1st time at daycare tomorrow

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Safari, Aug 14, 2007.

  1. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    We are trying one full day of a small home daycare tomorrow. I'm a nervous wreck. I'm so used to our schedule/routine. And let's face it..... having control over it (well, as much control that you can have w/ twins).

    How do I just hand them over? (dh is dropping them off, but still). I'm so used to writing lists, schedules, instructions (for babysitter or grandparents). This is different, the provider has her own routine. Do I just let go and let her do things her way and hope for the best? I don't want to start off micromanaging (which is my tendency when getting help w/ the kids).

    For example, we have a consistent prenap routine: milk, sleepsacks, 3 books, snuggle time, dark room, sound machine, keep house quiet (syd is not a good sleeper). Do I send sleepsacks? Suggest books? or just back off and let her do things the way she does (trust her) and hope the girls adjust? It's a different environment. So do I just go with that.... or try to insist on some of our routine?

    I want the girls to like it and hopefully adapt. And I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this doesn't mess with their typical 2-3 hour nap. I really don't want to screw with that nap. It was so hard to get the naps working. I'm terrified of the nap going awry.

    Thx for any advice/experience you can share.
  2. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    I think it's healthy to have a little change up in routine. I think they will probably do better with it than you ;) . I can only imagine how nerve racking it must be for you to put your sweet babies in the hands of someone else who may do everything completely different than you. Kids are pretty darn resilient and I think that they will be able to adapt to the "schedule" of each environment. If there are certain things that you feel are of the uttmost importance to you for your kids (such as don't give milk right before a nap because of digestive issues or avoid certain foods and THAT kind of thing), then of course, write it down for the care taker. How many other kids does she have? If it's just yours then of course you could suggest your schedule but if there are other kids involved then I would just let her do her thing. Hopefully you have researched this care taker/daycare extensively. Have you been inside to look around? Have you ever taken the kids there to check it out and see what's there? Perhaps there are some books and toys there that they will be familiar with. If this daycare person knows what they are doing then they should have developmentally appropriate toys, books, activities and a schedule that makes sense. I would try to just relax, take some deep breaths and as you said, "hope for the best." I'm sure it will be fine and if you are not happy, then you can always find another. GL and let us know how it goes.
  3. First of all, expect things to be different. They wont nap, they will act different, they will be out of wack on routine...then go from there. I would suggest things that can help with her routine. If they sleep in a sack, give her a sack...but as far as books to read, level of sound, etc...these are things that are a little out of your control. I assume you trust this woman if youre leavin your sweeties with her so Im sure she will do the best she can and the routine will change a little, but eventually you both will get into a new routine. As far as the kids adapting, its not mom or moms way so they take it on accordingly. My DD acts one way on daycare days and another on at home days.... I learned to be flexible with it.... you will too in time its still new ;)
  4. MichelleS

    MichelleS Well-Known Member

    Awww! I would be nervous for the first time too. I never used daycare but my girls stayed over at both my mom's house and my FIL's house at that age (and younger) and it was nerve wracking for me too. What I did was send them with some of the things that they had at home to make them feel comfortable. I would always pack their favorite blanket, a favorite book, a favorite stuffed toy. But, I would let the rest be up to the grandparent in charge. If they had any questions they were free to ask but I didn't micromanage. I do think that they need to learn that sometimes things are a little different. I'm sure that your two will learn and adapt quickly. And, in the long run it might help you out at home more because they can be more flexible in their routine.

    I hope it works out for you and enjoy your "free time".
  5. rematuska

    rematuska Well-Known Member

    Ditto the PP, especially the part I can attest to - my kids normally do better than I do! Good luck - it will be ok, and the less stressed you can be (or act in my case sometimes), the more fun your girls will have.
  6. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    [SIZE=12pt]Safari, I can imagine this is going to be stressful for you! PLEASE KEEP IN MIND[/SIZE]..... [SIZE=14pt]YOU NEED AND DESERVE THIS BREAK!!!
    That said, I think you should call and ASK them what is normal? If they are used to sleeping in sleep sacks, then send them. If they have comfort toys, send them. Give her a list of foods that they like etc. and a little insight into them. Give her their normal schedule (I don't think there is anything wrong with that) so that she can see what normal is for them. She might throw it all out the window, but this will be good for them AND YOU!

    Good luck and let us know how it goes!

  7. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(double-or-nothing @ Aug 14 2007, 11:51 PM) [snapback]368600[/snapback]
    How many other kids does she have?.......... Hopefully you have researched this care taker/daycare extensively. Have you been inside to look around? Have you ever taken the kids there to check it out and see what's there?

    She takes a maxium of 6. They are staggered (arrivals and departures) and some of their naptimes are different too. I think they'll be 5 kids there tomorrow (including Sam & Syd). We've researched ALOT! She is the main caregiver, but her husband is an "assistant". Both are really great w/ the kids. She's a small family liscensed daycare (bkgrnd checks, no deficiencies, no complaints - called our county for info). The other kids are all girls (which is random) but they are all btwn 11months - 22months. So our girls are right in the middle. We've been there twice. She has an open door policy for parents - we can enter any time unannounced. I've talked at length with 2 of the other moms. One of them happens to be our neighbor from down the street. The toys (indoor and outdoor) are appropriate for the age range. She serves healthy and organic foods. no tv. This is a trial day. We won't officially sign a contract yet (although I'm finishing all the paperwork w/ immunization info, etc).
  8. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    BTW The main reason we are doing this is because of my 2 chronic health problems. One of which is NOT under control. So they'll be alot of drs appts, searching for trtmnts, tests, etc. So much for "free time".

    Basically, I'm trying to become a healthier, stronger mommy so I can be more focused on them when I'm with them.

    I KNOW it's the right thing to do. But being SURE if it's the right PLACE/PERSON, is hard.
  9. MichelleS

    MichelleS Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Safari @ Aug 14 2007, 08:25 PM) [snapback]368647[/snapback]
    BTW The main reason we are doing this is because of my 2 chronic health problems. One of which is NOT under control. So they'll be alot of drs appts, searching for trtmnts, tests, etc. So much for "free time".

    Basically, I'm trying to become a healthier, stronger mommy so I can be more focused on them when I'm with them.

    I KNOW it's the right thing to do. But being SURE if it's the right PLACE/PERSON, is hard.

    :hug99: Aww I'm sorry. Honestly I didn't mean that you would have any free relaxation time hence the quote marks (do any moms?!) but I'm sorry that you are going through medical issues.
  10. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    I hope it goes well and you can get your medical situation in check! I don't have any advice but wanted to wish you good luck and send :hug99: ! I'm sure the girls will do fine!
  11. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    It sounds to me then like it's going to all be fine. I like the idea that they allow an open door, walk in anytime policy. That would be very reassuring to me. I know from previous posts of yours what you are going through and I think this is really really important for you. As pp said, they may get off schedule or act a bit different but I think all of that doesn't matter right now. They will readjust when the time comes. I'm just really glad and proud of you that you are taking the necessary steps in your life to do what is best for you and your family. GL and please let us know how it went!!
  12. shannonfilteau

    shannonfilteau Well-Known Member

    I feel for you, I am dreading it myself, only 22 days left and it's back to work for me and I will be in the same boat. Sorry you are having to deal with medical stuff...Your girls will be fine, just an adjustment time for all of you, but good for them socially and developmentally!
  13. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    Thank you all for your wonderful support and advice! *tears* thanks for replying to my many, many rambling posts.

    BTW My health issue is Vertigo (completely random, unexplained spinning, nausea & vomitting). I have daily dizziness described as motion dizziness. I feel like my environment is moving when it isn't (cruel joke for someone living in Calif earthquake land). Anyway, I've been to specialists, had a battery of tests. It doesn't appear to be my ears (99% of cases) or my brain (mri), so that leaves my nervous system. I don't even technically have a diagnosis. The other illness is intersitial cystitis (bladder). It's a problem, but one i've had almost 10 yrs, so I know how to cope w/ it. It's the dizziness and vertigo that's scary as heck.
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