twins are almost 18 months old and I finally decided to try the 1 nap thing.... it's going great! I was dreading it, like every transition....for nothing! they used to sleep from 6:30pm to 6:30am...then nap at 9:30am for 45min to 1hour, and pm nap from 1:30 to 3pm. now they wake up at 7am, sleep from noon to 3pm, well my daughter does, Kaden still only 1 1/2 hours, hopefully he'll adjust soon and sleep a bit more....night sleep still the same. just wanted to share the happy experience, it's nice to have more time with them in am and do lots of outings, harder for me to adjust to not having that morning break, but I'll get there
:Clap: Great news!! I am the same way with every transition and it always ends up easier then expected and much better! :blush:
Me too! I'm on day four and the girl are doing great. I however am so missing my morning break! 5 hours is a long time to go without any break. I'm hoping I'll see the benefits this weekend when my husband and I can stay out longer with the girls. But I'm just looking for ways to burn time! We've been to Starbucks so many times during the day I'm thinking about having the twins work there!
:laughing: i'm not looking forward to the transition at all! my MIL keeps asking if i've made the switch yet (i keep telling her i'm waiting till the girls "tell" me their ready) - but even when they do, i may try to "force" two naps for a while. i love my morning break!
Great News!! Your schedule is just like mine now. Isn't it great doing morning outings with them? I think I'm losing a few pounds too! :woohoo: They sleep well and actually walk to their rooms for their naps :ibiggrin: Congrats to you all!
This might be a stupid question, but how did you know they were ready to switch? I don't think mine are yet, but I was just wondering. Thanks!
For my two, it was that they wouldn't nap either in the morning or the afternoon (usually the noon nap was skipped) and it made for some cranky kids.
I noticed mine were ready to switch when they were consistent in boycotting their morning nap. Though I was in denial at first and my kids humored me by just playing in their cribs during the whole time of the morning nap...but eventually I admitted it was time to change.