2 year molars

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by shelbyolivia, Apr 22, 2007.

  1. shelbyolivia

    shelbyolivia Well-Known Member

    Poor girlies are in the loooong process of getting their two year molars. Olivia is chewing on whatever she can get her little hands on, including her hands! Both are not napping, usually my perfect little sleepers now won't nap & won't go right to sleep at night. I have been dosing them with motrin & hyland's tablets, to no avail. I wish it wouldn't take so long to get teeth. I guess on the positvie side, they won't get any more for a while.........I hope!
  2. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    I'm pretty sure we're getting ours also. They seem to be more bothered by these than they were with the first molars. I'm using Tylenol at bedtime on days when naps are rough so they at least get some sleep. It's such a battle because DH doesn't want to give them anything (very anti-medication) and I don't want them to suffer.
  3. thompsontwinners

    thompsontwinners Well-Known Member

    Oh yes-they are awful! At least ours were. We went through it all last summer from May to about Sept and then we started potty training and that sucks as well! HOpe you make it through quickly. Keep up the Motrin-that seemed to help ours the most! It is so great to know that we will not have teeth issues for quite awhile. Hang in there!
  4. clg05

    clg05 Well-Known Member

    How old are your girls? My girls are doing the same thing (chewing on everything, not sleeping as well, and are grumpy during the day.) They are only 16 months, and I can't figure out if it's teeth or just a stage. They got their first teeth at 4 months, so I guess maybe their molars could be coming in early. My son didn't get his until a few months after his 2nd birthday. I am so confused as to what's going on with my girls. Hope yours get to feeling better soon.
  5. egoury

    egoury Well-Known Member

    For the past week, Rachel has been acting out and I've been attributing it to be a two year old...Well, yesterday at the park when she was crying over nothing, her mouth was wide open and I saw her two bottom molars halfway in. No wonder she's been a crab. Now, I feel so guilty. I told her she needed to tell me when her mouth hurt and then she proceeded to tell everyone the rest of the night about her owie in her mouth. :( I feel so horrible for not noticing it sooner. But, she's been eating fine and hasn't been drooling or anything so I didn't think of it.
  6. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    We have been in the same boat! My DS has not had a decent nights sleep in a couple of weeks now. He is waking up every night, which is sooo not like him! I also hope these molars come in very quick!!
  7. greymom

    greymom Well-Known Member

    My boys have been doing this for couple months now - chewing on their hands like crazy. Problem is, they can't really get them back far enough to chew and get some relief.

    Any suggestions for what you can give them to chew on that reaches back there? They like to chew on their toothbrushes, but I don't want them swallowing bristles.

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