3 day PT update

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by twinnerbee, Sep 7, 2010.

  1. twinnerbee

    twinnerbee Well-Known Member

    Meagan/megkc03, you are an angel! Thanks so much for the 3 day PT tips!!! I never would have imagined how well it would have worked! I was going to day train first and then work on nights, but after reading that I bit the bullet, tossed ALL diapers, and just did underpants with tons of liquids and rewards all weekend - and by day 2, DS had no accidents and by day 3, DD only had one. They're even waking up dry as long as I get in there as soon as I hear them start talking and rush them to the potty! I'm amazed at how well that tsught them where to go!

    Now my questions. They've made a ton of progress, but I know we're just at the beginning. How do you handle mornings? Do you get them up early or just wait and run in as soon as you hear them wake? This morning my DS woke early and I heard him, but I was nursing the baby. I put her down as fast as I could, but he had already started peeing by the time I got there. It was my fault as he's been dry every morning so far and even this time he didn't do it laying in bed - he got up but couldn't completely hold it. Will that just get better with time as they get better control? Do you think I should go in and (gulp) wake them up early to go?

    Last thing - this is the biggest. DS has pooped in the potty, but DD is holding it. She has always been very regular, going once or twice a day, and it's been three days. She wont go on the potty or in the underpants. We've given her tons of fiber so this is totally mental. Any suggestions? I don't want her to make herself sick.

  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I did the 3 day PT this weekend with my son and I don't have the answer for you for mornings (because I have the same questions) but as for the holding it: My DS held it from Friday and finally went yesterday. I loaded him up on Activia yogurt, dried fruit and the tried and true: blueberries (for some reason, those make my kids go) and that he finally went yesterday 2x. I hope she starts going poop for you soon!
  3. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I have not ever done the 3 day PT so I don't know exactly how it works, but I never woke my kids early to pee. You can try to catch him as soon as he wakes up, or put a potty right in the bedroom with him if you haven't already, so he can go right away. It will get better with time & he will be able to hold it in a little longer. As for the other, I would take Nancy's advice & give them lots of yogurt, dried fruit, anything that might make her have to go sooner. Good luck!
  4. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :FIFblush: Aww thanks! :) Glad you've had success with it!

    1.) Mornings. My boys slept until 7:30am most days. Now it's 6:30am-because one has to pee. In the beginning of them being potty trained, I woke them up early(when it was still dark out) and put them on the toilet. But that really only lasted two to three days. I stopped waking them-because they held it and woke me. But I also ran like the dickens(lol) up those stairs when I heard them in the morning. Nicholas is the one who wakes in the morning having to go. Anthony, wakes up, drinks an entire sippy cup of milk, watches a show, and THEN a good 90 minutes later, maybe a bit sooner, or even later, goes to the bathroom. It's INSANE how much he actually goes then! He would seriously overflow the toilet! LOL! And he was the one who was waking up wet moreso than Nicholas was. So yes-I think it will get better.

    2) Pooping. Oh how I hated it. Anthony was clockwork, three times a day sometimes. Then he started to hold it in for days. He went 3-4 days of holding it in. He was scared to go in the toilet. When he couldn't hold it any longer-he went in his pants. He finally went in the toilet when we were camping, and it slowly started to lessen the fear. I can say, within two weeks, both boys lost the fear and they go whenever they have the urge-and don't even tell me(although they are still super proud and always want me to look... :laughing:).

    What I did with Nicholas(I mentioned this in another thread), was get a polished star rock and told him it was the "special pooping rock." LOL! I told him to hold on tight to it, squeeze it, and it would help him go. He used it once and was fine. When he was trying, I explained to him that if he held it in, it would hurt his belly and his bum. But if he let it out, his belly wouldn't hurt, nor his bum. I even told him the toilet was hungry and he needed to feed it. :FIFblush:

    I did buy Miralax for Anthony, but never did use it. Blueberries are good, as well as pears. Keep feeding her the high fiber foods and constantly talk to her about it to reduce her fears. I would ask if they were scared, and I would tell them it's ok, Mommy/Daddy, etc all do it, and it helps our tummies feel better. And if she has any friends that are toilet trained-and she sees them go-it might help as well. And possibly-have her watch you/dh go and maybe it will help ease her fears.

    Good luck. I'm glad it's working! I can't remember the last time there was an accident over here! They go all on their own. They wake up totally dry, tell me when they have to go, and get annoyed when I pester them to go! :laughing: Way to go!
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