complain and have them clarify their policies. I would have been super mad too.

    Regular in the sense she is my NEW one. We started with her Feb 1 when DH got his new insurance! Oh I am calling and complaining bad today. DH is complaining to HR at his work as well so they have it on record when it is time to renew.

    NOT FUN!
  6. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    I'd have been just LIVID! File a complaint with your Peds office...they're sure to have Customer Service through the clinic itself. Most clinics/hospital track complaints & some even provide a nice gesture to try to make up for your inconvenience. Being that I work in healthcare, I can't FATHOM anything like that ever happening where I work, but I even more so can't imagine having to go through that with 2 infants! Even being alone I'd have been mad! Geesh, I'm mad for you! The nerve....

    Let us know how it's all resolved. I'm glad you at least got your GI referral. Hopefully they can get to the bottom of your little ones' GI troubles.

    Not sure if you recall that my DS was having issues with projectile vomiting...well I'm proud to report he hasn't done it in days. I hope it stays that way! He now has a double ear infection, so we just can't win.

    Oh, and as for your weights...how long ago was the last time they were weighed?

    And one more thing...are you able to switch Peds? After an experience like that, I'd NEVER go back if I didn't have to!
  7. Erineliza

    Erineliza Well-Known Member

    OH- I would be SO mad. In fact, I would generate a letter to the practice, ped and anyone else I could think of explaining the HORRIBLE treatment received and requesting all medical records as I would be leaving that practice immediately!!!
  8. annelily2000

    annelily2000 Well-Known Member

    I ditto writing a letter and keep a copy for yourself. Somehow letters can make a huge difference.
  9. angie7

    angie7 Well-Known Member

    I would definately let her boss or someone "higher-up" know that she left! I would be furious and never go back there again. That is just crazy that she left in the middle of your appt and then they were going to charge you b/c of urgent care hours whereas if she would have done her job you wouldnt have been there that long :icon_eek: I dont blame you at all for being upset but someone else there needs to know what happened to you. That was completely unacceptable.
  10. caba

    caba Banned

    I would be SO angry. Ditto what others said about possibly looking for a new pedi. I know it's a bit time consuming to change, but sounds like you aren't going to be happy with them. I know I wouldn't be!
  11. j_and_j_twins

    j_and_j_twins Well-Known Member

    That is just crazy, 30 minutes would be bad enough with 2 kids, but 3 hours are they insane. You for sure need to call and see wot woz going on. And if that is your regular Ped then call and ask to speak to them too, that just crazy.

  12. TFine

    TFine Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(nurseandrea02 @ Feb 26 2008, 09:24 AM) [snapback]640887[/snapback]
    I'd have been just LIVID! File a complaint with your Peds office...they're sure to have Customer Service through the clinic itself. Most clinics/hospital track complaints & some even provide a nice gesture to try to make up for your inconvenience. Being that I work in healthcare, I can't FATHOM anything like that ever happening where I work, but I even more so can't imagine having to go through that with 2 infants! Even being alone I'd have been mad! Geesh, I'm mad for you! The nerve....

    Let us know how it's all resolved. I'm glad you at least got your GI referral. Hopefully they can get to the bottom of your little ones' GI troubles.

    Not sure if you recall that my DS was having issues with projectile vomiting...well I'm proud to report he hasn't done it in days. I hope it stays that way! He now has a double ear infection, so we just can't win.

    Oh, and as for your weights...how long ago was the last time they were weighed?

    And one more thing...are you able to switch Peds? After an experience like that, I'd NEVER go back if I didn't have to!

    Big T was weighed a week ago and Little E last Wednesday! :)

    Yeah for your DS. :) Ear infections are awful. We started with those and then ended up with this tummy bug that started this whole thing.

    Oh, I am switching PEDS It means a 1 hour drive, but I surely am!
  13. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    Tammy -

    Oh my goodness, I am speechless. Three hours? A pediatrician leaving before doing the one thing you came in for? No way. And the nurse's attitude? Urgh.

    I agree with everyone else to complain. However... I'd like to suggest that you put your complaint in writing. I used to be a customer service consultant and from my experience, complaints in writing are WAY more effective than a phone call. Address the letter to the head of the doctor's office or the head of the clinic. Include the name of the doctor and the name of the nurse. Explain how long you were made to wait, how the doctor came in and out, etc.

    Good luck at the GI's!
  14. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    I would be boiling mad too. I ditto writing a letter.
  15. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    OMG, I would have had steam coming out of my ears! That is just flat-out unacceptable. The doctor just LEFT without saying anything or taking care of you??? And they blame YOU for your babies having a meltdown due to their own stupid delays & incompetence?! GRRRRAAAAGGHHH!!! :girl_devil: :aggressive:

    Let us know what happens when you give the powers that be an earful about that one!
  16. brianamurnion

    brianamurnion Well-Known Member

    Oooo that story really burned my bottom!! I hope you told her you wouldnt have had screaming kids if you wouldnt have been kept waiting for several hours!! I really really hope you gave that staff a peice of your mind. :icon_eek:
  17. nepolm

    nepolm Well-Known Member

    :eek: What an awful experience! :hug99: I would have been pretty POd too! Glad to hear you stuck up for yourself and gave them a piece of your mind! :clapping:
  18. TFine

    TFine Well-Known Member

    The kiddos go down for their nap in 20 minutes or so and I am going to shower and then write a very nasty letter. The first time I met her she forgot to examine my DD and I had to remind her that I had 2 babies with me. Now this is only the 2nd time I have met her.I obviously will not be going back to her. Now to find a new PED that is Kaiser Approved!

    Thanks guys!

    MYSTICH Well-Known Member

    I am so sorry to hear about your doctor appointment that is horrible and very unprofessional of that doctor, I would complain to her boss. 3 hours is way to long and then for that nurse to treat you that way that is horrible.
  20. mrsfussypants

    mrsfussypants Well-Known Member

    UNACCEPTABLE!! I sure hope you find someone you like soon! Let us know how it goes (and I really want to read the letter you write if you're willing to share!) Good luck!

  21. jillangel

    jillangel Well-Known Member

    OMG I am mad for you. That is just terrible. I hope things get better. I can't even imagine going through that.
  22. kgolgo

    kgolgo Well-Known Member

    I would have been fuming!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't say enough how terrible that is and right now I can feel the anger! Unbelievable! These rude nurses are disgusting and should go work at MacDonald's if they can't figure out how to be caring and helpful in the Dr's office! I am so sick of the way these offices are run, they over book, they treat you like crap and they don't even take 10 minutes with you to help your children!

    Sorry, I guess you can tell that I too have been through the ringer on this one. I am so sorry you had to deal with this crap!
  23. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Oh, Tammy, I am so sorry. That is just awful. I would be looking for a new ped. :( :hug99:
  24. TwinsInOkinawa

    TwinsInOkinawa Well-Known Member

    Just what you needed on top of your horrible stomach stuff!

    Make sure you sign the letter - if you write it anonymously (you didn't say you were going to, but just FYI), a lot of times, they get disregarded.

    Hope you can find a new pediatrician ASAP or figure out what happened with this one.

    Hope you have a better day tomorrow.

  25. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Good luck finding another pediatrician! I would be so ANGRY over that kind of treatment at the doctor's office. No one can expect infants to patient 3 hours, that nurse needs to find a new job. I would also complain to the insurance company.
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