2 yr old crying/screaming for hours

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by 2 for Lola, Jul 31, 2008.

  1. 2 for Lola

    2 for Lola Well-Known Member

    Hi everyone! I haven't been on here in the longest time.... I've had a great time reading up on all the posts. I didn't realize how much I missed this forum. Anyway, DS woke up around 9pm the other day and screamed and cried for most of the night. We couldn't do anything to console him. (and we tried everything). Around 3am he finally fell asleep sitting up between DH and I on the couch. I took him to the Dr the following morning and after a full check up everything looks ok. He's done this once or twice in the past and the only common thing I have found is that on each occasion he has been SUPER tired, exhausted even. It's as if he's so tired he can't sleep and then is aggravated about it. Anyone ever experience anything like this? Normally he is a very good sleeper so this is such a strange thing. I can't seem to find something that will soothe him or relax him enough to fall asleep.
  2. cmharper

    cmharper Well-Known Member

    Not sure if this is what your little guy had, but our son did this just last night. Turns out he had really bad gas. :bad:

    I think he's actually also got a bit of reflux as well and maybe the gas and reflux are related in some way, although our pedi isn't ready to send him for a GI since it's not frequent enough and has actually gotten less frequent.
  3. 2Xthelove

    2Xthelove Well-Known Member

    i have been going through this for awhile although evey so often my DS would just not go to sleep and cries whenever i lay him down. doc figures he has reflux and we started prevacid. so far he hasn't been up that long in 2 weeks. but he does wake up alot during the night.

    do you think it could be night terrors? maybe he was scared to go back to sleep. i heard it usually comes on about 2 yrs old or so but don't quote me on that.
  4. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    My first thought was night terrors too. Hannah started getting them around that age. She gets them when she is overtired. Problem is, the first big blow out is the night terror and then she just sleeps so poorly after that. So the crying, etc. throughout the entire night is not a night terror, but just some of the side effects!

    Do a google search on toddlers and night terrors. See if that might be the cause...
  5. 2 for Lola

    2 for Lola Well-Known Member

    Thank you, thank you for the suggestions of night terrors! I did a little research online and it is described EXACTLY as we are experiencing. Now that I'm armed with that info I can possibly avoid them and better yet know how to handle them when it occurs.

    thanks again! :good:
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