24 weeks... uterus gets hard frequently... normal?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Nvr2Late, Nov 23, 2011.

  1. Nvr2Late

    Nvr2Late Member

    Hi everyone! I"m new to the forum and really looking forward to being able to chat with others who are going through (or have been through) what I'm experiencing. I would love your feedback on a current issue I'm facing: At about 21.5 weeks, I noticed my stomach getting rock hard at periodic intervals. It did it for about 1.5 days. I knew about Braxton Hicks, and worried about getting them so soon. I went to L&D (as dictated by my clinic) and they checked me out, hooked me to the monitors, etc. They saw no contractions, and my cervix was long and closed. The doctor said he didn't know what was causing it -- might just be all the stretching from having twins.

    They went away, but then a week ago, they came back, particularly when I walk. My belly goes very hard and while it's not painful, it's quite uncomfortable. I have not had any cramps at all. Just the belly hardending and sense of pressure that accompanies it.

    Thoughts, opinions, personal experiences???

    Thanks so much :)
  2. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Sounds like Braxton hicks to me. I believe your uterus starts practicing as early as 6 weeks! http://www.babycenter.com/0_braxton-hicks-contractions_156.bc
  3. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'm with Michelle. Sounds like BH. As she mentioned your uterus starts up with them almost right away - we just aren't usually aware of them till later. I started feeling them around 18 weeks with this pregnancy. Any time you're concerned though it doesn't hurt to put a call in or get checked out.
  4. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree with BH's. I started with them around 19 wks with the twins, around 24 wks or so with my second pregnancy. I don't remember when i started them with my oldest. It's uncomfortable but really not a huge deal :) Congrats and :welcome: to TS!
  5. j-squared

    j-squared Well-Known Member

    I've been having BHs for a few weeks now, much more frequently as the day goes on (it seems anything causes them--walking, gas, one of the babies rolling over). As long as they go away with rest (and proper hydration), you should be fine. Mine usually go away in the evening once I'm able to lie down for a bit and I always feel great in the morning, but by noon they start up again at irregular intervals. Oh, I'm almost 22 weeks.
  6. Nvr2Late

    Nvr2Late Member

    Thanks very much, everyone. It's comforting to know others are having them on a regular basis and things are still ok. I will continue to watch it and if it gets worse, I'll contact my doctor.

    Thanks again!
  7. praises1139

    praises1139 Well-Known Member

    Like the others said, definitely BH. I didn't realize I was having them until I was put on bedrest. Usually when you are busy, you don't notice them because they don't hurt, unless they get uncomfortable--some of them squeeze more than others.
    At this point what you should look out for is 6 or more per hour. Try drinking a couple glasses of water, lying on your side and if that doesn't work to calm them down, call your Dr.
    At 31 wks, all of a sudden I started having them every 6-10 mins and when I got to the hospital, the monitors said they were 2-4 mins apart (counting the small contractions I couldn't feel) and I was almost 2 cm dilated.
    So even if they don't hurt, call your Dr!
  8. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    Like the other girls said, sounds like BH to me too. I got mine frequently when I did activity while pregnant with the boys. Congrats on your twins and welcome to TS
  9. sscetta

    sscetta Well-Known Member

    Looks like everyone seems to agree with it being BH. I get them too when walking etc and they started with more frequency after 20 weeks or so. Take it easy when needed and drink lots of water. If you feel that something isn't right then phone your doctor again. Our instinct is the best indication of something not being right.
  10. momof5

    momof5 Well-Known Member

    Dehydration (even slight dehydration) and/or a full bladder always bring on BH for me. Good luck!
  11. Nvr2Late

    Nvr2Late Member

    Thanks everyone....I see my doc in 9 days and will talk about it then....taking it easy in the meantime :)
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