2.5 yr. old and "stuttering"

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by mommy2my2, Jan 10, 2008.

  1. mommy2my2

    mommy2my2 Well-Known Member

    Just wondering if any one else's toddler's do this. My girls are 2 years 8 months and both talk A LOT all day at home. They know their numbers, colors, letters, sing songs of all manner. I really am happy with how they are doing, aside from the fact that they are both a little shy outside of our home and their "inner circle" of people. That being said, Ashley has this habit of stammering a bit as she's talking. Example, "Mommy, me, me , me, me, me, me watch a video?' or Daddy, we, we, we, we, we, go, go , go titi's house." It almost seems like she is searching for the word...she knows what she wants to say. Also, I don't think stuttering is the right word. She doesn't say ppppppp pig. It's usually llike she gets stuck on a word until she figures out the next word to say. But she has a pretty rich vocabulary for two, so I'm not sure why this is happening. A few of the books have said that toddlers go through this and it usually resolves itself. I never rush her, interrupt her, or finish her sentences. (Though I want to sometimes..lol) What do you think? Is this fairly typical or should I get her tested? Here's the thing if I do, she is going to be pretty shy around a total stranger, I'm not sure she would even speak to her/him at all. I hope some of you can give me your thoughts, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!

    Ashley and Maddy 5/10/2005
  2. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    My girls are 26 months and Amy, who is my talker, is doing some of that. It's like her brain just gets ahead of her mouth (or maybe vice versa?). It did startle me because she never did it when she was first learning to talk -- but I can sort of understand that when you know several hundred words, it's a lot easier to get mixed up than when you only know a couple dozen.

    Anyway, I always read it was normal too, so I try not to worry about it.
  3. PRJP

    PRJP Well-Known Member

    I posted almost the same post a few months back. Someone replied (dont remember who) with some very helpul information.

    My Jamison is since stopped stuttering as much, every once in a while, but not nearly as much as last fall.
  4. Jen620

    Jen620 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    QUOTE(Minette @ Jan 10 2008, 04:19 PM) [snapback]566889[/snapback]
    It's like her brain just gets ahead of her mouth (or maybe vice versa?).

    My oldest did this at 2.5 and 3.5. and that's exactly what we told her. She was so bad that when they lady came in late August to do the speech intake for my middle daughter, she said she would have the speech program person call me from the program for kids older than 3. By the time I got the call in late Spetember early October (they were very backed-up) Annie had stopped stuttering on her own. I didn't even meet with the person. It would have been a waste of time.

    It's so hard to listen to, but you're right not to interrupt or finish her sentences. It sounds just like what Annie was doing and she grew out of it!
  5. PRJP

    PRJP Well-Known Member

    I did a key word search...and I posted this mid September....Ellen Barr was the one that gave great information, check it out!
  6. Ellen Barr

    Ellen Barr Well-Known Member

    Here is the link to the previous thread. Based on what you've said, it sounds like her brain is just ahead of her mouth. I imagine that it'll catch up really soon. But, check out my post in the September thread. If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.

    I'm glad you found the info helpful, PRJP -- how is Jamison doing these days?
  7. PRJP

    PRJP Well-Known Member

    Thanks Ellen, i did not know how to post a link. The information was very helpful and informed me as to what warning signs to look for. Diane, I hope you are comforted by it as well, or at least know what signs to look for.

    Jamison is doing well (besides not pooping in the toilet, but that is a differnt topic)
    His real bad stuttering continued for another 2-3 months but now is not as frequent. I continue to watch for "warning" signs but have no major concerns. Thank you for asking.
  8. kgolgo

    kgolgo Well-Known Member

    My twins sister's son did this when he was around 4, repeating one word, like he was still thinking to get to the next word, within a couple of months he got over it. He is now almost 5 and speaks VERY well, and I think it had to do with the excitement of what the child is trying to say along with trying to find the right words. I am no expert but I wouldn't worry about it. :)
  9. stacyann_1

    stacyann_1 Well-Known Member

    my daughter does this sometimes, I think it's what you said.. Like if you were speaking a foreign language, you'd be thinking faster than you can get the words out.. It sounds the same. I meant to ask the doctor about it but forgot. My mommy instinct tells me it's normal, so I'm going with that for now.
  10. cabonnell

    cabonnell Well-Known Member

    OMG! I've been trippin out over this with Amber lately. Like another person said....it's like her brain is going much faster than she can relay it so it's more like "hey, hey, hey, I-wa-wa-I-wa-I-want watch B arney". I told my husband that it reminds me of listening to an old vinyl record that has a deep scratch in it and you need to go over and nudge the player to get it to move on. I've heard other toddlers do it too though and it only seems like when they get excited. Emily doesn't do it at all but she's a bit more mellow....always has been. I figure it's just a phase.
  11. mommy2my2

    mommy2my2 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all of the replies...it sounds like it's just typical stuff, but I'll keep my eye on it.

  12. burgybabies

    burgybabies Well-Known Member

    DD1 does this still. She's 3.5 years old. She's a very social, talkative person and I wonder if her mind is just working faster than she can speak... Mommy instinct...seems completely normal.

    eta: DH does this on occasion too. Sometimes he even misses words when he's talking because his mind is working so fast. Its funny when I have to stop him and ask him to repeat himself. Ha, Ha!
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