19 months & still no words (consistant)???

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MNTwinSquared, Mar 6, 2007.

  1. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Any advice? DD will babble, but DS only grunts. I know he knows "ball" and others have had him repeat "bath." But, he really only grunts. I've heard DD repeat some words, but not consisantly. What would you do? Would you be concerned? Thanks! I am starting to be conerned about it, especially DS.
  2. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    I think I would call for an EI speech consult. I was told to be concerned at 18 months. I had mine evaluated at 15 months and Andrew qualified then. He only had 3 or 4 words at that point. It can't hurt to call [​IMG]
  3. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    I don't really have much advice. My girls didn't really start showing much interest in vocabulary until 18-19 months, and now at 20 months they are probably saying 30 words or so. It's not consistent, but I pick up more and more each day. I guess it wasn't until I really started paying attention that I realized "Hey, they DO know stuff!" When they went for their 15 mo. developmental check with Children's Hospital I asked about speech. They said if at their 24 mo. WBV we still thought their speech was behind then we could be referred back for another devel. check. But, I'm not worried about it now. However, I do notice a difference in articulation between my girls. Reagan does a pretty good job with articulation...but Morgan's words sound a bit "slurred." WE take her to the ENT on March 27 to eval her for getting tubes b/c of SO many ear infections. I think that's the difference in the two. She knows just as mnay words as Reagan just says then like she is hearing it with hands over hear ears. I'll know more at the end of the month.

    Goodluck...I might see about getting an EI consult. Are they good with associating when you say a word? I've heard that that is just as, if not more, of a key point than actually talking.
  4. me_and_my_boy

    me_and_my_boy Well-Known Member

    My boys just turned 20 months. I have one that's been talking for a while and says quite a few words including banana, apple, lion, yellow and "all done." Ethan, on the other hand, has hardly said any words. He says mama, dada, nana and babbles quite a bit. He wasn't using his index finger to point but would gesture with his middle finger and thumb and would guide my index finger to things he was interested in. He does listen to me most of the time, gets me things I ask him to, etc. I was getting pretty worried though. All of a sudden, in the last 2 weeks, the kid is pointing at everything with his index finger and asking what everything is. That's how Jackson started.

    Ethan still isn't talking as much as I would like but all of a sudden he will blurt out the word ball when he sees a ball -- same for duck -- so I know it's in there somewhere. The boys have a WBV next week and I'm going to talk to the pedi, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to wait to have him evaluted at age 2 if he hasn't improved from where he is right now.

    I think you should go with your gut. If you want to get an evaluation, there is no harm in it.

    Good luck!
  5. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    At 19 mos, neither really had any words. Maybe ball. But within the last month, they have really blossomed. Hannah knows lots of words and phrases, and Ben is still progressing. He knows about 10 that he uses regularly. I am not worried personally. He will learn to talk in his own time. All the boys on my side of the family and DH's side of the family were late talkers. I know a lot of moms recommend EI, and I suppose it is good to be proactive. But I personally tend to be a little more relaxed about developmental milestones and I figure they will develop in their own time. And they usually do.
  6. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    I think at around 19 months Ryan probably had 8 words and Sofia had a little over 10. Things really started picking up around 22/23 months for us. At their 2 yr check up Ryan had over 40 and Sofia over 50. I started keeping a spreadsheet of the words and animal sounds they could say and I was really surprised by how many words they had. Now at 25 months, Sofia speaks in little sentences. Ryan is still at one word at a time and pointing to what he wants. Their comprehension is amazing and they can do everything we tell them to and are great at identifying items. I also tend to be more relaxed about speech, lots of boys in our family were slower to develop speech so I figure Ryan will do it when he is good and ready. He also has been continuously improving and adding to his vocabulary.
  7. greymom

    greymom Well-Known Member

    I just posted almost the same issue the other day!

    Our pedi is not too worried about my boys because they can point to their body parts when you ask them and they can also follow simple commands. Their comprehension is very good, so he's not really concerned. But DH and I were getting worried, so he had no problem referring us to EI. They are supposed to call us this week.

    I think Clayton is probably fine - probably just going at his own pace - but if you are concerned, there's no harm in getting an evaluation. I figure if they don't find any issues with my boys, no big deal - at least it puts my mind at ease to have them checked out.

  8. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Our pedi is not too worried about my boys because they can point to their body parts when you ask them and they can also follow simple commands. Their comprehension is very good, so he's not really concerned. .

    Yes, that is the same boat we're in. Are you sure we're not sisters??? I should probably put a call in to the ped... Thank you everyone!
  9. mich17

    mich17 Well-Known Member

    My boys didn't really start talking till they were 2. Then it went straight to full sentences. The Dr wasn't worried because they could follow simple commands & understand adults talking.
  10. MommyofThreeBoys

    MommyofThreeBoys Well-Known Member

    My boys were just seen today for their every 4 week EI visit.

    They also have been going to EI group now (preschool structure) for 1 month every Thursday 10-12pm. It's suppossed to help with their speech.

    They are almost 20 months old and they were born at 34 weeks 4 days.

    They say Mama, Dada, Ball, Hug, Play...they probably have about 10 words each. They don't really say any of them clearly except Mama, Dada....

    I was told today at their EI appointment that their speech is at a 15 month level.

    They told me things that I can do to help strengthen the muscles in their mouth that they use to "create" words. They told me that I can have them use "straws" for drinking more often & to even have them drink applesauce or yogurt through a "straw" to help strengthen the muscles.
  11. MommyofThreeBoys

    MommyofThreeBoys Well-Known Member

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