20 weeks and strange feelings

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by k2daho, Jul 31, 2009.

  1. k2daho

    k2daho Well-Known Member

    So I feel like this past week or so I've started to become SO aware (I'd say too aware!) of the feelings in my uterus and pelvic area, to the point where I am starting to worry about every little thing. This is my first pregnancy so I have no idea what to expect and with all of the things I read and hear of that can go differently or wrong with multiples it's hard not to be worried.

    My last u/s was two weeks ago and showed my cervix at 4.5 long and looking great, and both babies were healthy and right on target :) Should make me feel better, right!? I saw my OB last week and he listened with the doppler, but that was it and said that the u/s was great and everything else was fine so he didn't need to see me for four more weeks (three weeks from today). I'm only 20 weeks so I guess this is normal, but I'm so nervous that something is going to change in these next few weeks or may have already changed since my last u/s.

    In fact the other day I had a bit of a panic and ended up calling my OB and going in to L&D to get checked out. I had an overall uneasy "bad" feeling for about 24 hours and when I got up one morning the babies hadn't moved in quite a while, my belly seemed WAY smaller, and I was convinced that I'd passed some fluid that was not urine. So I went in...they were SO nice :) Heartbeats were great on the doppler, no contractions on the monitor, and no amniotic fluid when they tested with the strip. I was told that everything was fine and sent home! I felt so much better and sure enough both babies kicked the heck out of me that night!

    Now the last day or two I'm feeling pressure in my low pelvis, pretty sure I can feel a baby kicking on or near my cervix and also my bladder. The moving around so low feels SO weird, and it almost feels like something's going to come out! Sometimes it's almost as if I can feel something high up in my vagina where I visualize my cervix being, and sometimes it feels like I can actually FEEL my cervix which worries me.

    Can anyone tell me if they've had similar experiences/feelings? How fast can a cervix shorten (if it were to) and can it happen without any contractions at this point? I'm sure that it's ridiculous to think that my cervix could go from 4.5 to dilating in a few weeks, but for some reason (I think the hormones have really kicked in this week!!!) I can't seem to get my mind off of the things that could go wrong. I know that relaxing and just taking it a day at a time is the best thing that I can do for my babies, but instead I am stressing and wishing that I had a weekly u/s or exam to make sure that these babies are staying right where they need to be until they are big and healthy!

    ARGH! So frustrated with myself :p
  2. talivstouwe

    talivstouwe Well-Known Member

    Don't be frustrated with yourself! I think you feelings are totally normal. Around 18 weeks or so was when I started to be really uncomfortable, lots of pelvic pressure and soreness. I was worried constantly. I was also having Braxton Hicks contractions like crazy starting around then and I was just a paranoid mess. I can relate. :) You are doing great! I'm so glad that your doctor/hospital was so nice about you coming in and checking. That is very reassuring. Sometimes I hear about ladies being made to feel silly about being worried and I just hate that. All pregnancies are nerve-wracking and multiple pregnancies are even more so!

    Hang in there! You are doing great!
  3. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    I think your feelings are perfectly normal, and it is great you are so in tune to what is going on. There is never any harm in calling your Dr at any time to make sure things are still going alright. I think it's always better to be safe rather than sorry! Peace of mind can really go a long way. :hug:
  4. k2daho

    k2daho Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the reassurance that my feelings are normal. I almost wish I'd called my OB today, but I guess I'll have to wait until Monday if it's still bothering me. It's just driving me batty this feeling like there is something in my vagina...now that I think about it it almost feels like when I would first put a tampon in which is so weird! I'm sure my OB will be annoyed if I request to see him less than a week and half since our last meeting, but I feel like the stress of worrying is more detrimental than annoying him.

    Again if anyone has personal experience with these types of feelings/symptoms I'd love to hear whether or not it was nothing or something...
  5. donnawilcock

    donnawilcock Member

    I am almost 22 weeks and have been having that heavy pelvic feeling for a couple of weeks now, like everything is going to drop out :rolleyes: Also, I was walking around the mall last weekend and got crampy feelings, almost like menstrual cramps, Well, I called my Dr. and they told me this is all normal and the babies should lift a little at 24 weeks so may get a little more comfortable "down there".
    Good luck and remember, if something doesn't feel right it's always best to check with your doc.
  6. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Hi:) I just wanted to add that the feelings are normal but I do want to share that I had an u/s at 18wks that showed my cervix measuring 3.8cm and by my 22wk u/s it had shortened to 1.8cm and by 28wks I was on full bed rest for it measuring .5cm and being 2cm and 70%effaced. I'm not telling you that to scare you just to let you know that you are not crazy for thinking it could shorten that quickly bc it can. It just happens bc of the weight and pressure of 2 babies on your body. Good luck and if anything concerns you, call your Dr:)
  7. garden2009

    garden2009 Well-Known Member

    hello again!
    once again... dealing with the same thing as you are. I have been feeling exactly what you described for the past couple of weeks (i am 20 weeks on Monday). I did NOT feel this with my first pg until I was 8 - 9 months. It has been really bad all day today so much that I almost don't want to walk around because it feels like something is going to fall out! I was considering calling my ob this week about it if it stays the same or gets worse. Keep me updated! hope you are doing ok...
  8. k2daho

    k2daho Well-Known Member

    Garden 2009 - we are always going through the same stuff, it is so funny!

    Everyone else - thanks again for the support and encouragement.

    I did call my OB this morning and he was in surgery all day so I saw someone else in his office who honestly had the worst bedside manner I've experienced in a long while, but he did do a pelvic exam and said that my cervix was "as tight as a drum" and very high which is all good :) He also has schedule me for an u/s which they will hopefully squeeze me in for tomorrow or the next day to check the length of my cervix. He said it wasn't necessarily "normal" what I'm feeling...but that with twins and increased pressure in my pelvis that I am likely in for this and more to come! Despite his abrupt and slightly rude way of dealing with me I was glad to hear that my cervix wasn't hanging wide open or something like that, and ultrasounds are always good at making me feel better!

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