2 half and she knows how to but does not wana!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by gregje101, Jun 18, 2007.

  1. gregje101

    gregje101 Well-Known Member

    :help: She makes me sooo mad over this :mad: . ok we have had a hard past year we moved 3 times till finally settling into our new house this past march. at our 1st house i intro the potty to her and she poops in it everday!!! easy. no pee though well we bought a new house that was not going to be complete till feb so we told our landlord we will be out feb 1st. well long storyt short we had t move in with the :( in-laws!! the ones who spoil them the bad way!! my hubby is the only child therefore bailey is the only grandkid and none the less a girl so its BAD!! any ways living there for 6 week she had noting to do with the potty(grandma never sat her on it) also i don;t know how :rofl: but we got pregnant living there (twins due in november) i have tried everything in our new house, stickers on a chart, candy and goodies bag full of everything a child would want! but nothing. she hold it in!! one day i sat her on the potty alllll day with apple juice and water she drank the 2 cups and 3 hours later nothing well i went to the kitchen and notice she ran into her room running beind she was on top of her animals and wa peeing on them!!! :eek: i had her in big girl panies too. she knows how some times shw wakes up dry and she can go hours holding it, i can tell she crosses her legs but when i put her on the potty NOTHING!!! HELP what i do i have twins due when she will be 3 and i want her potty trained by then, she starts school in august. THANKS!!
  2. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    Since she is still on they young side, I would just give it a rest. Put diapers on her. If she wants to go, let her, but don't push it. In a month or so, try again--but don't do the physical rewards, give her hugs, kisses, and lots of praise. My boys' preschool director once said that many kids train in August--because they want to go to school. Also, before you go to panties again, call and go visit the preschool to help her remember that she needs to use the potty to go to school--that will be her biggest motivator--especially since she can do it physically.

    BTW, we will be down in Wild Dunes in August :)
  3. sharon_with_j_and_n

    sharon_with_j_and_n Well-Known Member

    So you know you've got the "ready", but there will be absolutely no progress until you get the "willing". I agree with Sharon that you need to give up on this for a while. Jamie was potty trained shortly after she turned two. She was a pleaser and it was a breeze. Nicole could do it, but decided she would not. So I left her until she was ready and when she decided to use the potty she was trained very quickly...BUT she would not poop on the potty. That took another 4 months...during which time I did not put her back in pull-ups, I just changed her poopy panties. Luckily she was pretty predictable with her BM's and they were never loose and runny (sorry TMI). Anyway, this is a battle you can't win, especially when you are frustrated about it. Give it a rest then try a different tactic. Does she have an older friend or relative who is potty trained who she admires? That might be an angle for you. Enjoy the break until you see some signs that she may be willing to try. GOOD LUCK!!
  4. Christel

    Christel Well-Known Member

    2 1/2 is not that old. Honestly, I don't think it's worth the stress. Go back to diapers and let it go for a while. It will be easier on all of you.

    Hang in there
  5. gregje101

    gregje101 Well-Known Member

    Thanks guys truthfully it my mother :umm: who is all over me about this!! everyday i talk to her and everyday she mentions it!!!! how freakin annoying!! <_< so here is the catch i have her watch her when i work (i sell real estate so i work when ever i wana) but the 1st week in july i have to teach a real estate class 9-5 mon-fri and i told her she can potty train her then!! hehe well see what happens, but i do have her in pull ups now and i feel better knowing i hvae support from others!!
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