3 Day Potty Training Questions...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by june07girl, Oct 10, 2010.

  1. june07girl

    june07girl Well-Known Member

    We are now on Day 3 and it's going okay, Jordyn has put all her poo in the potty and most of her pee. She has had a few accidents but not many. Kalia could care less and has not once put anything in the potty. My question is has anyone done this method and still used pull ups for naps and bedtime?? I really don't think they could go with just panties and I'm wondering if this confuses them and will hinder their progress?? I am calling them 'Bedtime panties' if that helps??

    Anyone have stories about this method to share??

  2. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    I just recently did pting with my two (they are 2yrs 8month old), and yes I did do diapers at sleep times. They asked for regular underwear, but I said maybe in a few weeks. So far, DS has stayed dry during naptimes (so now, after 1 month I could switch him to underwear), but DD still pees at naptime. And, they both still fill their diapers at night, and because I am worried about liquid intake for my two, I am happy to leave them in diapers at night. Mine have done great with pting, and have not been confused at all, only one accident from DD in the last 2wks, and none from DS.

    I might suggest if one if your kids is not getting it after a few days, to consider putting diapers back on her and trying again in a few weeks or months. For me, it was easy to train my two, because they were ready, they understood it, they knew when they were pooping and peeing (the regularly announced it before or as they were going in their diapers), so my take on it is, if they dont get it after a few days, give it a break for awhile and try again. My DS didn't have ANY interest in pting at all, up until the minute DD started. As soon as DD started getting stickers for going on the potty, he wanted in on the action and he has done great.
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree with Isis, I did the 3 day PT method with my son in the beginning of September. Prior to that he was very PT resistant, we had to stop PT-ing him and put him back in diapers because he was not having it. Eventually he got himself down to a schedule of only peeing and pooping in the diaper during nap time and bed time and we thought if he can hold it for all these hours and then he can try to PT. For him, it did not click to go into the potty until late in the 3rd day. When we first did it, we did keep him in underwear for nap and bed time and I would have used diapers except for the fact that my DS is a notorious holder and we were afraid that he would just start holding it for the diaper again. But if we did not have that issue with him, I'd probably have him in a "sleepy time" diaper for bedtime (he is now dry during naptime and stays dry at night 4-5x a week). I did not do the 3 day PT method with my DD, she just gradually started to do it and I followed her lead. When I did use pull ups for her for nap time and bedtime, we just called them sleepy time pull ups and using them during those times did not hinder her progress at all.
  4. june07girl

    june07girl Well-Known Member

    Next Questions... What do you do on Day 4?? Do you just keep doing the same thing or do you ask them a little less frequently if they have to go. When did you first go out of the house??

    Thanks for your replies ladies!!
  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    With Day 4, I just kept doing what I was doing on day 3. Once I saw that my son was starting to sit on the potty himself (he has difficulty taking his pants off), I started to back off a little. If he goes awhile without going, I remind him to tell us that he has to go pee. I think we went out of the house around day 7. Our first trip was grocery shopping and he did well. I just made sure to take a change of clothes with me in case he did have an accident.
  6. june07girl

    june07girl Well-Known Member

    My girls still can't take their pants/panties off by themselves. I guess we will just keep asking and reminding and hope that the success continues. Today we have had a total of 1 accident between the two of them!!! :) :) :Clap: :Clap:
  7. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    Yay! good for you! it just takes practice for the undies! its so funny to see them pull them up in the beginning, I had to show them out to reach around back and pull the backs up... so cute! and I'm forever repeating "tag in the back"... which is especially funny for my boy... he puts his on with the boy flaps in the back about half the time if I don't remind him!!

    the 3 day program I used was one where you keep asking them if they are "clean & dry and if they need to go to tell mommy"... not asking them if they have to go... anyway, yes, I think on day 4 you just keep repeating! good for you for having success!

    I went ahead and ditched diapers totally back almost 2 months ago...and for some reason its still easier for me to take them to pee before we go to bed than to put them in diapers. I'm too lazy to wash the cloth diapers we have, and too cheap to spend money on disposables! ah well... works for us. my dd will stay dry most nights, unless we've gotten her off her schedule. I would think that you'd be fine doing whatever works for you at night... and truly I think our best progress at night is limiting their liquids... so if you want to do that maybe they could start to wake up dry soon.
  8. june07girl

    june07girl Well-Known Member

    So we are now on Day 5 with Jordyn having only had one accident in three days but Kalia is so resistant and continues to pee and poo in her panties. She is getting it, as she is holding it longer and dancing around when she has to go but when you sit her on the potty she just hops off and says 'I'm all done' and then goes and pees on the floor 5 minutes later. Should I just put her back in diapers and keep working with Jordyn??

    She has peed on the potty a couple times today but had about 5 accidents including the poop incident. (shudder). Any more advice??
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