1st yr Birthday cake - what kind?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Krissa72, Jul 28, 2010.

  1. Krissa72

    Krissa72 Active Member

    My Lo's turn one on Saturday, wondering what kind of cake I can get. They have not tried eggs yet, actually not on many table foods yet, still stuck on a lot of stage 3 foods, but getting better at cheerios, puffs, small pieces of food, etc. My older son was slow on the solids too.

  2. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I did chocolate cake with vanilla frosting. My boys did have eggs by then though. I didn't really pay attention to foods in other products and if my boys had tried them yet-to be honest. Like biter biscuits. They have milk listed as an ingredient. But I still let my boys have them, even though they never had milk yet(but they did have formula that was milk based). To be honest, it just wasn't something I thought of! LOL!

    I know others on here have made other types of cakes. Hopefully some will chime in with other ideas! Don't forget the camera!
  3. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We had the grocery store cake. Theirs was vanilla with buttercream frosting.
  4. haleystar

    haleystar Well-Known Member

    We also had the grocery store cake, vanilla with whipped icing because they said it wasn't as sugary and I don't like to give the kids foods high in sugar.
  5. piccologirl

    piccologirl Well-Known Member

    my guys weren't eating much in the way of table foods at 1 year so i figured the cake was pretty much for tasting and photos. there are recipes out there for egg-free or vegan cakes, and you could check the ingredients to see what you think. my boys had already tried eggs so that wasn't a problem with us. they hadn't tried chocolate yet, so we decided to do a vanilla cake with a white frosting (i won't dignify it by calling it buttercream, it was frosting from a can! :laughing: )

    are you comfortable trying eggs before saturday? it's thursday morning, what about scrambling a couple of eggs and letting them have a taste at lunch?
  6. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I ordered a bakery cake for the adults at the party and made the kids cupcakes. I just did vanilla with chocolate chips. I also agree with Sara's suggestion about giving them a little egg to try before their party and see how they handle it.

    If you are going to do a homemade cake, I subscribe to the website Hungry Girl she has some suggestions to keep cakes low calorie (and egg & oil free):
    Hungry Girl cake link

    Good luck!
  7. mommylaura

    mommylaura Well-Known Member

    Our grocery store makes a little separate smash cake for the baby (one layer) for free when you order a first birthday cake :)
  8. WaterGuzzler

    WaterGuzzler Well-Known Member

    I am not a cake baker by any means, but I did make the girls' cake and it was so easy and really didn't take much time at all. All it took was a small cake pan for the ears and a larger pan for the head. I freehanded the decorations. Each girl got their own cake, too--I just took the ears off when it was time to serve :)

  9. jromkey

    jromkey Well-Known Member

    I am planning on making cupcakes for the girls' birthday and will make each of them their own cupcake "cake" that they can smash and smear to their heart's content. I will be making chocolate and vanilla cupcakes for everyone else but they will be getting either carrot or applesauce cupcakes. I am going to test out some low sugar cake recipes I found on wholesomebabyfood.com. You may want to check that website out if you are looking for egg free, sugar free, etc cake recipes!
  10. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We sort of had two parties.. the first one I did an egg/dairy free chocolate cake and it caused such digestive havoc that I did a carrot/applesauce cake the second time around. We also have bakeries around us that cater to food allergies for cakes, so that might be another option if you can't try it out before the weekend :)
  11. jromkey

    jromkey Well-Known Member

    Jen - just curious how your carrot/applesauce cake turned out and what your recipe is. I'd be interested in trying it out!
  12. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I posted it here the other day. It was an improvisation, but it turned out pretty well. It tasted like a mildly sweet carrot cake. You could add a bit of brown sugar as well, just for flavour and/or some grated apple to the carrots. The kids liked it much better than the chocolate version. I made a vanilla buttercream frosting for it with earthbound spread (it's vegan margarine type thing). The nice thing about making cake for infants is that it all tastes like cake to them! :lol:
  13. jromkey

    jromkey Well-Known Member

    Thanks Jen! I will definitely be trying that out. It is exactly the kind of recipe I was looking for.
  14. reaganandhaileysmom

    reaganandhaileysmom New Member

    [media] :birthday: :birthday: [/media]i bought my girls their own mini cake each that had a pic of themselves on the cake with with a messy cute face
  15. fmcquinn

    fmcquinn Well-Known Member

    It's good to hear that other people are thinking carrot cake. I was planning on getting mini-cakes or cupcakes for the girls, but I was definitely thinking carrot cake. My husband thinks that would be awful, but I just don't want them on some crazy sugar high all day! I'll definitely check out wholesomebabyfoods.com for recipes.
  16. slugrad1998

    slugrad1998 Well-Known Member

    I don't think it really matters because they are going to wear it more than they are going to eat it! I just got cupcakes decorated with bright colored frosting for the photo op. I wouldn't go out of the way to make it "nutritious"! The concept of "sugar high" is actually a myth. If they are going to be wound up, they will be wound up just by being around people. If they are laid back, then they will stay laid back.

    As far as foods you have/haven't introduced, unless there is a family history of food allergies I wouldn't stress. Once mine got to a year I pretty much let them try anything they showed interest in. Just have fun with it and they will enjoy it too :)
  17. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    Ha, I wouldn't count on that! Once my guys got a taste of that cake, they shoved it in their faces with both hands. Then they tried to eat the icing-coated paper plates the cake was served on! :lol:

    But I wouldn't worry too much about the sugar. My guys wolfed down a good-sized piece of cake each (from the grocery store) and still went down for their naps 2 hours later.
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