2 stollers

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by mhardman, Feb 22, 2008.


How many double strollers do you have?

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  1. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    We were at BRU looking at carseats today and I was goign to look at the SBS there. I forgot. I said that to my DH on the way home. And he was horrified. WE have a stoller, we dont need another one. I just laughed. I said I hear of lots of poepl on TS who have 2 stollers. HE said, not us. TOo funny. So I was curious, how mnay of you have more than one double stroller.
  2. SilvrHeart

    SilvrHeart Well-Known Member

    3- we have the dbl snap n go (which we used up until a few weeks ago), a combi dbl stroller (which we started using around5-6 mos), and a BOB revolution dbl jogging stroller (for outside walks, going to the zoo). And I was actually thinking about getting 2 single umbrella strollers too! most people I know have 2+ strollers, even with just one baby.
  3. mrsfussypants

    mrsfussypants Well-Known Member

    We just have one. The Valco twin. We have never wanted/needed another one...and besides-it was so expensive, we can't afford another one LOL!!

  4. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Two here -- a Maclaren Twin Traveller that we bought when I was pregnant, thinking it was going to be our only stroller, and then a Mountain Buggy Urban Double that we bought when our twins were 6 months, because the Twin Traveller was awful (IMO) on any surface that wasn't perfectly smooth. Plus, you can't push it easily with one hand.

    I guess we have/had three if you count the Snap & Go, but I don't count that. ;)

    Oh, and we also have a single umbrella stroller. I didn't count that either, because it's only a single and it only cost $12.

    Oh, and then there's the double Baby Jogger in the garage that someone lent us but we've never used.

    So, I guess we really have 5 strollers -- but we really only have 2.
  5. djpizzuti

    djpizzuti Well-Known Member

    I have three double strollers and my twins aren't even born yet... :lol: (One I bought barely used from another mother here on TS! Just so I wouldn't have to flip the "car seat" stroller between cars!)
  6. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    Well I voted 2, but I had three if you count the double snap n go. We also have a jogger and a Combi SBS. We could have done without the jogger, but it was a gift.
  7. xavier2001

    xavier2001 Well-Known Member

    Your DH sounds just like mine. We have a tandem stroller and I want to use part of our tax refund to get a lightweight SBS, DH thinks I'm crazy but I just about have him convinced. I love our Combi Tandem, but it takes up almos the entire trunk in my tiny Toyota Corrolla, so I want somehting more compact for when we travel.
  8. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    We have our version of a snap n go which we are only weeks (possibly days) away from growing out of. We also have a tandem stroller. I am constantly looking for a deal on a dual jogger (I can only talk my DH into this one because he runs every day). Tell your DH that you're not crazy and that eventually (after he lifts them in/out of the car or pushes it) he'll want another one too. You might as well buy it if it's on sale now!
  9. jillangel

    jillangel Well-Known Member

    I have one duoglider and an thinking of buying a side by side also so I have a lightweight one but with another baby on the way I wonder if I should just get a triple stroller but how would that fit in my mini van when the duoglider just barely fits? Probably will grab a side by side and carry the new baby in a baby bjorn if I have too. This is my big dilemna lately.
  10. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I have one tandem and one double jogging stroller. I got the jogging stroller as a birthday gift. There are some lakes with jogging trails here in town that DH and I used to always enjoy walking/jogging around, so the jogging stroller was for that, and I use it all the time now, I love it.

    But if walking/jogging wasn't a hobby of mine then I would be fine with just the one Quattro Tour.
  11. j171978

    j171978 Well-Known Member

    We have three. One front back twin stroller... Graco duo glide I think it's called. And then we have two umbrella stroller. I got clips that you can hook the umbrella strollers togeather and make it a side by side. I want a side by side jogging stroller SO BAD for walks this summer but DH says NO WAY we don't need another.
  12. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    At one point we had three, but then we got rid of the snap n go. We have a SBS (Combi Twin Savvy) and a doube jogger (Safari TT). I LOVE my jogger for walks and the SBS is super convenient at stores and such.
  13. Jayn

    Jayn Well-Known Member

    We have 2 - haven't been anywhere but the Dr office with the twins yet, but they are there when needed :) We have a duoglider and a Chicco Citta SBS (we had this one before getting pg with twins). I love the duoglider and like the tandem for a lot of reasons but it will be nice to use the SBS sometimes when they are a little bigger when I want something a little more lightweight and it takes up much less room when travelling.

    I can definitely see the benefits of having 2 strollers :)
  14. cohlee

    cohlee Well-Known Member

    I only have 1 right now but I am planning on buying a SBS soon.
  15. TFine

    TFine Well-Known Member

    We had a snap n'go when they were small and the duoglider that came with our seats. Those are both gone and I have a Peg Perego SBS and a doubel jogger as well.

    So I have had 4, but only have 2 currently.

    I also have a quad stroller as I watch an 8 month old as well as my own. I didnt like the triples as most were tandem. Instead I got the quad. It works well too as we are TTC and will need it!
  16. angie7

    angie7 Well-Known Member

    I have one duoglider and 2 single maclarens.
  17. Ericka B

    Ericka B Well-Known Member

    [SIZE=10pt]We have a double snap-n-go that we used while they were in their infant carrier and then a side by side combi that we LOVE![/SIZE]
  18. TwinMilf33

    TwinMilf33 Member

    i have 2...only because the first one i bought ended up being crap & got a new one that i love so much more
  19. gottagiggle&twins

    gottagiggle&twins Well-Known Member

    I voted one, because I only have one that I am using. I had the double snap n go but the beebs recently moved to convertible car seats so I need to sell that one. I now only have the Combi Twin Savvy EX. I really like it and would like to just have it as the one I keep in the mini van for our regular outings (shopping and such). I would really like to get a double jogging stroller...not because I jog, but because it would be nice to have something for off road...hikes, beach and stuff like that. I am not sure I can convince my hubby though. I am looking for a good deal, and then if I find one, I will jump on it...then talk to him about it! Hee.
  20. HeyThere

    HeyThere Well-Known Member

    We have something similar to a snap n go, taht I got from another TS mom before my twins were born. I also have a SBS umbrella stroller and a quad stroller. I have always had two or three at a time... even when I only had one kid!
  21. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    I voted that we have 3, but thats because of the sng which I will sadly have to say goodbye to in the next week or so. DH is the SAME way as yours. I got our SBS off craigslist for $20, but DH thinks I should donate it because we don't need it. I may ask my mom to stash it at her house because I feel like we may need it at some point. Then we have my dream stroller.. my Jane PowerTwin. We also bought it off craigslist (for A LOT more than $20, but still less than new). I sold DH on it saying that its the only stroller I'll need... which is why he's trying to get me to give up the SBS. Gotta be careful what you say!
  22. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    We have the Combi SBS and a double jogging stroller. Both are essential.
  23. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    We have a Combi Twin Savvy and a Duo and I am really looking into the Valco Twin...what can i say, I am a collector.
  24. Callen

    Callen Well-Known Member

    I voted 2, but then realized I have 3.

    Peg Perego Duette
    Peg Perego Twin Aria
    Chariot Double
  25. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    I have 2. A mountain buggy urban double (expensive) and a MacLaren Twin Rally for the car and travelling. I use the MBUD for walks in the neighborhood, dropping my oldest off at preschool (I have a kiddie board), etc. I don't find it very car friendly (big and heavy) but a great stroller.
  26. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    We got our 2nd stroller, a SBS, at about 20 months. We kept it for a year but then resold it because it just wasn't as useful as the tandem. I knew I didn't need it at the time but the vision of the kids holding hands in the stroller just overwhelmed me. :) BTW, the vision of twin-bonding didn't quite turn out the way I had planned because the sbs actually gave them too much access to each other and there was a lot of fighting.
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