2 1/2 year old not eating

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Birchbeer6, Sep 30, 2010.

  1. Birchbeer6

    Birchbeer6 Well-Known Member

    Lately for the past week or so, DS hasent really had anything to eat.....he use to drink all his milk, but thats subsiding now to......he does have all his molars....also he constantly has 2 fingers in his mouth....he has been very mean to....always picking and being mean to his sister...what is going on?
  2. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Welcome to Twinstuff!!!

    It sounds as if he is testing his boundries with his sister. Be firm & consistant and it should subside and you'll get a better behaved boy.

    My 2.5 year old always has his fingers in his mouth, but he is still getting his molars. Toddlers go through phases of not eating and then eating a lot. I won't worry too much about it. Just offer foods and if he eats, great... if not, he won't starve. :hug: Mealtimes are stressful times for me. Just watch what he is eating for snacks. Take in the whole picture (a week of eating) vs just the meal.
  3. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    When was the last time he pooped? My one son has terrible constipation. He can go 4-5 days between BM's. :woah: Even feeding him beans, pears and lots of fiber I'm lucky to get a poop out of him every other day.

    When he is constipated he'll hardly eat.

    When that boy does not poop....watch out. He is a terror, but once he goes, he's back to his happy self.

    I now make sure to give him lots of water through out the day and 4oz of apple or pear juice a day.
  4. Birchbeer6

    Birchbeer6 Well-Known Member

    He has no problem moving his bowels....funny thing Im noticing.....is when he is throwing fits, whining and hitting his sister, I will give him crackers or fruit (something he might eat) and his mood changes, different kid.....but he wont eat his main meals!!!! I go to the Dr. on Monday for 2 1/2 checkup, I will mention it to him...
  5. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    Crackers and fruit are so much more fun to eat than the meal. Mine chewed on their fingers Alot when teething. And I can assure you he will eat when hungry
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