2-year checkup

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by debid, Sep 17, 2007.

  1. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    We took the boys for their checkup today.
    Their stats:
    Trent 24 pounds 1 ounce, 34.5" length, 50 cm. head circ
    Trevor 23 pounds 12 ounces, 34.75" length, 49 cm. head circ
    (that's 5th/50th/75th percentiles respectively for both -- normal for them)

    No shots this time... yay!

    The questionairre was much longer than last time but they didn't have any questions about whether they can remove their clothes faster than you can make a peanut butter sandwich. Then, the nurse asked more questions and one of them surprised me -- she asked if they have bike helmets :huh: Don't they need to have a bike first? They have little scooter bikes but the fall is higher just walking around than sitting on the bike and they don't get any real speed scooting around the yard so I don't see a need. I thought maybe it's because they want them to get used to wearing one but they wore helmets 23 hours a day for 7 months so that should count for something :lol: Does everyone else have their 2-year olds wearing bike helmets on their scooter bikes?
  2. perfectangeltwins

    perfectangeltwins Well-Known Member

    no we don't have helmets. I would wait until your are older and they get "big bikes". The weights and heights look great. :banana:

  3. mich17

    mich17 Well-Known Member

    Good stats! We have had bike helmets for about a year. It wasn't until they got "real" bikes.
  4. MichelleS

    MichelleS Well-Known Member

    Sounds like a good appointment!! We didn't get the girls helmets until they got their two wheeler (with training wheels) bikes. They didn't use them for their tricycles or scooters.
  5. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We got the kids bike helmets this summer. They were riding their tricycles pretty fast and then they also have bikes with training wheels that they were doing great on by the end of the summer. We got them the helmets midway through the summer. They LOVE wearing them.
  6. ****mws****

    ****mws**** Banned

    about whether they can remove their clothes faster than you can make a peanut butter sandwich

    most definetly they can:)
    you made me laugh till i cried.. been there:)

    our apts are today..

    wish us luck
  7. me_and_my_boy

    me_and_my_boy Well-Known Member

    I just got my boys bike helmets for their trikes. They have to wear them if they want to ride them. My mom died from a head injury while riding her bike through the neighborhood 6 years ago. All it takes is one bad fall. Sorry to be a downer, but I would get them used to them now.

  8. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    Great stats! :good:

    We also do not have bike helmets for their scooters... but maybe we should- I never really thought about it?
  9. ruthjulia

    ruthjulia Well-Known Member

    sounds like a great appt! i plan to get them helmets for tricycles, but i don't think they need them for scooter bikes.
  10. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    Sounds like a great apt! We don't have bike helmets b/c we don't have bikes :)
  11. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    Um... I take it back -- maybe we do need helmets :eek: No crash and burn today but they've discovered how to put their feet up and roll downhill... and they like to go FAST. Trent got going and up on two of 4 wheels but he put his feet down before flipping it. He giggled and went back up the hill to go again. He's steering around stuff and it's all surprisingly well controlled but I was a bit alarmed at the speed he was getting.
  12. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(debid @ Sep 20 2007, 04:25 PM) [snapback]416743[/snapback]
    Um... I take it back -- maybe we do need helmets :eek: No crash and burn today but they've discovered how to put their feet up and roll downhill... and they like to go FAST. Trent got going and up on two of 4 wheels but he put his feet down before flipping it. He giggled and went back up the hill to go again. He's steering around stuff and it's all surprisingly well controlled but I was a bit alarmed at the speed he was getting.

    LOL! Mine go quite fast now on there scooters as well!
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