18 months and still 2 naps

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by swiertel, Jun 12, 2007.

  1. swiertel

    swiertel Well-Known Member

    Hey! I haven't posted in a while, but just wanted your opinions!

    My guys will be 18 months tomorrow. Here is our schedule:

    6:30 wake
    7:00 breakfast
    9:30-10:30 Nap
    11:30 Lunch
    2:00-4:00 Nap
    5:30 Dinner
    7:00-7:30 Bed

    So, they haven't been refusing either of these naps, but it occurred to me that they are just up for 3 hour spurts. I know they could do more, but if they aren't refusing these naps, should I mess with it, or just wait until they're ready to give one up and go down to 2. Sometimes they'll even sleep until 4:30 and it NEVER interferes with bedtime. Is there such a thing as too much sleep???
  2. swiertel

    swiertel Well-Known Member

    I meant go down to 1 nap!

    QUOTE(swiertel @ Jun 12 2007, 02:40 PM) [snapback]289039[/snapback]
    Hey! I haven't posted in a while, but just wanted your opinions!

    My guys will be 18 months tomorrow. Here is our schedule:

    6:30 wake
    7:00 breakfast
    9:30-10:30 Nap
    11:30 Lunch
    2:00-4:00 Nap
    5:30 Dinner
    7:00-7:30 Bed

    So, they haven't been refusing either of these naps, but it occurred to me that they are just up for 3 hour spurts. I know they could do more, but if they aren't refusing these naps, should I mess with it, or just wait until they're ready to give one up and go down to 2. Sometimes they'll even sleep until 4:30 and it NEVER interferes with bedtime. Is there such a thing as too much sleep???
  3. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I think if you are fine with it and they are fine with it don't change it.

    Mine are still on 2 naps now, but I am planning by the time school starts up again at the end of Aug. to get them to one nap since it is getting too hard to try and squeeze 2 naps into my oldest DD's school day.

    But if it works for you I say keep it going.
  4. egoury

    egoury Well-Known Member

    I only switched mine when they were 19 months because they started fighting the morning nap and didn't sleep much. I wanted to switch them earlier, but I decided to wait until they showed me they didn't need the morning one. I wouldn't push it. As long as it's working, keep it that way. They will let you know when they are ready for a change.
  5. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    We did not officially change to one nap until almost 2. I decided that they must need the sleep so I didn't tweak it and let them naturally transition to one nap. There are still even some days they would take 2 naps and mine are almost 2 1/2!!
  6. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    I think if they're going down for naps w/o any problems they probably still just need the sleep. I asked the pedi at our last checkup when to expect going down to 1 nap & he said not till they were about 2 yrs old.
  7. melslp13

    melslp13 Well-Known Member

    I say, if they want the sleep, let them. Every child is different, and I've read that sleep helps them lay down new memories and learned info in their little minds, so I wouldn't rush them to less sleep, if possible.
  8. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Good to see you again Sharon! I wouldn't upset the apple cart so-to-speak! I would go with it as long as they need it!! (Some days I would kill to have 2 naps again :D )
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