24 monthers Schedule

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by NatalieK, Sep 7, 2007.

  1. NatalieK

    NatalieK Well-Known Member

    I'm just trying to get a rough idea of what other newly turned 2 year olds are doing. Lately mine have been napping longer and then when we put them to bed they stay up chatting for up to an hour. We are wondering if we should put them to bed later. Right now they have a 7:30 bedtime and wake around 6:30 or 7. They nap at 1:00 but sometimes don't fall asleep until 2 and I try not to let them sleep past 3 or 3:30.
  2. Stellaluna

    Stellaluna Well-Known Member

    Mine have the same bedtime and get up time as yours, the only difference is I start their nap earlier.

    On an ideal day, I have them down by 12:30. (And that is just recently that I stretched it out to 12:30. (due to being out doing things in the morning) Before that, they were down by 12:00.) Lately they have been waking on their own right around
    2:30. But if they keep sleeping, I won't let them go longer than that (2:30). Any later and it is just hard
    for them to be ready to go back to sleep by 7:30.

  3. prettybaby25

    prettybaby25 Well-Known Member

    Mine wake between 6:30am and 7am. Nap at 12:30pm but could go down much earlier. Sleep for about 2 hours. Put in bed at 7:30pm and they are asleep by 8 pm. Seems to be pretty consistent amoung all of us.

    We don't go up after 7:30pm anymore - they were taking forever to fall asleep and us going up there was just making it worse. They are pretty good now but still need that 30 mins of goofing off in their cribs....
  4. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    We are about the same!

    They wake up around 6:30/7 , nap from 12-2 and then go down at 7:30 (asleep by 8 usually)

    We JUST changed bedtime from 7 to 7:30 because they are napping a SOLID 1 1/2 to 2 hrs and sleeping past 6:30 am.

    YEAH for sleep!! They do chat for about 15- 30 minutes before falling asleep though.

    They turn 2 next month.
  5. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    I probably have no business replying since naps have been so screwy, but here it is.

    Wake 7:00-7:30
    Nap - put them down at 1:00, sometimes they fall asleep, sometimes not. If they are not asleep by 2:30, I give up. If they fall asleep later than that, then they stay up too late. I do not let them sleep past 3:00 since it screws up bedtime.
    Bedtime - If they did not nap, it's 6:45-7:00. If they did nap, it's 7:30-7:45.

    If they did nap, they still end up chatting like 30 min or so. If they did not nap, they tend to fall asleep within 15 min. When they were still napping consistently, they would nap for 2-2.5 hrs. It was getting to where they would stay up playing sometimes for an hour. I still kept bedtime the same, since they weren't crying or fussing. They would just play and talk and eventually fall asleep.
  6. jennduke

    jennduke Member

    My boys wake up anywhere from 7-8. They nap from 1-3 usually. Always 2 hours. It's like they have an alarm clock that goes off 2 hours after I put them in their beds, regardless of whether or not they went right to sleep or played in their cribs first! They go to bed around 8. Some nights they go right to sleep and some nights we can hear them up there jumping around and being silly!
  7. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    wake up at 6:30 (+/- 30 minutes)
    naptime 11:30-1:30 or 2
    bedtime 7 (7:30 if they slept late or had a long nap)

    I have some sleep sensitive boys. I can stretch naptime as late as 1:30 but I'm taking a big chance on them not going to sleep because overtired = nap refusal around here. If that happens, I get them up and run them ragged for an hour aiming for total exhaustion and they take a late nap. I don't wake them to preserve bedtime anymore because they seem to do OK with their bedtime regardless (they've actually gotten up from nap at 5 and then went to bed at 7:30.
  8. ruthjulia

    ruthjulia Well-Known Member

    we are on the same schedule too - up between 6:30 and 7, nap at 12:30 (well, they go into cribs at 12:30 - lots of times they won't fall asleep until 1ish - but then the nap usually lasts until 3, sometimes they'll get up at 2:30) and bedtime at 7:15 - 7:30 (sometimes they'll talk until 8 or so). alisha needs more sleep than cameron - she usually falls asleep first, and we'll hear him still talking or playing his acquarium, sometimes pretty late (like 8:30) but he's completely content in there, so i am sticking with this for now.
  9. Tasha

    Tasha Well-Known Member

    Wake: between 7:00-7:45
    Nap: 1-3ish (I wake them if not awake by 3:45)
    Bed: in bed at 8:20 and usually always asleep in 15 minutes.

    I love this schedule!
  10. dmoden

    dmoden Well-Known Member

    wake up anywhere from 7:45-9a (9a is rare lately...usually by 8:30)
    nap from 1-4p (sometimes it's only 2 or 2 1/2 hrs, but usually 3)
    lights out at 8 Pm sharp
    lately hear them chatting away or playing their mobile up to an houror more later (9pm sometimes!!)

    It doesn't bother us that they stay up 'til 9p or so, since they never get up in the morning before 7:45a, take nice long naps, and don't complain during that 8-9p hour...and they are pretty happy kids during the day!!
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