2yr Well Visit Today

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Jennie-OH, Mar 20, 2007.

  1. Jennie-OH

    Jennie-OH Well-Known Member

    We had their 2yr WBV today and it went great. Amanda is way ahead in speech but Casey is ahead in motor skills apparently. They finally got their MMR shots today and that was it. No more shots until Kindergarten. They go back at 2.5yrs old for another visit. We can switch to "any variety of milk" we want now.

    Here's the stats:

    Height: 32.5" (15th%) (+2.5" from 18mo WBV)
    Weight: 24lb14oz (25th%) (+5 lbs from 18mo)

    Height: 35" (80th%) (+2" from 18mo)
    Weight: 30lb13oz (90th%) (+5 lbs from 18mo)

    They did so great with the visit today. They were walking around the exam room while the Dr was in there and really interacting with him. Normally they cling to us like Glad Wrap when he's there.

    They did good with their shots. Casey screamed and cried and tensed up so she'll be sore. Amanda, though, had us all laughing our butts off! She just sat there waiting for it and when the nurse stuck her she said "WEEGI" (it's an unknown word she uses when she's angry) and then just sat there. No tears, no big lower lip, nothing. [​IMG]
  2. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    WOW those are such brave little girls. Great appt! I can't believe they are 2 years old!
  3. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    What a great visit and stats! [​IMG]

    Still kind of freaked that all our babies are 2!!! [​IMG]
  4. kaysyd

    kaysyd Well-Known Member

    that is great! and how cute about the shots [​IMG]
  5. Crystal74

    Crystal74 Well-Known Member

    Those are great stats, I can't believe they are 2 already. I finally got around to schedule mine for their 2yr. visit and I AM DREADING IT! I scheduled them seperately b/c the 18mo. visit was so bad. I'll have to let you all know how they go.

  6. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    Great appt! Like Nicole said, I can't believe all our kids are 2 now.
  7. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    WOW! Jennie they are doing great!!! Congratulations on the great visit! (We didn't have shots? I wonder what the difference is?)

    They are growing well!!
  8. Jennie-OH

    Jennie-OH Well-Known Member

    Thanks, guys!

    Originally posted by ~* dfaut *~:
    (We didn't have shots? I wonder what the difference is?)

    Hey Di,
    I had delayed the MMR until I felt more comfortable with Casey's speech development. There's just so much controversy around it and if she was going to have an issue, I just didn't want to be wondering if it was the shot. Does that make any sense? We weren't scheduled for any shots this time either (other than the MMR).
  9. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    It sounds like they did great! [​IMG]
  10. 4jsinPA

    4jsinPA Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Sounds like a great appt...so 32.5inches is only the 15%...that seems tall to me...I think mine are 30 and 31 inches...so I was hoping that would be 15%...guess not!

    Ours is next month...I too can't believe everyone is turning 2!!!
    Question for you..
    About how many words were they looking for them to have by now...what did they want them to be doing? I always like to make sure I am prepared...So I can work on some things with them
  11. Jennie-OH

    Jennie-OH Well-Known Member

    He didn't ask for a word count. He asked if they were putting words together, speaking in sentences, expressing themselves, etc. I think I probably supplied more info than he actually asked about. Like Mandi counts to 12 and will say her ABCs. I think the thing to remember at this age is that there is a HUGE range of "normal" as far as speech. Casey tries to talk alot but all of her numbers sound like "FOUR". Heck, most of her letters sound like "FOUR" too. LOL! But, she does try to say a large variety of words and she will put words together, like "more milk". Her focus right now seems to be more physical milestones - climbing, running, jumping, dancing.

    He asked about what sorts of things they do - such as running, climbing, etc. They danced for him in the office. LOL! We talked about potty-training and he said that most kids don't train until closer to 3 and not to push it but if they want to try let them.

    As far as the height - remember that we are actually 2wks past age 2 and that your kids still have at least a month to grow. I could swear Amanda grew an inch overnight.
  12. MommyTo3andCounting

    MommyTo3andCounting Well-Known Member

    Sounds like it was a good appointment! It's such a nice feeling not having to worry about shots for awhile isn't it?
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