18-months and language

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by amelowe9, Dec 11, 2009.

  1. amelowe9

    amelowe9 Well-Known Member

    We went in for the twins 18-month checkup today and all is great! They each can speak about 3-4 words each, babble up a storm, and communicate in other ways (pointing, gesturing, etc...) My pediatrician is in no way concerned about their language development and said it's normal for twins to be a little delayed but that doesn't mean it's a negative thing. He did say that if they don't pick up more vocabulary (5-10 more words) in the next 3-4 months, that we should have them evaluated. I am not worried and believe they will catch up...and if not, we'll get them evaluated. I'm just curious to know what your pediatrician's stance is on language development at this age...and also when your little ones burst out with words.
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    At our 18 month visit, I had a list of all the words both of mine said (I believe it was around 15 each, I have the list somewhere)...my pediatrician was very happy with that and would have been happy even if they were saying less. I know mine really started to pick up whole lot of new words and say small sentences between 21-23 months. It's like all the sudden they are busting out with something new almost every day. Give it time, you will be surprised with all they start coming out with! I am glad that they had a great checkup :woo:
  3. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    Mine had no words until 25 and 27 months. But they caught up fast after that.
  4. EOMommy

    EOMommy Well-Known Member

    My kids just had their 18 mo checkup as well. When the nurse went through her questions one was, "do they speak 15-20 words CLEARLY". They both have around 10-15, but definitely not CLEAR. I just know that "bley" is blanket, etc. Maybe 6 or 7 clear for my daughter, maybe 8-10 for my son. I just said "yes" because I know they are on track and are smart little kiddies, and we'll reevaulate in a few months. They had physical and occupational therapy so I know the drill. Glad your ped was okay with 5 because I thought my kids seemed pretty normal when I compare them against other kids their age that I know.
  5. christie76

    christie76 Well-Known Member

    We go on Tue. for our 18-month appt. I'm not even sure how many words they have. Do they mean words they say on their own or does it count if they repeat you. Ellie will repeat a lot of words, but you can't understand her. Abby speaks more clearly, but doesn't say as much. I think they are fine, though. I know they'll catch up at some point. I'll let you know what my pedi says. She's pretty laid back, so I'm sure she won't be concerned. I had a speech therapist in my MOMs group say 3-4 words at 18 months is what they are looking for, but some kids don't say much til closer to 2.
  6. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    We'll be going in January for our 18 month check-up. They turn 18 months this month, but the pedi wanted to keep their shots around the same time as their physicals. Kiefer isn't saying much clearly at all yet, maybe a couple of words, whereas Cameron is talking up a storm. He can say maybe 9-10 words, half of them clearly. Even though they won't be having their physical for another month and a half, I know they are on schedule. They both understand what we are saying very well and follow simple directions, so I know it's just a matter of time for Kiefer to speak up.
  7. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

    I´d say mine are about the same as yours but mine are also growing up in a bilingual environment so Im expecting their talking to be a little delayed. DD chats more than DS and she imitates us a lot. DS imitates too but less than DD. I think they work speech a lot at daycare as DD is coming out with basic words like "water" in Spanish. Both LOs understand both languages perfectly though I get the impression DD understands better than DS. Our pedi doesn´t evaluate anything except for weight and growth and he is of little help so I rarely ask him for advice as I don´t get any. I´m sure your LOs are doing just fine! GL!
  8. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    ours passed their 18 mo. visit with flying colors... and the number of words was 5-8 that each have... but thank goodness they didn't ask if they were CLEAR! oh boy... ours are 19.5 mo now, and still don't really have any clear words. I'm not worried, and the doctor wasn't either.

    thankfully for us we also do a fair amount of sign language, so all the "b" words are easier to understand, 'cause they all sound alike. book, ball, bowl.. :ibiggrin:

    I was pretty excited today that my boy did 2 signs together.. please and eat. usually its just please or eat. so that was cool.

    good luck.
  9. jenanne

    jenanne Well-Known Member

    The checklist we filled out at our 18 month appointment asked if they said 5-15 words. I don't think you could expect clear words--so many sounds aren't developmentally appropriate at this age--the normal range is SO huge at this age. I'm not a speech therapist but I'm an educational psychologist and I work with speech therapists daily, and there are many sounds that don't come until age 5. My son was saying about 50 and my daughter around 15. 4 months later they're speaking mostly in 3-4 word sentences, so it really explodes when it clicks!
  10. brookbranplus2

    brookbranplus2 Well-Known Member

    I would say my guys have close to 50 now but maybe only 3 or 4 that anyone else would understand. They are on the waitlist for speech therepy. I'm hoping they won't need it by that time but i thought I would be proactive.
  11. sharerc

    sharerc Well-Known Member

    We didn't have an 18 month check-up. The pedi said only to make an appointment if we were concerned with speech. However, she said they should have around 15-20 words by 18 months. My speech pathologist at school said the same, as did my mother who is a speech path. At 19 months, Samantha has at least 50 words, the majority of them clear. Mallory has around 25-30. The majority of hers are pretty clear as well. Sam is far ahead in language and Mallory is right where she should be, although she is already putting final consonants on her words and Samantha isn't yet. They are starting to put 2 words together and Samantha does it pretty regularly. "I drive, my cup, more snack", etc.
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