1st bday - anyone not doing much? So dissapointed.

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Krissa72, Jul 28, 2010.

  1. Krissa72

    Krissa72 Active Member

    My Lo's turn one on Sat. We are not doing anything really, will have cake and a lot of gifts but just we will be having it at home and Grandma will be here (as usual), no-one else, so we are not making a huge deal out of it. I wish we were. We live in a different state than most of our family and cannot afford to travel now to do it the right way. Perhaps in the fall, but that would not be their actual 1st bday so kind of weird to do it then.
    Anyone else keep their babies 1st bday low key? Should I lose the guilt? Or is how I feel justified, like a horible parent.
  2. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug: You are not a horrible parent! We did have a big party-but everyone is local. I totally understand how you would feel, but also-if it were me, I too wouldn't have a party if everyone was out of the area. And if you want to have something in the fall(will more people be around then?)-then go for it! And to be honest-the party is really for the parents. The kids have no recollection of it! I say go out and have a wonderful time! Go somewhere as a family have a great dinner, and enjoy some cake! And be sure to take pictures and post them! No matter what you do-it will be special.

    Now-lose the guily and go make some wonderful memories! :hug:
  3. acjb2004

    acjb2004 Well-Known Member

    Don't feel bad. We are in the same situation as you are. All of our family except for my sister lives out of state. So it will be us and my sis and her dh. That's all. We made a huge deal of it when Claudia turned one and it was fun in the beginning at toward the end she had a huge meltdown cause she was so overstimulated and so overtired. Her second birthday that was a different story she had soooo much fun.
  4. piccologirl

    piccologirl Well-Known Member

    we had (and continue to have) a similar situation. we don't have a single family member less than 12 hours away so we didn't have anyone over for their first birthday. most of our friends haven't started families yet so there were no other babies/kids to invite.

    you'll have a wonderful time anyway. we did balloons and full decorations and presents and cake and lots of photos. we looked at it as a celebration of the day our family became whole, and that's a story of the four of us. it's okay if others weren't there.
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  5. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    You know-I used to get all worked -up and crazy about birthday parties until one day my dad pointed out that the whole party (especially at 1yo and even 2) was just for the parents-the kids really dont care or know to care. You know? :pardon:
    Just so long as you are having a good time, the kids have balloons and some cake it will be the best party they have ever had!! :laughing:
    Enjoy the moment-for yourself, get some cute pictures and make some memories.
    There is plenty of time for crazy fun packed over priced birthday parties in the future!! :FIFblush:

    Oh and :birthday: to your sweet little babies!!
  6. sistersbeall

    sistersbeall Well-Known Member

    Do not feel guilty. We chose to do a small party on purpose. It was mom, dad, twins, and both sets of grandparents. That was it. My husband and I are both only children so there was no other family to have over. We have friends with children, but we wanted this day to be for the girls and not have any issues with fighting with older kids over toys, or have any issues with my girls not getting all the attention. I am glad we kept it small. They had as much fun as a 1 year old can.
  7. emp59

    emp59 Well-Known Member

    I've been feeling extremely guilty that we aren't planning much for their birthday on Sunday. We just moved to a new state and we only have on friend here (luckily she has a 14 month old boy). DH is still deployed so my friend, her son, and the three of us are going to the zoo and aquarium and tying balloons to the stroller, having cake and doing presents. I have been feeling super guilty about it too, but I try to remind myself that they will think that tearing into a whole bunch of wrapping paper, getting to play in boxes, playing with balloons, seeing the zoo animals and fish, and cake will be the best day ever for them! Your guilty feelings are totally normal though :)
  8. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We were also planning on no real party. Then my Grandmother died and her memorial service will be the weekend before their 1st birthday. So now I think we should do a big party as a bunch of family will be together but DH disagrees. :gah:
  9. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Don't feel bad at all :hug: They are going to have fun at their party no matter what! My two had a small party for their 1st and 2nd birthday parties. We've only had 12 people at their parties and they've always been held at home.
  10. nycmomma

    nycmomma Well-Known Member

    All of our family is out of state too. We didn't do anything for their birthdays and I don't feel guilty about it. Not at all. I made cupcakes, their dad came home from work early, they had their favorite dinner (at the time it was cheese toast) and it was just the four of us.

    They won't remember it, so don't feel bad. My rule for birthday parties is going to be "they'll get one when they ask for one" - I'm hoping I make it to 5 without throwing a party!
  11. jromkey

    jromkey Well-Known Member

    Don't feel bad at all! They will not remember it. I am sure they will have a great time and hopefully you will too.
  12. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    We did very little for our girls' birthday. We did have close family only, no little ones. It actually was both sets of grandparents, 2 aunts and 2 uncles, that was it. We grilled out and had cake, no biggie. I just didn't want to do anything big, so we keep it very small. I decorated for them, bought them first birthday t-shirts and hats, and went and got balloons for them. They loved it as much as they could at 1 and then took a nap for most of the afternoon :D It was perfect for us. Special is what you make of it, not how many people are there.
  13. Robynsegg

    Robynsegg Well-Known Member

    I am actually thinking about keeping the twins 1st b-day in December low key. We went all out with our first sons 1st birthday and it was dreadful for Grifyn. He was a crank pot the entire day and slept during most of his birthday party. So, I wonder should I put the twins through the same thing?! I think that the first birthday is more for the family anyway...its not like the twins will remember it right?! So, NO....I don't think that you should feel like a bad parent at all!!! You will thank yourself for not making a huge deal of it and at the end of the night when you tuck your loved ones in, you will be thankful that they had a nice and realxing day! Now, our son Grifyn just had his second birthday and THAT was fun. We had a low key b-day with cake and presents and he LOVED it!!!
  14. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    Mine are 7 and have never had more than family to a party, and sometimes not even that. Once we took them Opryland to see the Christmas lights instead (their bday is 12/21, so most friends are traveling or busy with their own families at that time). Hasn't bothered them at all.
  15. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    There's nothing wrong with keeping a birthday low key! We had a very small family party on the actual day and it was more fun and more about the kids than the big party we had 2 weeks later. They won't know,and the novelty of cake and balloons is all the fun they need :)
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