1st birthday present ideas

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by kat5682, Apr 23, 2010.

  1. kat5682

    kat5682 Well-Known Member

    So i figured you guys could give me some suggestions for presents for my twins 1st birthday present - what they would love to get. I'm the most uncreative person in the world so at the moment i'm thinking money in their trust funds!! Please don't let it come to that!!
    So what did you get for your little ones? I have a girl and boy if that helps!!
    Thanks 2nd year moms!! See you in this forum sooooooon!
    Rachel :)
  2. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    Can't wait to have you join us!!!

    I think the big hits here were the push to walk type toys and our Cozy Coupes. Now with summer around the corner I would buy the outdoor stuff, like a bunch of bubble toys, maybe a sand and water table or a ball pit! This is such a great birthday!
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree with push to walk toys, outdoor toys (like a Fisher Price Bubble Mower), books, Leap Frog My Pal Scout and Violet (my kids love them), shopping cart, mega blocks...I have b/g twins and they both love the blocks.
  4. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    shopping cart, ride-on toys, Fisher Price piggy bank, Fisher Price Laugh and Learn Home, Little People toys, books
  5. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    Well my guys had more fun on their birthday playing with the wrapping-paper and ribbons than the actual toys, so if you wanted to put money aside for them and keep it simple, this would be the best birthday for that! :)

    That being said, they got a Radio Flyer wagon with canopy, musical instruments, books, toy vacuum, bubble mower, lovies, megablok wagon, and stuffed animals. Plus some checks for their education fund. :D Hope this helps!
  6. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    We have the Fisher Price laugh and learn kitchen -- there is a doorway one too, wow my kids got soooooo much use out of that thing. Look now you might find a USED one. I think I spent close to 200.00 here but wow they just used it and used it and now the baby loves it too. It is great because there are no spare parts to get lost around your livingroom. I love all the Fisher Price toys and Leap frog toys. Other options -- Blocks, GOOD books, do you have a shape sorter ?, lots of various balls (Ikea has fabric ones), nothing that they can hurt each other ! Baby strollers, shopping carts -- both genders love to push things.

  7. carlylafont

    carlylafont Well-Known Member

    We have twin girls, and instead of toys we got them helmets and wee-rides http://www.weeride.com/ so that we could take family bike rides. They received plenty of toys and clothes from others and were excited about the helmets!
  8. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    We got the cozy coupes at Christmas when they were 20 months, and I think they would have enjoyed them earlier... they have a floor part in them to keep little ones feet safe and we never utilized that part.

    The bike trailer is GREAT! I got that for my dh at Father's day last year and we've had fun biking with them in the back.

    Books that have flaps are fun, my kids enjoyed opening and shutting them. There are also the music push button books that are fun.

    the sorting box toy is great too... though it seems only recently did they get the hang of it, not sure if others had better luck.

    We got the sand/water table at 12 months, but I was too scared to try sand in it until 20 months... at that point they did great, maybe they would have enjoyed it before then...I love the table because it gets them up and the sand doesn't really get everywhere like a sand box... I still haven't filled up the water side... at the beginning they loved just putting things in and out of the table while they were in the backyard.

    sometimes I think we have too many toys and they don't enjoy any of them.
  9. scrappycindy

    scrappycindy Well-Known Member

    We gave our girls the Little People Noah's ark set with the extra animals, a few books, and a cool pop up tent/tunnel system. We only put up the big center tent and one tunnel as it's pretty big in our living room. They aren't crazy about it, but do crawl into the tent and tunnel. It's cute! Oh, and a friend sent a musical instrument set that has a drum, marracas, cymbal shaker thingy and a recorder type thing. They like those things.
  10. ssb2e

    ssb2e Well-Known Member

    We got tons of stuff for their first birthday and Christmas (they are close together). The one thing that they have got the most use and fun out of is the Step2 Kangaroo Climber. They LOVE that thing. They climb through the tunnels, over the top, slide, play peek a boo with each other, etc.... It's great. I've kept it inside up until now, but may take it out since it's warm.
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