3-day PTing

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by SMax, Dec 15, 2010.

  1. SMax

    SMax Well-Known Member

    I just bought the 3-day PTing eBook and we are gearing up to try it after the holiday excitement settles down. DH and I will have the week off from work and will be able to focus 100% on the kiddos. My question: Do we HAVE to night train them, too??

    Did any of you follow the 3-day approach and not worry about night training (the author is in favor of doing it all at once)? I cannot imagine the mess of changing PJs, sleep sacks, bedding, lovies+stuffed animals, blankies, etc!!! Plus my kiddos are still in cribs and sleeping through the night and I REFUSE to mess with that system :)
  2. SMax

    SMax Well-Known Member

    And while I am asking questions: Do you recommend I hold-off on showing them their new underwear until the day we officially start? Or can I show them the new underwear in anticipation of the "Big, Fun, Mommy-and-Daddy-Can-Hardly-Wait Potty-Day?" :)
  3. BRMommy

    BRMommy Well-Known Member

    I followed a 1 Day Potty Training program. It said to keep the diapers on at night until they are ready. When they are ready (close to 3 years old & dry diapers in the morning), just take it off and never look back!

    I tried to keep my boys in diapers at night, but once they were potty trained during the day, they didn't want to wear it at night either. They would just get up in the middle of the night and go to the bathroom by themselves and go right back to sleep.
  4. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    I can't imagine "night training" - really, so much of the ability to hold it all night is dependent upon their body and bladder being mature - not really something you can "train". My 6.5 year old DS has been potty trained for 3 years and still wears a pull-up at night, he just doesn't wake up when he needs to pee. No matter how much I tried to night train him, I can't train his bladder and brain to wake up out of a deep sleep to pee, you know?

    Personally, I'd skip the night training and just try the 3-day method daytime! :) Good luck!!
  5. SMax

    SMax Well-Known Member

    I definitely agree with you on this point and this is the main reason I do not want to put them in underwear at night. I just wasn't sure if it would derail the process at all??
  6. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree about the night training...my DD night trained on her own a couple months after being day trained. I can tell you that I did do the 3 day program with my DS and I did what she recommended for night time but I did that because my DS is one of those kids that would hold it all day until he got his diaper on. Even wearing a diaper, he would still hold it until nap time and bed time. I would say if that is something you don't have worry about then I would just focus on the day time for now.
    If you do plan on night training, I lined his bed with a mattress protector on top of the sheet, two Chux pads and a towel. I left out a change of PJ's and underwear & extra pads & towels in his room...so if we had to make a change at night, everything was right there.
    Good luck with PT-ing!
  7. june07girl

    june07girl Well-Known Member

    We did this method a couple months ago and we did not do the night training. We just called their pull ups 'night-time panties' and I don't feel like it hindered their day training progress at all. I feel that night time training is a physical thing and you can not 'train' them to be dry at night until they are physically ready.

    You can show them the panties before hand if you like. We waited until that first morning and brought them out as soon as we had our goodbye to diapers ceremony. lol.

    Good luck! It took us more like 6 days so don't be discouraged if by the end of the 3rd day they don't fully get it. I wanted to give up a couple times because it was very frustrating but it is sooooo worth it. :)

    ETA: I just went back to look at your ticker to see how old your kids are and they are the exact same age as mine to the day! Cool. :)
  8. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    We talked up the undies before hand and saved night training until they were waking up dry. For one that was the same time, the other it was months later.
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