1st perinatal appt

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by sfried93, Dec 31, 2008.

  1. sfried93

    sfried93 Well-Known Member

    Was 13w exactly and Baby A measured 13w5d and Baby B measured 12w6d. Shoudl I be concerned with the big diffeerence between the 2??? Dr wasn't at this point but did say that he woudl watch closely in the next few appts. I go back on the 26th for gender scan!! woo hoo!! Can't wait to see what we are having!!! The heart rates were 163 and 167 so of course everyoen is sayign 2 girls. I am sayign one of each!!!
    Also I am still down 3 pounds and Dr wasn;t real happy abotu that but I am 25-30 pounds overweight so I really beleive it is okay. I am definitely eatign well jsut not gainign right now. He wants me to gain 15 pounds by week 20!! I doubt I can do that but I will see.
    Anyway next OB appt is jan 21 nad peri appt is Jan 26th!!! Will update you then.
  2. HeyThere

    HeyThere Well-Known Member

    I wouldnt worry about the size unless one starts growing way more and one doesnt. That is the issue more than size difference.

    Good luck at your appt!

    ANGELA SHAW Well-Known Member

    i have always measured 4 days apart, as for the wieght, just make sure you are eating and drinking. when your body says feed me eat when it says drink than drink,
  4. WaterGuzzler

    WaterGuzzler Well-Known Member

    I have no idea about the size discordance since it sounds like they have two placentas, right? Because you think they could still be one of each? Either way, congrats on the twins and it sounds like you had a good appt :)
  5. nicinthebu

    nicinthebu Well-Known Member

    Mine are di/di and my girl has always been smaller than my boy. I am 28 weeks and my girl is 1lb 13 oz and my boy is 2 lb 6 oz. Dr is not concerned- he advised she is just smaller than him!
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