21 weeks and still don't feel them move!

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by lromansky, Jan 10, 2009.

  1. lromansky

    lromansky Well-Known Member

    I'm 21 weeks tomorrow and haven't yet felt my boys kick or move around. I see them moving on ultrasounds, but I never really feel them. A few days ago I thought i felt something, but nothing since then. Is this odd?
  2. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    I felt what I thought was flutters in week 24 but did not feel bona fide movement until week 26. I was freaked out (had been waiting since 18 weeks) but they were always moving on the ultrasound. I had anterior placenta which might have prevented feeling movement. I totally hear you, but it is coming! :)
  3. shandy

    shandy Well-Known Member

    as long as you're seeing movement in US... everything should be fine :)
    I didn't feel anything until 24 weeks - and this was my 5th pregnancy!
    It'll come :)
  4. Kaelan

    Kaelan Well-Known Member

    i too have an anterior placenta, but i would just feel one move instead of both. But on the u/s they were both lively and kicking. It won't be long before they get big enough and strong enough that you REALLy feel them. :hug:

    24W0D mono/di boys
  5. HurleyBeeGurlie

    HurleyBeeGurlie Well-Known Member

    I didn't really feel them till later on either..... I don't exactly remember when but it probably around 24-25 weeks or so. My one placenta is in the front so the babies had to build up some muscle to kick harder so I could feel it.
  6. oh-baby-baby

    oh-baby-baby Well-Known Member

    i have one anterior and one posteior placenta...I feel baby b moreso than baby a...baby b's placenta is anterior, so go figure..lol...
  7. lromansky

    lromansky Well-Known Member

    Thanks all, that makes me feel better. Some days I get really freaked out.
  8. kalish1671

    kalish1671 Member

    It is nothing to worry about.I ,too, did not feel anything until around the 23rd week or so. I was worried and then they just started kicking. Each pregnancy is different. You will feel them , don't worry! Good luck!
  9. mandyfish3

    mandyfish3 Well-Known Member

    i didn't feel a thing until 22 weeks and really didn't feel them consistently until 24 weeks!!

    it will happen! try not to worry!
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