3.5 yr old tantrums - just want mommy.. daddy won't cut it...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Ela, Jul 3, 2007.

  1. Ela

    Ela Well-Known Member

    It's not just I want mommy... Today One my girls threw a major tantrum because I wasn't the one taking her out of her car seat. I went to take out Veronika , the one with a full leg cast (broken leg) - and Anette started asking that I take her out as well. I said that I can't because I'm already taking out Veronika and that Daddy will take her out. Well. that was the end of a nice evening. She was screaming her lungs out.. DH carried her home and she wanted to run out in her pjs to the car so I can take her out of her car seat. It took a good 15 minutes to calm her down and to distract her..

    My mom was telling me that this whole mommy thing may be associated with me working.., but I don't know... I'm tired though because sometimes even if DH wants to help they only want me... WHile I love them to death, I can't be two places at the same time so things just take longer....

    Just wanted to know if anyone else has experienced this, regardless of the intensity (Tantrums or not...)

  2. j_and_j_twins

    j_and_j_twins Well-Known Member

    I think its an age/stage thing, rather than a "working mom" thing, I think working or not most kids would go thru this.

    My girls do this all the time with the car seats "no I want mommy" , or I want mommy to dry me after the bath, or I want mommy to get that and poor DH has to just stand by while I see to both of them.

  3. micheleinohio

    micheleinohio Well-Known Member

    It's been a thing around here forever. Not sure if it is a working mom thing although I do work outside the home. I feel your pain
  4. DanAbimytwomiracles

    DanAbimytwomiracles Well-Known Member

    It's pretty normal, if that helps at all (which I know it doesn't). Unfortunately, it's a maturity thing, and we just muddled through it until they grew out of it. It might improve if you spend a bit more time with the one who complains the most. It took me a while to not feel guilty about spending more time wwith one than the other, but in the end both were haaving most of their needs met (with twins you just can't meet ALL of them of course).
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