18 months....STILL not talking

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by rheamay, Nov 13, 2007.

  1. rheamay

    rheamay Well-Known Member

    Okay, I know everyone is going to tell me not to worry. And I'm not...really. But at 18 months shouldn't they be saying something besides "boo" and "bye"?? They don't even try. But I know they understand. Just today me and Gabe were looking at pictures and he was pointing them out as I said them. Nate follows directions. Etc etc. It's just so odd to me since my 3yo was speaking sentences at 1 year old!

    I need to take them to the ped for their 18 month check up...maybe I should ask about it? Just someone else out there with kids this old that don't talk...tell me it's okay. :D
  2. nbgmom

    nbgmom Well-Known Member

    My boys didn't even walk until 16 and 17 months. As for talking it wasn't until around 21months or so. They will be 2 at the end of this month and Benjamin talks much better than Gideon. I know it is hard not to compare because my first son talked way early like yours, but they will all catch up.
  3. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Can't hurt to ask the ped Rhea! :hug99:
  4. 2girls2b

    2girls2b Well-Known Member

    My girls only have about five words and they are almost 21 months old. They babble all the time, but we have no clue what they are saying. Like yours, they clearly understand what we say to them and are able to follow directions (when they want)! Their pedi wasn't too concerned at their 18 months WBV. She said there is usually a language explosion between 18 and 24 months, but if they still don't have many words by the time they are 2, she will probably refer them to have a speech evaluation. Everyone keeps telling me to enjoy the quiet and not worry about it; however, it is always in the back of mind......
  5. Rose524

    Rose524 Well-Known Member

    mommy23monkeys - I could have written your post.
    Mine are almost 18 months and babble all day, but I have no clue what they are saying. I know they understand me, because they follow commands, like if I ask them to bring me a certain object or toy, or do something like give me a kiss or high five, etc.
    I tend to be a worry wart, so I am concerned also, because it seems like everyone else's kids have talked "real" words or phrases earlier than mine will. I hate when people ask me if they are talking and what do they say.
    I know all kids are different, but it doesn;t make us feel better does it? <_<
    Anyway, you are NOT alone. I plan on mentioning it at our 18 month visit for sure.
    Hang in there!!
  6. korie99

    korie99 Well-Known Member

    It certainly can't hurt to talk to the pedi, and it's also probably not a bad idea to look into Early Intervention. My son had probably only 10 or so words by his 2nd birthday, and finally qualified to receive speech services around 27 mos old, though I really wish he had qualified earlier. He's made such wonderful progress!! His vocabulary is excellent, now we're just working on articulation since it can be difficult for others to understand him. In my opinion, if you have any doubts, have them evaluated. They'll either say they're fine, or they'll start some speech therapy. Either way you'll feel better!! :)
  7. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    It can't hurt to ask, but I would say not to worry yet. Right before 18 months, they each only had 3-5 words. I think all Ainsley said was cat, hi, and bye. They did know quite a few signs though, and could understand what was being said. Sometime during their 18th month, they had a language explosion. It really was out of nowhere, they just started talking. Now they speak very well, Bea just started using articles and they both started saying "and".
    Also keep in mind, that even if it's not a real word, if they consistently use a sound to mean something, then that counts as a word. Like if they say "ba" and that means ball, then that's a word.
  8. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    It never hurts to ask! We just had our 18 mos appt & I asked the same thing, since DD has over 35 words & DS has about 2! He almost sent him for a speech/hearing eval, but then talked more & realized that he's understanding a lot more than he says. So he said to give it another 2 mos & if he doesn't have about 10 words by then to just give them a call.

    I've been working harder at it....the main thing has been reducing "binkie time". Also, saying simple words for everything! I was also told if I'm holding an object & they want it, to hold it by my mouth while I say the name.....I guess so they see my lips move? Anyway, I've seen a little improvement already. A lot of boys are late talkers. I think mine is just so busy moving around & playing that he just doesn't have time to talk. :)
  9. K*D*B

    K*D*B Well-Known Member

    I have one that won't stop talking and one that sounds like your boys, a few chioce words. My oldest always answers for them and I think that is part of it. I know he understands everything he just won't talk. I did hear him talking to his twin when he didn't know I could hear him. I heard him say "Mom apple jack" DH and I were shocked. I thought it was a twin thing that he wasn't talking but we have 2 boys in our neighborhood that are 3 month older then my boys and they only say 2 words. I think it is harder on us because we compare with our older boys. Mine was an early everything. Talk to your pedi and see what they say. I am sure they will be fine.
    Also congratulations on making it to 32 weeks. Way to go!

  10. Cindy123

    Cindy123 Well-Known Member

    I don't have personal experience to share, but my friend's b/g twins only had 2 or 3 words at 18 months and then before they were 2 you couldn't get them to be quiet. Now at 2 1/2 they have excellent vocabularies.
  11. megginmj

    megginmj Well-Known Member

    My boys are slow to talk too. I hate the constant comparisons from other mothers whose 18 month olds are already talking in sentences! My boys understand almost everything we say, and they babble constantly. Just in the last week they seem to be starting a bit of a language explosion. Either that, or my standards for what constitutes a 'word' have lowered. My mother was visiting and kept hearing words where I heard nothing. Now I accept that 'ka' can mean clock, and I've decided that their many animal sounds can be counted as word for those animals. Now that I've started paying more attention and have noticed that one ds seems to have at least 10 new words this week alone. Don't worry - some of the brightest minds out there were late talkers. My oldest brother didn't say a word until he was 2, and he later went on to get his PhD in English! ;)
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