2 Breech babies and a C-section scheduled for 39 weeks!

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by kcur21, Aug 31, 2010.

  1. kcur21

    kcur21 Member

    So we went in today and both babies are now breech! So the midwife started talking C-section but doesnt want to schedule it until I am 39 weeks!! I asked her if she seriously thought I would make it that long, and she just said, "well..." She also checked my cervix and said it was really, really soft and I am a fingertip dilated, but since there is no head pushing down on it she thought I could carry them further. I am fine for as long as they want to stay in, but seriously 39 weeks?!? Baby A is already 6 pounds and B is 5.5 pounds. Is this crazy or does it just sound crazy to me because I am getting close to wanting to get them out? Thanks!
    P.S. I am 35 weeks and 2 days right now.
  2. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    It is doable. :good: I did it and so have many others. :youcandoit: I had two big babies (ds was 8lbs and dd was 6lbs4oz) and my son's head was "there" and I was 2cm dilated for weeks, and still held out until 39 weeks. :hug: :hug: Hang in there momma!! They'll be here soon!
  3. ohd1974

    ohd1974 Well-Known Member

    Totally doable, my section was at 38 weeks, 2 days. Babies were 7lbs 3 oz and 6lbs 13oz. A was breech. Hang in there, it will be over before you know it.
  4. ChaoticMum

    ChaoticMum Well-Known Member

    I was 38w5d at my section for 2 breech babes also. And I showed NO signs of labor (altho we didn't do a cervical check I felt none of the same things I felt with my singletons prior to labor).

    The longer those babes bake the better I say. Better on lungs, digestive - the whole works! As hard as it seems and boy, it does seem hard and uncomfy when you look back on it, its worth it in the end!
  5. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    The longer the better! Hopefully you have a relatively uneventful few weeks ahead of you. It's terribly uncomfortable that last while, but so worth it for healthy babies.
  6. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It really stinks for you :mad: but you do want EVERY ounce your babies can pack on. Just because you've made it this far doesn't mean they are ready. My little one was 5 lbs 7 oz (at 37w 5d) and had a variety of 'near-term' newborn health concerns. He is fine now, but I think I would have chosen a few extra days so he could have hit 6 lbs at birth (despite being absolutely miserable).
  7. monica77

    monica77 Well-Known Member

    Both my twins are breech also and my c-section is scheduled for Friday Sept 3rd, I am a bit scared, but also excited to meet the twins, I will be 37 weeks and 4 days. I discussed with my doctor postponing the birth until the 7th, I would have prefered them to be born on the 7th, since I am born on the 7th and my husband on the 27th so we thought it would be cool if we can all have a 7 in our birthdates, plus I am feeling fine. My doctor doesn't want to postpone it that long, because he is afraid of my water breaking. He thinks being that they are both breech, there's a chance if the water breaks that the one cord may slide out (since there's no head to block the way) and that may create complications. Plus the babies seemed to be both over 6# last wednsday at the last ultrasound. Of course, I am not sure how accurate the measurements are, but I decided that I will trust my doctor, and I hope everything will go well. I don't want to jinks myself but I am feelign fine, I went to work until Friday and I think I could have gone this week also but I wanted to be rested before the birth. I still have energy, I am going shopping and I am wearing high heels... I wish you to feel just as good by the time you reach 38 weeks. I honestly think I could have carried these twins farther, but I will listen to my doctor and hope for the best. Good luck and I hope it doesn't get to be too bad for you in the end either. I hope you can make it to 39 weeks.
  8. SparksSC

    SparksSC Member

    We've got the lower one breech so we scheduled a CS for sept 13th. That's about week 38. Mostly we picked that day because our fav doc is going out of town and we wanted him to do the surgery.
  9. susangilpin

    susangilpin Active Member

    I feel you girl! I will be 35 weeks on Monday and I am soooo miserable. If they have to schedule a C-Section for me I will also be 39 weeks because they only do them on Tuesdays. And I wont be 38 weeks until Wednesday. ARGH!!! I know it's better to have them stay in longer, but I also know how miserable you are. I have been 2cm dialated since week 30 and am 50% effaced. Lord help us get through this!
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