My girlies are 2.5 now and OMG! they tried to run from me in Walmart tonight and they fight over toys that we have 2 of but this is the cutest age!!! Ava just walked up to me and held this little conversation! She told me that she was finished eating and "now I have to brush my teeth either and then I am going to sleep this night"!!! I swear they are talking so much now! I just love to sit and listen!!
Oh, me too! :wub: Plenty of stuff drives me absolutely crazy, but I love all the talking. Andrew will bite his toast into different shapes and then tell me what they are. "This is a pickup truck with a trailer." (And it actually did look like a truck with a trailer.) And their memories! The other day, Ivy told me, "Mommy reached into Ivy's throat and pulled out a cow!" After I stopped laughing/wondering if she's on acid, I figured it must have been something from a book at the storytime group DH took them to that day. But when I asked him about it, he said it was from storytime a month ago!
Liam is talking all the time. The funniest is when I hear him mimicking his favorite movie "Vroom, Vroom" (That's Cars to the rest of us). He'll be playing with his cars and he'll go "Ready Mack? Ready, Lightening!" and then let them speed across the floor, the table, whatever. This AM, we were laying on the couch and he told me "You be Mater, I be Lightening" He also likes to play puppy and baby. He's the puppy and I am the baby. Of course the puppy starts talking when the baby starts crying. :laughing: He is not sure how else to take care of the baby!!
I'm with you ladies...sometimes the boys make me want to pull my hair out...other times I'm just amazed at them. The talking is fascinating to me...what they say, what they remember, when they say it, etc. Their memories are really good. They'll tell me something on the drive home, and I wonder why and then I remember that we saw a tractor in that spot like a month ago...or when they ask me where relatives or friends are that they haven't seen in a few days...they are turning into little people and it's captivating (I try to remind myself of this when we pitch a fit over one of them finishing on the potty first, who got dressed first, who finished eating first, who got to the door first, etc, etc.).
I am loving 2 1/2 year olds too! Their repetition is sometimes maddening, but their imaginations and memories are amazing!
I have loved this year! I'm scared of 3, I hear it's bad. I love when they are so polite w/ each other, and the conversations between the two of them are hilarious! So lucky to have twins!