21 month olds won´t eat solids

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Rach28, Feb 27, 2010.

  1. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

    My B/G twins wont eat solid food and they are picky picky picky as they are approaching the terrible 2s and fighting for their independence.

    DS will eat bread, soft cheese on bread, toast & marmite, fries and biscuit but he won´t eat much of that. Everything else has to be in a jar, i.e. stage one food. DD is worse: she will only eat biscuit. She has tried a small bite of pear and apple but that´s it. Her food has to be blended finely otherwise she will vomit.

    We were doing well with solid food last summer. They would eat bits of potato and fruit. Their pureed meals had lumps and we had no problems. Then they started daycare and then came all the illnesses and we went back to square one. Daycare also blends their snack (fruit and yogurt) finely so they have got used to that. I can´t send food with them as daycare doesn´t allow it.

    I have tried everything: eating in front of them, putting them up on booster chairs with us, offered a selection of food (they picked but werent overly interested). DS is more willing than DD. They just throw everything on the floor and insist on eating the easy stuff. These days, both LOs will systematically refuse food just to be awkward then ask for biscuits (which I dont give) as they are hungry. The pedi said to leave them to go hungry and offer just water until the next meal or until they eat what we have offered.

    Their pedi says to go slowly with the solids and not to worry - I live in Spain so the attitude is different here.

    Any advice? Suggestions? I have thought of offering just solid food until they are hungry enough to eat it, but with all the tantrums and fights, I dont want to deal with hungry, grouchy toddlers on top.

  2. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    I'm not really sure I have any advice but I'm sending you lots of good thoughts!! It must be hard on you and very time consuming :grouphug:
    Mine loved finger foods and wouldn't take anything off of a spoon at that age... Have you tried giving them forks? Maybe that will help interest them. I would definately keep trying the finger foods and adding a new one every meal, you never know what they'll like. I always start with what I don't think they'll like since that's when they are the hungriest. I always end with fruit because it's their favorite.
    Are they a good weight? If not then I would still maybe spoonfeed a couple things just to make sure they are still getting all the calories they need.
    I wish you all the best in this, feeding is such an up hill battle most of the time.
  3. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    Can you go to a new ped? I mean, you've been dealing with feeding issues for a while now, and he never seems to take it seriously. :mad: I'm angry for you. It sounds like you might need a consult with a dietician or feeding specialist (or even a speech pathologist); someone who can give you some pointers on how to make the transition to "real" foods. It sounds like nothing is "wrong" with your LOs physically, but they have some solid food aversions. If you were in the States, I'd say ask for a referral, but I don't know how these things work in Spain.

    HERE is an interesting article about preventing oral aversions in infants and toddlers. It has some good suggestions, but I would really either demand your ped give you a sensible course of action, or refer you to someone who will.

    Feeding issues are so stressful, and I'm sorry you're going through this. :hug: I really hope you can get some answers quickly!
  4. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

    Thank you, ladies, for your feedback and support. No, my pedi isnt concerned, but I have been for months. I feel responsible for not trying more solids at an earlier age - I was discouraged by everyone around me (pedi, MIL, carers...).

    They both feed themselves with a spoon and are getting quite good. I have tried forks in the past but need to try again. Both get cross when I offer new food and push it onto the floor and/or have a tantrum if I dont remove it. I have tried leaving it with them alone but that doesnt work with DD and rarely with DS.

    DS is gaining weight well but DD lost 70 grams (about a pound?) but thats due to illness and being fussy. I think thats why the pedi doesnt take me seriously.

    I guess I will just keep on trying. Im sick of people saying they´ll eat when they are ready and it is different here in Spain. I´ve seen plenty of kids who eat food at their age!
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