2 year molars

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by nurseandrea02, May 3, 2009.

  1. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    I know I won't 'belong' in this forum again for 3 more months, but I need help from mamas who have BTDT.

    My boys are 21 mos & are NOT very much fun these past few days. I've heard 2 year molars are the worst, so I'm wondering if we aren't dealing with some teething.

    Their symptoms are:

    Early wakings (5am-ish)
    Night wakings (where they cry but not long enough for us to intervene)
    Runny noses (clear & not constant)
    Low grade temps (99-99.8)
    EXTREMELY MOODY (I'm talking giggling to outright tantrums, waking from naps/in the morning just SCREAMING, crying for no reason at all, clingy, snuggly, etc etc)
    Chewing on fingers again (and in the way back)

    If I ask them if anything hurts, they will occasionally say "Owwie mouth or owwie cheek", but not consistently. Both were in for repeat ear checks last week & they looked great, so I don't believe it's that. They are still eating & drinking well, for the most part, & are in decent spirits if they're distracted (ie when we play outside).

    Are we entering the terrible 2s? Or could this be teething? Is there a way to REALLY know???????? From what I can see in their mouths (ha), I don't SEE any signs of molars, but I'm not getting a good glimpse either. Conner's 1 yr molars are just now FINALLY finishing coming through, so could his 2 yrs be THIS close behind (Aiden has had his for months)?

    I don't want to give Ibuprofen if they're just being grouchy, but I don't want them to suffer either. Conner did seem a little better this afternoon after teething tablets (he had been screaming for 30 mins, so he may have just worn himself out).

    (ETA: posted too early)
    Please tell me this will pass soon...ESPECIALLY the early wakings ;)!!!!
  2. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    Those all sound like symptoms of teething to me, at least they were for my two. :good: :hug: I would give them Motrin and see if it helps, and if you aren't seeing any difference and they are still saying their mouth hurts, well then it might not be teething. I hope it is a quick phase for your little guys.
  3. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    It definitely could be teething. My girls started cutting theirs before they were two. Have you looked back there? It literally took months for the girls' to break through...and it was pure you know what!! Are their gums a funny white color back there or have you felt back there and noticed the gums feel weird or maybe feel like there is a little swelling? Two-year old molars were definitely the worse and it took a long time for them to come completely through. There was swelling and bleeding and an enormous amount of pain. Popsicles helped a lot and we also used motrin and hylands teething tablets to help with the pain.
  4. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    Sounds like it certainly could be teething. Mine got their two year molars right around 21 months. They were totally cranking, chewing on things, waking up at night (which they've only done when they are super sick, have vomited, or are teething...so only a handful of times), low grade fever, etc. I finally checked back there and could see that the gums looked kind of swollen/raised and you could see white (kind of milky looking)...I knew that those were teeth. It took about 2 weeks for all their 2 year molars to cut in.

    If yours are teething, I hope it's short-lived.
  5. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Could be teething. One of my girls was a very easy teether, would only get cranky for about 1/2 a day before one busted out. But with 2 y.o. molars she was miserable!! I ditto PP, try and feel back there if you can, or look. I hope they pop soon!! :hug:
  6. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I can't remember when they came in, but they were a BEAR! :cry:

    I put my finger back there and feel around, also - when they are screaming, it's easy to get a good look! :laughing:

    Hang in there!! :hug:
  7. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    2 year molars were absolutely the worst. We had teething symptoms here off and on from literally 19 months - 30 months when the last of them broke the surface. Yeah, that's almost a year. I hope an early start means an early end for you but I'm sharing because I don't want you to think there's something wrong if it seems to go on forever or if they stop showing signs but still no teeth. Those molars are tricky that way.
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