19 months and not talking

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by greymom, Mar 4, 2007.

  1. greymom

    greymom Well-Known Member

    My concern about this has been mounting - I'm wondering if anyone here has some insight.

    At our 15 month checkup they were saying about 6 words, so they were right on target. They were saying cat, dog, mama, dada, duck, bath. At 16 months, they started walking, and right around that time they seemed to stop talking. Since then, they've learned a couple of new signs ("all done", "more", and "dog") but no verbal words. They babble CONSTANTLY and sometimes say things that sort of sound like words. They also understand A LOT. They can point to all their body parts, and they follow simple requests. They have a book called "1000 word book". It's a picture book, and they can point out almost half the objects in the book if you ask them where something is. Their comprehension is very good.

    But not really talking. The only thing they will say is "mama" right now, and they will sometimes say things that sound like words, but you can't get them to repeat them.

    The pedi was not worried at their last appointment because they have good comprehension. But I don't know if they should have EI.

  2. thea7

    thea7 Well-Known Member

    Sorry you're worried. I can relate. My kids are almost 15 months and no words yet at all. But they do seem to understand a lot of what I say, so their pediatrician is also not worried. Since you're concerned maybe you should set up an EI, at least to get some solid feedback about how they're doing. I think I'll wait a few more months and see how mine are doing. By the way, it sounds like your kids' comprehension abilities are really strong! According to the toddler book I have, by 19 months they may be able to identify 4 pictures by pointing and know 6 body parts. So your kids are doing great!

    misha and cyan 14 months old
  3. me_and_my_boy

    me_and_my_boy Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't worry just yet! My physical one started walking at 11 months and is just now starting to talk more at 20 months. My less physical one started walking around 14.5 months and talks my ear off.

    It sounds like they are doing fine to me. I would follow-up again with your pedi at your next visit and maybe consider get an evaluation at 2 years if you still have concerns!

  4. girlsxtwo

    girlsxtwo Well-Known Member

    We experienced the same thing and I was worried too, but now my girls talk non-stop!! They really took off around their 2nd birthday. I don't know if it's true, but I had always heard that when kids are focusing on physical development, the cognitive development slows down and vice versa. It seems to be true. I kept asking my pedi about the girls and he wasn't concerned as long as they knew a few words and would respond to verbal commands, which they did. If you don't see much development by 24mos, I'd sure ask again.
  5. 1girltwinboyz

    1girltwinboyz Well-Known Member

    If you are truly concerned, contact your local infant toddler program and them tested. It is usually free and if they are fine, it will be a weight off your back.

    I was not concerned myself about my boys, but everyone in dh's family was. So I had them evaluated. They understand great so its their expressive speech that is delayed. They barely said any words at 18 months. They had their explosion that I have been reading about too around 23 months or so? they now say prolly 50-75 words and are putting 2-3 words together. YAY. They are still in therapy though but it is progressing great.

    HTH [​IMG]
  6. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    I have to say that at 19 months they only had around 10 words. It totally picked up at around 21 months. At their 2 yr check up Ryan had just over 40 words and Sofia had over 50. Like yours , we also had great comprehension.
  7. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    Sounds like they are pretty much on target to me, not really delayed. But at the same time, it really couldn't hurt to call Early Intervention. Momma knows best!
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